feat: started rewrite of nvim config

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Großmann 2023-03-30 20:53:31 +09:00
parent 34f39bd404
commit f1b8fb4a1e
Signed by: patrick
GPG key ID: 451F95EFB8BECD0F
24 changed files with 252 additions and 129 deletions

View file

@ -1,15 +1,24 @@
-- required programs
-- ripgrep
-- git
-- general settings
require "core"
require "plugins"
-- bootstrap plugin manager
local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then
"--branch=stable", -- latest stable release
-- load plugins
-- Lua config lets go
-- required programs:
-- ripgrep

View file

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
local opt = vim.opt
-- Set maximum undo levels
opt.undolevels = 1000000
-- Persistent Undo
opt.undofile = true
opt.undodir = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/undo"
-- swap file save interval
opt.updatetime = 300
-- Ignore *.o and *~ files in wildmenu
opt.wildignore = "*.o,*~"
-- Only complete the longest common prefix and list all results.
-- You can use the cursor keys to select an item in this list
opt.wildmode = {"list", "full"}
-- set case handling
opt.ignorecase = true
opt.smartcase = true
-- ╓──────────────────╖
-- ║ Editor visuals ║
-- ╙──────────────────╜
-- Enable true color in terminals
opt.termguicolors = true
-- set font
opt.guifont = "FiraCode Nerd Font Mono:h10.5"
-- full mouse support
opt.mouse = "a"
-- Do not wrap text longer than the window's width
opt.wrap = false
-- Show line numbers
opt.number = true
opt.relativenumber = false
-- Keep 2 lines around the cursor.
opt.scrolloff = 2
opt.sidescrolloff = 2
-- Set indentation of tabs to be equal to 4 spaces.
opt.tabstop = 4
opt.shiftwidth = 4
opt.softtabstop = 4
--round indentation to shifwidth
opt.shiftround = true
-- ╓────────────────────╖
-- ║ Editing behavior ║
-- ╙────────────────────╜
-- r = insert comment leader when hitting <Enter> in insert mode
-- q = allow explicit formatting with gq
-- j = remove comment leaders when joining lines if it makes sense
opt.formatoptions = "rqj"
-- Allow the curser to be positioned on cells that have no actual character;
-- Like moving beyond EOL or on any visual 'space' of a tab character
opt.virtualedit = "all"
-- Do not include line ends in past the-line selections
opt.selection = "old"
-- Use smart auto indenting for all file types
opt.smartindent = true
-- Only wait 20 milliseconds for characters to arrive (see :help timeout)
opt.timeoutlen = 20
opt.ttimeoutlen = 20
-- Disable timeout, set ttimeout (only timeout on keycodes)
opt.timeout = false
opt.ttimeout = true
-- replace grep with ripgrep
opt.grepprg = "rg --vimgrep --smartcase --follow"

View file

@ -1,18 +1,83 @@
local opt = vim.opt
--required programs
--basic global settings
require "core.config"
require "core.keybinds"
require "core.lsp"
--set venv
-- Set maximum undo levels
opt.undolevels = 1000000
-- Persistent Undo
opt.undofile = true
opt.undodir = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/undo"
-- swap file save interval
opt.updatetime = 300
-- Ignore *.o and *~ files in wildmenu
opt.wildignore = "*.o,*~"
-- Only complete the longest common prefix and list all results.
-- You can use the cursor keys to select an item in this list
opt.wildmode = {"list", "full"}
-- set case handling
opt.ignorecase = true
opt.smartcase = true
-- ╓──────────────────╖
-- ║ Editor visuals ║
-- ╙──────────────────╜
-- Enable true color in terminals
opt.termguicolors = true
-- set font
opt.guifont = "FiraCode Nerd Font Mono:h10.5"
-- full mouse support
opt.mouse = "a"
-- Do not wrap text longer than the window's width
opt.wrap = false
-- Show line numbers
opt.number = true
opt.relativenumber = false
-- Keep 2 lines around the cursor.
opt.scrolloff = 2
opt.sidescrolloff = 2
-- Set indentation of tabs to be equal to 4 spaces.
opt.tabstop = 4
opt.shiftwidth = 4
opt.softtabstop = 4
--round indentation to shifwidth
opt.shiftround = true
-- ╓────────────────────╖
-- ║ Editing behavior ║
-- ╙────────────────────╜
-- r = insert comment leader when hitting <Enter> in insert mode
-- q = allow explicit formatting with gq
-- j = remove comment leaders when joining lines if it makes sense
opt.formatoptions = "rqj"
-- Allow the curser to be positioned on cells that have no actual character;
-- Like moving beyond EOL or on any visual 'space' of a tab character
opt.virtualedit = "all"
-- Do not include line ends in past the-line selections
opt.selection = "old"
-- Use smart auto indenting for all file types
opt.smartindent = true
-- Only wait 20 milliseconds for characters to arrive (see :help timeout)
opt.timeoutlen = 20
opt.ttimeoutlen = 20
-- Disable timeout, set ttimeout (only timeout on keycodes)
opt.timeout = false
opt.ttimeout = true
-- replace grep with ripgrep
opt.grepprg = "rg --vimgrep --smartcase --follow"

View file

@ -11,32 +11,13 @@ map("", "<M-up>" , "<up>" , { noremap = true, silent = true })
map("", "<M-left>" , "<left>" , { noremap = true, silent = true })
map("", "<M-right>", "<right>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
map("", "<M-r>" , "<down>" , { noremap = true, silent = true })
map("", "<M-l>" , "<up>" , { noremap = true, silent = true })
map("", "<M-n>" , "<left>" , { noremap = true, silent = true })
map("", "<M-s>", "<right>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
-- scroll with cursor loch
map("" , "<S-down>" , "" , { noremap = true, silent = true })
map("" , "<S-up>" , "" , { noremap = true, silent = true })
map("i", "<S-down>" , "a", { noremap = true, silent = true })
map("i", "<S-up>" , "a", { noremap = true, silent = true })
-- Plugin: LSP
map("n", "gD", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "gd", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "K", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "gI", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "gk", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>wa", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>wr", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>wl", "<cmd>lua print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()))<CR>", opts)
map("n", "gt", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>r", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>A", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "gr", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.references()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "gl", "<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.open_float()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "gp", "<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.goto_prev()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "gn", "<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.goto_next()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>q", "<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.setloclist()<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>f", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()<CR>", opts)
-- Plugin: EasyAlign
map("n", "<leader>a", "<Plug>(EasyAlign)", {silent = true})
map("v", "<leader>a", "<Plug>(EasyAlign)", {silent = true})

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
return {
init = function()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
local notify = function(message, level)
vim.notify(message, level, { title = "NeoTree" })
return {
branch = 'v2.x',
dependencies = {
"kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons", -- not strictly required, but recommended
config = function()
init = function()
vim.notify = require("notify")
init = function()
vim.cmd [[let g:neo_tree_remove_legacy_commands = 1]]
keys = {
{ "<leader>t", "<cmd>Neotree toggle<cr>", desc = "NeoTree" },
opts = {
sort_case_insensitive = true,
use_popups_for_input = false,
popup_border_style = "rounded",
win_options = {
winblend = 0,
default_component_configs = {
modified = {
symbol = "~ ",
indent = {
with_expanders = true,
name = {
trailing_slash = true,
git_status = {
symbols = {
added = "+",
deleted = "",
modified = "",
renamed = "",
untracked = "?",
ignored = "",
unstaged = "",
staged = "",
conflict = "",
window = {
width = 34,
position = "left",
mappings = {
["<CR>"] = "open_with_window_picker",
["s"] = "split_with_window_picker",
["v"] = "vsplit_with_window_picker",
["t"] = "open_tabnew",
["z"] = "close_all_nodes",
["Z"] = "expand_all_nodes",
["a"] = { "add", config = { show_path = "relative" } },
["A"] = { "add_directory", config = { show_path = "relative" } },
["c"] = { "copy", config = { show_path = "relative" } },
["m"] = { "move", config = { show_path = "relative" } },
filesystem = {
window = {
mappings = {
["gA"] = "git_add_all",
["ga"] = "git_add_file",
["gu"] = "git_unstage_file",
group_empty_dirs = true,
follow_current_file = true,
use_libuv_file_watcher = true,
filtered_items = {
hide_dotfiles = false,
hide_by_name = { ".git" },
event_handlers = {
event = "file_added",
handler = function(arg)
notify("Added: " .. arg, "info")
event = "file_deleted",
handler = function(arg)
notify("Deleted: " .. arg, "info")
event = "file_renamed",
handler = function(args)
notify("Renamed: " .. args.source .. " -> " .. args.destination, "info")
event = "file_moved",
handler = function(args)
notify("Moved: " .. args.source .. " -> " .. args.destination, "info")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
--required programs
--basic global settings
require "core.config"
require "core.keybinds"
require "core.lsp"
--set venv