{ config, globals, nodes, lib, pkgs, ... }: { environment.persistence."/persist".directories = [ { directory = "/var/lib/private/esphome"; mode = "0700"; } { directory = config.services.home-assistant.configDir; user = "hass"; group = "hass"; mode = "0700"; } ]; services.esphome = { enable = true; address = ""; port = 3001; #allowedDevices = lib.mkForce ["/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0"]; # TODO instead deny the zigbee device }; wireguard.services = { client.via = "nucnix"; firewallRuleForNode.${globals.services.nginx.host}.allowedTCPPorts = [ 3000 3001 ]; }; networking.nftables.firewall.zones.devices.interfaces = [ "mv-devices" ]; networking.nftables.firewall = { rules = { homematic = { from = [ "devices" ]; to = [ "local" ]; allowedTCPPorts = [ 45053 ]; }; }; }; services.home-assistant = { enable = true; extraComponents = [ "radio_browser" "met" "esphome" "fritzbox" "homematic" "soundtouch" "spotify" "matter" "esphome" #"zha" "mqtt" "ollama" "solaredge" ]; customComponents = with pkgs.home-assistant-custom-components; [ homematicip_local ]; config = { http = { server_host = [ "" ]; server_port = 3000; use_x_forwarded_for = true; trusted_proxies = [ nodes.nucnix-nginx.config.wireguard.services.ipv4 ]; }; homeassistant = { name = "!secret ha_name"; latitude = "!secret ha_latitude"; longitude = "!secret ha_longitude"; elevation = "!secret ha_elevation"; currency = "EUR"; time_zone = "Europe/Berlin"; unit_system = "metric"; #external_url = "https://"; packages = { manual = "!include manual.yaml"; }; }; default_config = { }; ### Components not from default_config frontend = { #themes = "!include_dir_merge_named themes"; }; "automation ui" = "!include automations.yaml"; # influxdb = { # api_version = 2; # host = globals.services.influxdb.domain; # port = "443"; # max_retries = 10; # ssl = true; # verify_ssl = true; # token = "!secret influxdb_token"; # organization = "home"; # bucket = "home_assistant"; # }; # Modbus Varta element backup modbus = { name = "mb_varta"; type = "tcp"; host = ""; # replace with your ip of the your varta; port = 502; delay = 1; timeout = 3; message_wait_milliseconds = 250; sensors = ### EMS Software Version { not for Varta link; [ { name = "mb_varta_EMS"; slave = 1; address = 1000; count = 17; data_type = "string"; precision = 0; scale = 1; } ### ENS Software Version { not for Varta link; { name = "mb_varta_ENS"; slave = 1; address = 1017; count = 17; data_type = "string"; precision = 0; scale = 1; } ### Software Version { not for Varta link; { name = "mb_varta_software"; slave = 1; address = 1034; count = 17; data_type = "string"; precision = 0; scale = 1; } ### Table version; { name = "mb_varta_table_version"; slave = 1; address = 1051; data_type = "uint16"; precision = "0"; scale = 1; ### timestamp {- not working; } { name = "mb_varta_timestamp"; slave = 1; address = 1052; data_type = "uint32"; swap = "word"; precision = 0; scale = 1; } ### Serial Number; { name = "mb_varta_serial"; slave = 1; address = 1054; count = 10; data_type = "string"; precision = 0; scale = 1; } ### Number of Battery Modules installed; { name = "mb_varta_installed_batteries"; slave = 1; address = 1064; data_type = "uint16"; precision = 0; scale = 1; } ### State; { name = "mb_varta_state"; slave = 1; address = 1065; data_type = "uint16"; precision = 0; scale = 1; unit_of_measurement = "State"; } ### Active Power { positive=charge / negative: discharge; { name = "mb_varta_active_power"; slave = 1; address = 1066; data_type = "int16"; precision = 0; scale = 1; device_class = "power"; unit_of_measurement = "W"; } ### Apparent Power { positive=charge / negative: discharge; { name = "mb_varta_apparent_power"; slave = 1; address = 1067; data_type = "int16"; precision = 0; scale = 1; device_class = "apparent_power"; unit_of_measurement = "VA"; } ### State of Charge; { name = "mb_varta_SOC"; slave = 1; address = 1068; data_type = "uint16"; precision = 0; scale = 1; device_class = "battery"; unit_of_measurement = "%"; } ### energy counter AC{>DC - not sure if correct; { name = "mb_varta_ACDC"; slave = 1; address = 1069; data_type = "uint32"; swap = "word"; precision = 0; scale = 1; device_class = "energy"; unit_of_measurement = "Wh"; state_class = "total_increasing"; } ### Installed capacity; { name = "mb_varta_capacity"; slave = 1; address = 1071; data_type = "uint16"; precision = 0; scale = 10; device_class = "energy"; unit_of_measurement = "Wh"; } ### Grid Power; { name = "mb_varta_grid_power"; slave = 1; address = 1078; data_type = "int16"; precision = 0; scale = 1; device_class = "power"; unit_of_measurement = "W"; } ### Active Power Exponent; { name = "mb_varta_active_power_exponent"; slave = 1; address = 2066; data_type = "int16"; device_class = "power"; } ### Apparent Power Exponent; { name = "mb_varta_apparent_power_exponent"; slave = 1; address = 2067; data_type = "int16"; device_class = "power"; } ### Enegrey Counter Exponent; { name = "mb_varta_energy_counter_exponent"; slave = 1; address = 2069; data_type = "int16"; device_class = "power"; } ### Capacity Counter Exponent; { name = "mb_varta_capacity_exponent"; slave = 1; address = 2071; data_type = "int16"; device_class = "power"; } ### Grid Power Exponent; { name = "mb_varta_grid_power_exponent"; slave = 1; address = 2078; data_type = "int16"; device_class = "power"; } ]; }; # Varta input/output template.sensor = [ { name = "Varta Input Power"; unit_of_measurement = "W"; state_class = "measurement"; device_class = "power"; state = '' {% if states('sensor.mb_varta_active_power') | float(0) >= 0 %} {% set varta_in = states('sensor.mb_varta_active_power') | float(0) %} {% else %} {% set varta_in = 0 %} {% endif %} {{ varta_in }} ''; } { name = "Varta Output Power"; unit_of_measurement = "W"; state_class = "measurement"; device_class = "power"; state = '' {% if states('sensor.mb_varta_active_power') | float(0) <= 0 %} {% set varta_out = states('sensor.mb_varta_active_power') | float(0) *-1 %} {% else %} {% set varta_out = 0 %} {% endif %} {{ varta_out }} ''; } ]; ##Grid sensor = { platform = "template"; sensors = { mb_varta_status = { friendly_name = "Varta Status"; value_template = '' {% set mapper = { '0' : 'Busy', '1' : 'Run', '2' : 'Charge', '3' : 'Discharge', '4' : 'Standby', '5' : 'Error', '6' : 'Service', '7' : 'Islanding' } %} {% set state = states.sensor.mb_varta_state.state %} {{ mapper[state] if state in mapper else 'Unknown' }} ''; }; }; }; }; extraPackages = python3Packages: with python3Packages; [ psycopg2 gtts fritzconnection adguardhome aiosolaredge zlib-ng stringcase hahomematic pymodbus ]; }; networking.hosts = { "${nodes.${globals.services.adguardhome.host}.config.wireguard.services.ipv4}" = [ "adguardhome.internal" ]; "${nodes.${globals.services.ollama.host}.config.wireguard.services.ipv4}" = [ "ollama.internal" ]; }; age.secrets."home-assistant-secrets.yaml" = { rekeyFile = config.node.secretsDir + "/secrets.yaml.age"; owner = "hass"; }; systemd.services.home-assistant = { # Update influxdb token # We don't use -i because it would require chown with is a @privileged syscall # INFLUXDB_TOKEN="$(cat ${config.age.secrets.hass-influxdb-token.path})" \ # ${lib.getExe pkgs.yq-go} '.influxdb_token = strenv(INFLUXDB_TOKEN)' preStart = lib.mkBefore '' if [[ -e ${config.services.home-assistant.configDir}/secrets.yaml ]]; then rm ${config.services.home-assistant.configDir}/secrets.yaml fi cat ${ config.age.secrets."home-assistant-secrets.yaml".path } > ${config.services.home-assistant.configDir}/secrets.yaml touch -a ${config.services.home-assistant.configDir}/{automations,scenes,scripts,manual}.yaml ''; }; }