Patrick fcd5a27dce
chore: new README
chore: new structure
2024-04-11 23:11:53 +02:00

65 lines
1.8 KiB

}: {
stylix.targets.kitty.enable = true;
programs.kitty = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.kitty.overrideAttrs (_finalAttrs: _prevAttrs: {
doCheck = false;
settings = {
# Use xterm-256color because copying terminfo-kitty is painful.
term = "xterm-256color";
# make kitty go brrrr
repaint_delay = 8;
input_delay = 0;
sync_to_monitor = "no";
# Do not wait for inherited child processes.
close_on_child_death = "yes";
# Disable ligatures.
disable_ligatures = "cursor";
# Modified onehalfdark color scheme
cursor = "#cccccc";
shell_integration = "disabled";
selection_foreground = "#282c34";
selection_background = "#979eab";
# Disable cursor blinking
cursor_blink_interval = "0";
# Big fat scrollback buffer
scrollback_lines = "100000";
# Set scrollback buffer for pager in MB
scrollback_pager_history_size = "256";
# Don't copy on select
copy_on_select = "no";
# Set program to open urls with
open_url_with = "xdg-open";
# Fuck the bell
enable_audio_bell = "no";
keybindings = {
# Keyboard mappings
"shift+page_up" = "scroll_page_up";
"shift+page_down" = "scroll_page_down";
"ctrl+shift+." = "change_font_size all -2.0";
"ctrl+shift+," = "change_font_size all +2.0";
extraConfig = lib.mkAfter ''
# Use nvim as scrollback pager
scrollback_pager nvim -u NONE -c "set nonumber nolist showtabline=0 foldcolumn=0 laststatus=0" -c "autocmd TermOpen * normal G" -c "silent write! /tmp/kitty_scrollback_buffer | te head -c-1 /tmp/kitty_scrollback_buffer; rm /tmp/kitty_scrollback_buffer; cat"
background #000000