Patrick Großmann ba85a6474c
feat: added fix shit script bindings
WIP: started adding polybar support for different dpi
2023-02-27 16:13:57 +09:00

11 lines
401 B

# This is small script to map touchinputs to outputs
# in an ideal world this would happen automatically but
# with udev and X11 we truly do not live in an ideal world
"${pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "fix-shit" ''
xinput --map-to-output "ELAN2514:00 04F3:2817" eDP-1
xinput --map-to-output "ELAN2514:00 04F3:2817 Stylus Pen (0)" eDP-1
xset r rate 235 60
autorandr -c