662 lines
22 KiB
662 lines
22 KiB
priv_domain = config.secrets.secrets.global.domains.mail_private;
domain = config.secrets.secrets.global.domains.mail_public;
mailDomains = [
mailBackupDir = "/var/cache/mail-backup";
dataDir = "/var/lib/stalwart-mail";
age.secrets.resticpasswd = {
generator.script = "alnum";
age.secrets.stalwartHetznerSshKey = {
generator.script = "ssh-ed25519";
services.restic.backups = {
main = {
user = "root";
timerConfig = {
OnCalendar = "06:00";
Persistent = true;
RandomizedDelaySec = "3h";
initialize = true;
passwordFile = config.age.secrets.resticpasswd.path;
hetznerStorageBox = {
enable = true;
inherit (config.secrets.secrets.global.hetzner) mainUser;
inherit (config.secrets.secrets.global.hetzner.users.stalwart-mail) subUid path;
sshAgeSecret = "stalwartHetznerSshKey";
paths = [
#pruneOpts = [
# "--keep-daily 10"
# "--keep-weekly 7"
# "--keep-monthly 12"
# "--keep-yearly 75"
systemd.services.backup-mail = {
description = "Mail backup";
environment = {
IDMAIL_DATA = config.services.idmail.dataDir;
BACKUP_DIR = mailBackupDir;
serviceConfig = {
SyslogIdentifier = "backup-mail";
Type = "oneshot";
User = "stalwart-mail";
Group = "stalwart-mail";
ExecStart = lib.getExe (
pkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = "backup-mail";
runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.sqlite ];
text = ''
sqlite3 "$STALWART_DATA/database.sqlite3" ".backup '$BACKUP_DIR/database.sqlite3'"
sqlite3 "$IDMAIL_DATA/database.sqlite3" ".backup '$BACKUP_DIR/idmail.db'"
cp -r "$STALWART_DATA/dkim" "$BACKUP_DIR/"
ReadWritePaths = [
Restart = "no";
requiredBy = [ "restic-backups-main.service" ];
before = [ "restic-backups-main.service" ];
age.secrets.stalwart-admin-pw = {
generator.script = "alnum";
mode = "000";
intermediary = true;
age.secrets.stalwart-admin-hash = {
generator.dependencies = [ config.age.secrets.stalwart-admin-pw ];
generator.script = "argon2id";
mode = "440";
group = "stalwart-mail";
users.groups.acme.members = [ "stalwart-mail" ];
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
25 # smtp
465 # submission tls
# 587 # submission starttls
993 # imap tls
# 143 # imap starttls
4190 # manage sieve
environment.persistence."/persist".directories = [
directory = dataDir;
user = "stalwart-mail";
group = "stalwart-mail";
mode = "0700";
# Needed so we don't run out of tmpfs space for large backups.
# Technically this could be cleared each boot but whatever.
environment.persistence."/state".directories = [
directory = mailBackupDir;
user = "stalwart-mail";
group = "stalwart-mail";
mode = "0700";
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
recommendedSetup = true;
upstreams.stalwart = {
servers."" = { };
extraConfig = ''
zone stalwart 64k;
keepalive 2;
virtualHosts =
${domain} = {
forceSSL = true;
useACMEHost = domain;
extraConfig = ''
client_max_body_size 512M;
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "http://stalwart";
proxyWebsockets = true;
// lib.genAttrs
(_: {
forceSSL = true;
useACMEHost = domain;
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://stalwart";
systemd.services.stalwart-mail =
cfg = config.services.stalwart-mail;
configFormat = pkgs.formats.toml { };
configFile = configFormat.generate "stalwart-mail.toml" cfg.settings;
preStart = lib.mkAfter (
cat ${configFile} > /run/stalwart-mail/config.toml
cat ${config.age.secrets.stalwart-admin-hash.path} \
| tr -d '\n' > /run/stalwart-mail/admin-hash
mkdir -p /var/lib/stalwart-mail/dkim
# Generate DKIM keys if necessary
+ lib.concatLines (
lib.forEach mailDomains (domain: ''
if [[ ! -e /var/lib/stalwart-mail/dkim/rsa-${domain}.key ]]; then
echo "Generating DKIM key for ${domain} (rsa)"
${lib.getExe pkgs.openssl} genrsa -traditional -out /var/lib/stalwart-mail/dkim/rsa-${domain}.key 2048
if [[ ! -e /var/lib/stalwart-mail/dkim/ed25519-${domain}.key ]]; then
echo "Generating DKIM key for ${domain} (ed25519)"
${lib.getExe pkgs.openssl} genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out /var/lib/stalwart-mail/dkim/ed25519-${domain}.key
serviceConfig = {
RuntimeDirectory = "stalwart-mail";
ReadWritePaths = [ config.services.idmail.dataDir ];
ExecStart = lib.mkForce [
"${cfg.package}/bin/stalwart-mail --config=/run/stalwart-mail/config.toml"
RestartSec = "60"; # Retry every minute
services.stalwart-mail = {
enable = true;
settings =
ifthen = field: data: {
"if" = field;
"then" = data;
otherwise = value: { "else" = value; };
is-smtp = ifthen "listener = 'smtp'";
is-authenticated = data: {
"if" = "!is_empty(authenticated_as)";
"then" = data;
lib.mkForce {
config.local-keys = [
authentication.fallback-admin = {
user = "admin";
secret = "%{file:/run/stalwart-mail/admin-hash}%";
tracer.stdout = {
# Do not use the built-in journal tracer, as it shows much less auxiliary
# information for the same loglevel
type = "stdout";
level = "info";
ansi = false; # no colour markers to journald
enable = true;
store.db = {
type = "sqlite";
path = "${dataDir}/database.sqlite3";
store.idmail = {
type = "sqlite";
path = "${config.services.idmail.dataDir}/idmail.db";
query =
# Remove comments from SQL and make it single-line
toSingleLineSql =
lib.concatStringsSep " " (
lib.forEach (lib.flatten (lib.split "\n" sql)) (
line: lib.optionalString (builtins.match "^[[:space:]]*--.*" line == null) line
# "SELECT name, type, secret, description, quota FROM accounts WHERE name = ?1 AND active = true";
name = toSingleLineSql ''
m.address AS name,
'individual' AS type,
m.password_hash AS secret,
m.address AS description,
0 AS quota
FROM mailboxes AS m
JOIN domains AS d ON m.domain = d.domain
JOIN users AS u ON m.owner = u.username
WHERE m.address = ?1
AND m.active = true
AND d.active = true
AND u.active = true
# "SELECT member_of FROM group_members WHERE name = ?1";
members = "";
# "SELECT name FROM emails WHERE address = ?1";
recipients = toSingleLineSql ''
-- It is important that we return only one value here, but in theory three UNIONed
-- queries are guaranteed to be distinct. This is because a mailbox address
-- and alias address can never be the same, their cross-table uniqueness is guaranteed on insert.
-- The catch-all union can also only return something if @domain.tld is given as a parameter,
-- which is invalid for aliases and mailboxes.
-- Nonetheless, it may be beneficial to allow an alias to override an existing mailbox,
-- so we can have send-only mailboxes which have their incoming mail redirected somewhere else.
-- Therefore, we make sure to order the query by (aliases -> mailboxes -> catch all) and only return the
-- highest priority one.
-- Select the target of a matching alias (if any)
-- but make sure that all related parts are active.
SELECT a.target AS name, 1 AS rowOrder
FROM aliases AS a
JOIN domains AS d ON a.domain = d.domain
-- To check whether the owner is active we need to make a subquery
-- because the owner could be a user or mailbox
SELECT username
FROM users
WHERE active = true
SELECT m.address AS username
FROM mailboxes AS m
JOIN users AS u ON m.owner = u.username
WHERE m.active = true
AND u.active = true
) AS u ON a.owner = u.username
WHERE a.address = ?1
AND a.active = true
AND d.active = true
-- Select the primary mailbox address if it matches and
-- all related parts are active.
SELECT m.address AS name, 2 AS rowOrder
FROM mailboxes AS m
JOIN domains AS d ON m.domain = d.domain
JOIN users AS u ON m.owner = u.username
WHERE m.address = ?1
AND m.active = true
AND d.active = true
AND u.active = true
-- Finally, select any catch_all address that would catch this.
-- Again make sure everything is active.
SELECT d.catch_all AS name, 3 AS rowOrder
FROM domains AS d
JOIN mailboxes AS m ON d.catch_all = m.address
JOIN users AS u ON m.owner = u.username
WHERE ?1 = ('@' || d.domain)
AND d.active = true
AND m.active = true
AND u.active = true
ORDER BY rowOrder, name ASC
# "SELECT address FROM emails WHERE name = ?1 AND type != 'list' ORDER BY type DESC, address ASC";
emails = toSingleLineSql ''
-- Return first the primary address, then any aliases.
SELECT address FROM (
-- Select primary address, if active
SELECT m.address AS address, 1 AS rowOrder
FROM mailboxes AS m
JOIN domains AS d ON m.domain = d.domain
JOIN users AS u ON m.owner = u.username
WHERE m.address = ?1
AND m.active = true
AND d.active = true
AND u.active = true
-- Select any active aliases
SELECT a.address AS address, 2 AS rowOrder
FROM aliases AS a
JOIN domains AS d ON a.domain = d.domain
-- To check whether the owner is active we need to make a subquery
-- because the owner could be a user or mailbox
SELECT username
FROM users
WHERE active = true
SELECT m.address AS username
FROM mailboxes AS m
JOIN users AS u ON m.owner = u.username
WHERE m.active = true
AND u.active = true
) AS u ON a.owner = u.username
WHERE a.target = ?1
AND a.active = true
AND d.active = true
-- Select the catch-all marker, if we are the target.
-- Order 2 is correct, it counts as an alias
SELECT ('@' || d.domain) AS address, 2 AS rowOrder
FROM domains AS d
JOIN mailboxes AS m ON d.catch_all = m.address
JOIN users AS u ON m.owner = u.username
WHERE d.catch_all = ?1
AND d.active = true
AND m.active = true
AND u.active = true
ORDER BY rowOrder, address ASC
# "SELECT address FROM emails WHERE address LIKE '%' || ?1 || '%' AND type = 'primary' ORDER BY address LIMIT 5";
verify = toSingleLineSql ''
SELECT m.address AS address
FROM mailboxes AS m
JOIN domains AS d ON m.domain = d.domain
JOIN users AS u ON m.owner = u.username
WHERE m.address LIKE '%' || ?1 || '%'
AND m.active = true
AND d.active = true
AND u.active = true
SELECT a.address AS address
FROM aliases AS a
JOIN domains AS d ON a.domain = d.domain
-- To check whether the owner is active we need to make a subquery
-- because the owner could be a user or mailbox
SELECT username
FROM users
WHERE active = true
SELECT m.address AS username
FROM mailboxes AS m
JOIN users AS u ON m.owner = u.username
WHERE m.active = true
AND u.active = true
) AS u ON a.owner = u.username
WHERE a.address LIKE '%' || ?1 || '%'
AND a.active = true
AND d.active = true
ORDER BY address
# "SELECT p.address FROM emails AS p JOIN emails AS l ON p.name = l.name WHERE p.type = 'primary' AND l.address = ?1 AND l.type = 'list' ORDER BY p.address LIMIT 50";
# XXX: We don't actually expand, but return the same address if it exists since we don't support mailing lists
expand = toSingleLineSql ''
SELECT m.address AS address
FROM mailboxes AS m
JOIN domains AS d ON m.domain = d.domain
JOIN users AS u ON m.owner = u.username
WHERE m.address = ?1
AND m.active = true
AND d.active = true
AND u.active = true
SELECT a.address AS address
FROM aliases AS a
JOIN domains AS d ON a.domain = d.domain
-- To check whether the owner is active we need to make a subquery
-- because the owner could be a user or mailbox
SELECT username
FROM users
WHERE active = true
SELECT m.address AS username
FROM mailboxes AS m
JOIN users AS u ON m.owner = u.username
WHERE m.active = true
AND u.active = true
) AS u ON a.owner = u.username
WHERE a.address = ?1
AND a.active = true
AND d.active = true
ORDER BY address
# "SELECT 1 FROM emails WHERE address LIKE '%@' || ?1 LIMIT 1";
domains = toSingleLineSql ''
SELECT domain
FROM domains
WHERE domain = ?1
storage = {
data = "db";
fts = "db";
lookup = "db";
blob = "db";
directory = "idmail";
directory.idmail = {
type = "sql";
store = "idmail";
columns = {
name = "name";
description = "description";
secret = "secret";
email = "email";
#quota = "quota";
class = "type";
resolver = {
type = "system";
public-suffix = [
config.resource.spam-filter = "file://${config.services.stalwart-mail.package}/etc/stalwart/spamfilter.toml";
config.resource.webadmin = "file://${config.services.stalwart-mail.package.webadmin}/webadmin.zip";
webadmin.path = "/var/cache/stalwart-mail";
certificate.default = {
cert = "%{file:${config.security.acme.certs.${domain}.directory}/fullchain.pem}%";
private-key = "%{file:${config.security.acme.certs.${domain}.directory}/key.pem}%";
default = true;
lookup.default.hostname = domain;
server = {
tls = {
certificate = "default";
ignore-client-order = true;
socket = {
nodelay = true;
reuse-addr = true;
listener = {
smtp = {
protocol = "smtp";
bind = "[::]:25";
submissions = {
protocol = "smtp";
bind = "[::]:465";
tls.implicit = true;
imaps = {
protocol = "imap";
bind = "[::]:993";
tls.implicit = true;
http = {
# jmap, web interface
protocol = "http";
bind = "[::]:8080";
url = "https://${domain}";
use-x-forwarded = true;
sieve = {
protocol = "managesieve";
bind = "[::]:4190";
tls.implicit = true;
imap = {
request.max-size = 52428800;
auth = {
max-failures = 3;
allow-plain-text = false;
timeout = {
authentication = "30m";
anonymous = "1m";
idle = "30m";
rate-limit = {
requests = "20000/1m";
concurrent = 32;
auth.dkim.sign = [
(ifthen "is_local_domain('*', sender_domain)" "['rsa-' + sender_domain, 'ed25519-' + sender_domain]")
(otherwise false)
signature = lib.mergeAttrsList (
lib.forEach mailDomains (domain: {
"ed25519-${domain}" = {
private-key = "%{file:/var/lib/stalwart-mail/dkim/ed25519-${domain}.key}%";
inherit domain;
selector = "ed_default";
headers = [
algorithm = "ed25519-sha256";
canonicalization = "relaxed/relaxed";
set-body-length = false;
report = true;
"rsa-${domain}" = {
private-key = "%{file:/var/lib/stalwart-mail/dkim/rsa-${domain}.key}%";
inherit domain;
selector = "rsa_default";
headers = [
algorithm = "rsa-sha256";
canonicalization = "relaxed/relaxed";
set-body-length = false;
report = true;
session.extensions = {
pipelining = true;
chunking = true;
requiretls = true;
no-soliciting = "";
dsn = false;
expn = [
(is-authenticated true)
(otherwise false)
vrfy = [
(is-authenticated true)
(otherwise false)
future-release = [
(is-authenticated "30d")
(otherwise false)
deliver-by = [
(is-authenticated "365d")
(otherwise false)
mt-priority = [
(is-authenticated "mixer")
(otherwise false)
# needs certificate for all domain
# Dane is better anyway
session.mta-sts.mode = "none";
session.ehlo = {
require = true;
reject-non-fqdn = [
(is-smtp true)
(otherwise false)
session.rcpt = {
catch-all = true;
relay = [
(is-authenticated true)
(otherwise false)
max-recipients = 25;