use std::collections::HashSet; use anyhow::Result; use lettre::message::header::ContentType; use lettre::message::Mailbox; use lettre::transport::smtp::authentication::Credentials; use lettre::{Message, SmtpTransport, Transport}; use std::env; use urlencoding::encode; use crate::CONFIG; pub fn send_notification( recipient: &str, branches: &HashSet, pr_number: &str, pr_title: &str, last: bool, ) -> Result<()> { let mut body = format!( "This is your friendly neighbourhood pr-tracker.
PR #{pr_number}\ (\"{pr_title}\") has reached:
", branches ); if last { body += "This is the last update you will get for this pr.
\ Thx for using this service
\ Goodbye"; } else { body += &format!( "Unsubscribe from this PR
", &CONFIG.url, encode(recipient) ); body += &format!( "Unsubscribe from all PRs", &CONFIG.url, encode(recipient) ); } let sending_address = &CONFIG.email_address; let sending_user = match &CONFIG.email_user { Some(address) => address, _ => &sending_address, }; let sending_passwd = env::var("PR_TRACKER_MAIL_PASSWD")?; let sending_server = CONFIG.email_server.as_ref(); let email = Message::builder() .from(format!("PR-Tracker <{}>", sending_address).parse().unwrap()) .to(Mailbox::new(None, recipient.parse().unwrap())) .subject(format!( "PR-tracker: {pr_number}: {pr_title} has reached {:?}", branches )) .header(ContentType::TEXT_HTML) .body(body) .unwrap(); let creds = Credentials::new(sending_user.to_string(), sending_passwd.to_string()); // Open a remote connection to gmail let mailer = SmtpTransport::relay(&sending_server) .unwrap() .credentials(creds) .build(); // Send the email mailer.send(&email).unwrap(); println!("Email sent successfully!"); Ok(()) }