#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ''' This test file contains testsuites for testsuite.py module of twister ''' import sys import os import mock import pytest from contextlib import nullcontext ZEPHYR_BASE = os.getenv("ZEPHYR_BASE") sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "scripts/pylib/twister")) from twisterlib.testplan import TestPlan, change_skip_to_error_if_integration from twisterlib.testinstance import TestInstance from twisterlib.testsuite import TestSuite from twisterlib.platform import Platform from twisterlib.quarantine import Quarantine from twisterlib.error import TwisterRuntimeError def test_testplan_add_testsuites_short(class_testplan): """ Testing add_testcase function of Testsuite class in twister """ # Test 1: Check the list of testsuites after calling add testsuites function is as expected class_testplan.SAMPLE_FILENAME = 'test_sample_app.yaml' class_testplan.TESTSUITE_FILENAME = 'test_data.yaml' class_testplan.add_testsuites() tests_rel_dir = 'scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/' expected_testsuites = ['test_b.check_1', 'test_b.check_2', 'test_c.check_1', 'test_c.check_2', 'test_a.check_1', 'test_a.check_2', 'test_d.check_1', 'test_e.check_1', 'sample_test.app', 'test_config.main'] testsuite_list = [] for key in sorted(class_testplan.testsuites.keys()): testsuite_list.append(os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(key))) assert sorted(testsuite_list) == sorted(expected_testsuites) # Test 2 : Assert Testcase name is expected & all testsuites values are testcase class objects suite = class_testplan.testsuites.get(tests_rel_dir + 'test_a/test_a.check_1') assert suite.name == tests_rel_dir + 'test_a/test_a.check_1' assert all(isinstance(n, TestSuite) for n in class_testplan.testsuites.values()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("board_root_dir", [("board_config_file_not_exist"), ("board_config")]) def test_add_configurations_short(test_data, class_env, board_root_dir): """ Testing add_configurations function of TestPlan class in Twister Test : Asserting on default platforms list """ class_env.board_roots = [os.path.abspath(test_data + board_root_dir)] plan = TestPlan(class_env) plan.parse_configuration(config_file=class_env.test_config) if board_root_dir == "board_config": plan.add_configurations() assert sorted(plan.default_platforms) == sorted(['demo_board_1', 'demo_board_3']) elif board_root_dir == "board_config_file_not_exist": plan.add_configurations() assert sorted(plan.default_platforms) != sorted(['demo_board_1']) def test_get_all_testsuites_short(class_testplan, all_testsuites_dict): """ Testing get_all_testsuites function of TestPlan class in Twister """ plan = class_testplan plan.testsuites = all_testsuites_dict expected_tests = ['sample_test.app', 'test_a.check_1.1a', 'test_a.check_1.1c', 'test_a.check_1.2a', 'test_a.check_1.2b', 'test_a.check_1.Unit_1c', 'test_a.check_1.unit_1a', 'test_a.check_1.unit_1b', 'test_a.check_2.1a', 'test_a.check_2.1c', 'test_a.check_2.2a', 'test_a.check_2.2b', 'test_a.check_2.Unit_1c', 'test_a.check_2.unit_1a', 'test_a.check_2.unit_1b', 'test_b.check_1', 'test_b.check_2', 'test_c.check_1', 'test_c.check_2', 'test_d.check_1.unit_1a', 'test_d.check_1.unit_1b', 'test_e.check_1.1a', 'test_e.check_1.1b', 'test_config.main'] assert sorted(plan.get_all_tests()) == sorted(expected_tests) def test_get_platforms_short(class_testplan, platforms_list): """ Testing get_platforms function of TestPlan class in Twister """ plan = class_testplan plan.platforms = platforms_list platform = plan.get_platform("demo_board_1") assert isinstance(platform, Platform) assert platform.name == "demo_board_1" TESTDATA_PART1 = [ ("toolchain_allow", ['gcc'], None, None, "Not in testsuite toolchain allow list"), ("platform_allow", ['demo_board_1'], None, None, "Not in testsuite platform allow list"), ("toolchain_exclude", ['zephyr'], None, None, "In test case toolchain exclude"), ("platform_exclude", ['demo_board_2'], None, None, "In test case platform exclude"), ("arch_exclude", ['x86'], None, None, "In test case arch exclude"), ("arch_allow", ['arm'], None, None, "Not in test case arch allow list"), ("skip", True, None, None, "Skip filter"), ("tags", set(['sensor', 'bluetooth']), "ignore_tags", ['bluetooth'], "Excluded tags per platform (exclude_tags)"), ("min_flash", "2024", "flash", "1024", "Not enough FLASH"), ("min_ram", "500", "ram", "256", "Not enough RAM"), ("None", "None", "env", ['BSIM_OUT_PATH', 'demo_env'], "Environment (BSIM_OUT_PATH, demo_env) not satisfied"), ("build_on_all", True, None, None, "Platform is excluded on command line."), ("build_on_all", True, "level", "foobar", "Unknown test level 'foobar'"), (None, None, "supported_toolchains", ['gcc'], "Not supported by the toolchain"), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("tc_attribute, tc_value, plat_attribute, plat_value, expected_discards", TESTDATA_PART1) def test_apply_filters_part1(class_testplan, all_testsuites_dict, platforms_list, tc_attribute, tc_value, plat_attribute, plat_value, expected_discards): """ Testing apply_filters function of TestPlan class in Twister Part 1: Response of apply_filters function have appropriate values according to the filters """ plan = class_testplan if tc_attribute is None and plat_attribute is None: plan.apply_filters() plan.platforms = platforms_list plan.platform_names = [p.name for p in platforms_list] plan.testsuites = all_testsuites_dict for plat in plan.platforms: if plat_attribute == "ignore_tags": plat.ignore_tags = plat_value if plat_attribute == "flash": plat.flash = plat_value if plat_attribute == "ram": plat.ram = plat_value if plat_attribute == "env": plat.env = plat_value plat.env_satisfied = False if plat_attribute == "supported_toolchains": plat.supported_toolchains = plat_value for _, testcase in plan.testsuites.items(): if tc_attribute == "toolchain_allow": testcase.toolchain_allow = tc_value if tc_attribute == "platform_allow": testcase.platform_allow = tc_value if tc_attribute == "toolchain_exclude": testcase.toolchain_exclude = tc_value if tc_attribute == "platform_exclude": testcase.platform_exclude = tc_value if tc_attribute == "arch_exclude": testcase.arch_exclude = tc_value if tc_attribute == "arch_allow": testcase.arch_allow = tc_value if tc_attribute == "skip": testcase.skip = tc_value if tc_attribute == "tags": testcase.tags = tc_value if tc_attribute == "min_flash": testcase.min_flash = tc_value if tc_attribute == "min_ram": testcase.min_ram = tc_value if plat_attribute == "level": plan.options.level = plat_value if tc_attribute == "build_on_all": for _, testcase in plan.testsuites.items(): testcase.build_on_all = tc_value plan.apply_filters(exclude_platform=['demo_board_1']) elif plat_attribute == "supported_toolchains": plan.apply_filters(force_toolchain=False, exclude_platform=['demo_board_1'], platform=['demo_board_2']) elif tc_attribute is None and plat_attribute is None: plan.apply_filters() else: plan.apply_filters(exclude_platform=['demo_board_1'], platform=['demo_board_2']) filtered_instances = list(filter(lambda item: item.status == "filtered", plan.instances.values())) for d in filtered_instances: assert d.reason == expected_discards TESTDATA_PART2 = [ ("runnable", "True", "Not runnable on device"), ("exclude_tag", ['test_a'], "Command line testsuite exclude filter"), ("run_individual_tests", ['scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_a/test_a.check_1'], "TestSuite name filter"), ("arch", ['arm_test'], "Command line testsuite arch filter"), ("tag", ['test_d'], "Command line testsuite tag filter") ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("extra_filter, extra_filter_value, expected_discards", TESTDATA_PART2) def test_apply_filters_part2(class_testplan, all_testsuites_dict, platforms_list, extra_filter, extra_filter_value, expected_discards): """ Testing apply_filters function of TestPlan class in Twister Part 2 : Response of apply_filters function (discard dictionary) have appropriate values according to the filters """ class_testplan.platforms = platforms_list class_testplan.platform_names = [p.name for p in platforms_list] class_testplan.testsuites = all_testsuites_dict kwargs = { extra_filter : extra_filter_value, "exclude_platform" : [ 'demo_board_1' ], "platform" : [ 'demo_board_2' ] } class_testplan.apply_filters(**kwargs) filtered_instances = list(filter(lambda item: item.status == "filtered", class_testplan.instances.values())) for d in filtered_instances: assert d.reason == expected_discards TESTDATA_PART3 = [ (20, 20, -1, 0), (-2, -1, 10, 20), (0, 0, 0, 0) ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("tc_min_flash, plat_flash, tc_min_ram, plat_ram", TESTDATA_PART3) def test_apply_filters_part3(class_testplan, all_testsuites_dict, platforms_list, tc_min_flash, plat_flash, tc_min_ram, plat_ram): """ Testing apply_filters function of TestPlan class in Twister Part 3 : Testing edge cases for ram and flash values of platforms & testsuites """ class_testplan.platforms = platforms_list class_testplan.platform_names = [p.name for p in platforms_list] class_testplan.testsuites = all_testsuites_dict for plat in class_testplan.platforms: plat.flash = plat_flash plat.ram = plat_ram for _, testcase in class_testplan.testsuites.items(): testcase.min_ram = tc_min_ram testcase.min_flash = tc_min_flash class_testplan.apply_filters(exclude_platform=['demo_board_1'], platform=['demo_board_2']) filtered_instances = list(filter(lambda item: item.status == "filtered", class_testplan.instances.values())) assert not filtered_instances def test_add_instances_short(tmp_path, class_env, all_testsuites_dict, platforms_list): """ Testing add_instances() function of TestPlan class in Twister Test 1: instances dictionary keys have expected values (Platform Name + Testcase Name) Test 2: Values of 'instances' dictionary in Testsuite class are an instance of 'TestInstance' class Test 3: Values of 'instances' dictionary have expected values. """ class_env.outdir = tmp_path plan = TestPlan(class_env) plan.platforms = platforms_list platform = plan.get_platform("demo_board_2") instance_list = [] for _, testcase in all_testsuites_dict.items(): instance = TestInstance(testcase, platform, class_env.outdir) instance_list.append(instance) plan.add_instances(instance_list) assert list(plan.instances.keys()) == \ [platform.name + '/' + s for s in list(all_testsuites_dict.keys())] assert all(isinstance(n, TestInstance) for n in list(plan.instances.values())) assert list(plan.instances.values()) == instance_list QUARANTINE_BASIC = { 'demo_board_1/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_a/test_a.check_1' : 'a1 on board_1 and board_3', 'demo_board_3/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_a/test_a.check_1' : 'a1 on board_1 and board_3' } QUARANTINE_WITH_REGEXP = { 'demo_board_2/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_a/test_a.check_2' : 'a2 and c2 on x86', 'demo_board_1/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_d/test_d.check_1' : 'all test_d', 'demo_board_3/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_d/test_d.check_1' : 'all test_d', 'demo_board_2/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_d/test_d.check_1' : 'all test_d', 'demo_board_2/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_c/test_c.check_2' : 'a2 and c2 on x86' } QUARANTINE_PLATFORM = { 'demo_board_3/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_a/test_a.check_1' : 'all on board_3', 'demo_board_3/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_a/test_a.check_2' : 'all on board_3', 'demo_board_3/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_d/test_d.check_1' : 'all on board_3', 'demo_board_3/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_b/test_b.check_1' : 'all on board_3', 'demo_board_3/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_b/test_b.check_2' : 'all on board_3', 'demo_board_3/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_c/test_c.check_1' : 'all on board_3', 'demo_board_3/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_c/test_c.check_2' : 'all on board_3', 'demo_board_3/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_e/test_e.check_1' : 'all on board_3', 'demo_board_3/scripts/tests/twister/test_data/testsuites/tests/test_config/test_config.main' : 'all on board_3' } QUARANTINE_MULTIFILES = { **QUARANTINE_BASIC, **QUARANTINE_WITH_REGEXP } @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("quarantine_files, quarantine_verify, expected_val"), [ (['basic.yaml'], False, QUARANTINE_BASIC), (['with_regexp.yaml'], False, QUARANTINE_WITH_REGEXP), (['with_regexp.yaml'], True, QUARANTINE_WITH_REGEXP), (['platform.yaml'], False, QUARANTINE_PLATFORM), (['basic.yaml', 'with_regexp.yaml'], False, QUARANTINE_MULTIFILES), (['empty.yaml'], False, {}) ], ids=[ 'basic', 'with_regexp', 'quarantine_verify', 'platform', 'multifiles', 'empty' ]) def test_quarantine_short(class_testplan, platforms_list, test_data, quarantine_files, quarantine_verify, expected_val): """ Testing quarantine feature in Twister """ class_testplan.options.all = True class_testplan.platforms = platforms_list class_testplan.platform_names = [p.name for p in platforms_list] class_testplan.TESTSUITE_FILENAME = 'test_data.yaml' class_testplan.add_testsuites() quarantine_list = [ os.path.join(test_data, 'quarantines', quarantine_file) for quarantine_file in quarantine_files ] class_testplan.quarantine = Quarantine(quarantine_list) class_testplan.options.quarantine_verify = quarantine_verify class_testplan.apply_filters() for testname, instance in class_testplan.instances.items(): if quarantine_verify: if testname in expected_val: assert not instance.status else: assert instance.status == 'filtered' assert instance.reason == "Not under quarantine" else: if testname in expected_val: assert instance.status == 'filtered' assert instance.reason == "Quarantine: " + expected_val[testname] else: assert not instance.status TESTDATA_PART4 = [ (os.path.join('test_d', 'test_d.check_1'), ['dummy'], None, 'Snippet not supported'), (os.path.join('test_c', 'test_c.check_1'), ['cdc-acm-console'], 0, None), (os.path.join('test_d', 'test_d.check_1'), ['dummy', 'cdc-acm-console'], 2, 'Snippet not supported'), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'testpath, required_snippets, expected_filtered_len, expected_filtered_reason', TESTDATA_PART4, ids=['app', 'global', 'multiple'] ) def test_required_snippets_short( class_testplan, all_testsuites_dict, platforms_list, testpath, required_snippets, expected_filtered_len, expected_filtered_reason ): """ Testing required_snippets function of TestPlan class in Twister """ plan = class_testplan testpath = os.path.join('scripts', 'tests', 'twister', 'test_data', 'testsuites', 'tests', testpath) testsuite = class_testplan.testsuites.get(testpath) plan.platforms = platforms_list plan.platform_names = [p.name for p in platforms_list] plan.testsuites = {testpath: testsuite} print(plan.testsuites) for _, testcase in plan.testsuites.items(): testcase.exclude_platform = [] testcase.required_snippets = required_snippets testcase.build_on_all = True plan.apply_filters() filtered_instances = list( filter(lambda item: item.status == "filtered", plan.instances.values()) ) if expected_filtered_len is not None: assert len(filtered_instances) == expected_filtered_len if expected_filtered_reason is not None: for d in filtered_instances: assert d.reason == expected_filtered_reason def test_testplan_get_level(): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) lvl1 = mock.Mock() lvl1.name = 'a lvl' lvl2 = mock.Mock() lvl2.name = 'a lvl' lvl3 = mock.Mock() lvl3.name = 'other lvl' testplan.levels.append(lvl1) testplan.levels.append(lvl2) testplan.levels.append(lvl3) name = 'a lvl' res = testplan.get_level(name) assert res == lvl1 res = testplan.get_level(name) assert res == lvl1 lvl_missed = mock.Mock() lvl_missed.name = 'missed lvl' res = testplan.get_level('missed_lvl') assert res is None testplan.levels.remove(lvl1) testplan.levels.remove(lvl2) res = testplan.get_level(name) assert res is None TESTDATA_1 = [ ('', {}), ( """\ levels: - name: lvl1 adds: - sc1 - sc2 inherits: [] - name: lvl2 adds: - sc1-1 - sc1-2 inherits: [lvl1] """, { 'lvl1': ['sc1', 'sc2'], 'lvl2': ['sc1-1', 'sc1-2', 'sc1', 'sc2'] } ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'config_yaml, expected_scenarios', TESTDATA_1, ids=['no config', 'valid config'] ) def test_testplan_parse_configuration(tmp_path, config_yaml, expected_scenarios): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.scenarios = ['sc1', 'sc1-1', 'sc1-2', 'sc2'] tmp_config_file = tmp_path / 'config_file.yaml' if config_yaml: tmp_config_file.write_text(config_yaml) with pytest.raises(TwisterRuntimeError) if not config_yaml else nullcontext(): testplan.parse_configuration(tmp_config_file) if not testplan.levels: assert expected_scenarios == {} for level in testplan.levels: assert sorted(level.scenarios) == sorted(expected_scenarios[level.name]) TESTDATA_2 = [ ([], [], False), (['ts1.tc3'], [], True), (['ts2.tc2'], ['- ts2'], False), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'sub_tests, expected_outs, expect_error', TESTDATA_2, ids=['no subtests', 'subtests not found', 'valid subtests'] ) def test_testplan_find_subtests( capfd, sub_tests, expected_outs, expect_error ): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.options = mock.Mock(sub_test=sub_tests) testplan.run_individual_testsuite = [] testplan.testsuites = { 'ts1': mock.Mock( testcases=[ mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), ] ), 'ts2': mock.Mock( testcases=[ mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), ] ) } testplan.testsuites['ts1'].name = 'ts1' testplan.testsuites['ts1'].testcases[0].name = 'ts1.tc1' testplan.testsuites['ts1'].testcases[1].name = 'ts1.tc2' testplan.testsuites['ts2'].name = 'ts2' testplan.testsuites['ts2'].testcases[0].name = 'ts2.tc1' testplan.testsuites['ts2'].testcases[1].name = 'ts2.tc2' testplan.testsuites['ts2'].testcases[2].name = 'ts2.tc3' with pytest.raises(TwisterRuntimeError) if expect_error else nullcontext(): testplan.find_subtests() out, err = capfd.readouterr() sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stdout.write(err) assert all([printout in out for printout in expected_outs]) TESTDATA_3 = [ (0, 0, [], False, [], TwisterRuntimeError, []), (1, 1, [], False, [], TwisterRuntimeError, []), (1, 0, [], True, [], TwisterRuntimeError, ['No quarantine list given to be verified']), # (1, 0, ['qfile.yaml'], False, ['# empty'], None, ['Quarantine file qfile.yaml is empty']), (1, 0, ['qfile.yaml'], False, ['- platforms:\n - demo_board_3\n comment: "board_3"'], None, []), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'added_testsuite_count, load_errors, ql, qv, ql_data, exception, expected_logs', TESTDATA_3, ids=['no tests', 'load errors', 'quarantine verify without quarantine list', # 'empty quarantine file', 'valid quarantine file'] ) def test_testplan_discover( tmp_path, caplog, added_testsuite_count, load_errors, ql, qv, ql_data, exception, expected_logs ): for qf, data in zip(ql, ql_data): tmp_qf = tmp_path / qf tmp_qf.write_text(data) testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.options = mock.Mock( test='ts1', quarantine_list=[tmp_path / qf for qf in ql], quarantine_verify=qv, ) testplan.testsuites = { 'ts1': mock.Mock(id=1), 'ts2': mock.Mock(id=2), } testplan.run_individual_testsuite = 'ts0' testplan.load_errors = load_errors testplan.add_testsuites = mock.Mock(return_value=added_testsuite_count) testplan.find_subtests = mock.Mock() testplan.report_duplicates = mock.Mock() testplan.parse_configuration = mock.Mock() testplan.add_configurations = mock.Mock() with pytest.raises(exception) if exception else nullcontext(): testplan.discover() testplan.add_testsuites.assert_called_once_with(testsuite_filter='ts1') assert all([log in caplog.text for log in expected_logs]) TESTDATA_4 = [ (None, None, None, None, '00', TwisterRuntimeError, [], []), (None, True, None, None, '6/4', TwisterRuntimeError, set(['t-p3', 't-p4', 't-p1', 't-p2']), []), (None, None, 'load_tests.json', None, '0/4', TwisterRuntimeError, set(['lt-p1', 'lt-p3', 'lt-p4', 'lt-p2']), []), ('suffix', None, None, True, '2/4', None, set(['ts-p4', 'ts-p2', 'ts-p3']), [2, 4]), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'report_suffix, only_failed, load_tests, test_only, subset,' \ ' exception, expected_selected_platforms, expected_generate_subset_args', TESTDATA_4, ids=['apply_filters only', 'only failed', 'load tests', 'test only'] ) def test_testplan_load( tmp_path, report_suffix, only_failed, load_tests, test_only, subset, exception, expected_selected_platforms, expected_generate_subset_args ): twister_json = """\ { "testsuites": [ { "name": "ts1", "platform": "t-p1", "testcases": [] }, { "name": "ts1", "platform": "t-p2", "testcases": [] }, { "name": "ts2", "platform": "t-p3", "testcases": [] }, { "name": "ts2", "platform": "t-p4", "testcases": [] } ] } """ twister_file = tmp_path / 'twister.json' twister_file.write_text(twister_json) twister_suffix_json = """\ { "testsuites": [ { "name": "ts1", "platform": "ts-p1", "testcases": [] }, { "name": "ts1", "platform": "ts-p2", "testcases": [] }, { "name": "ts2", "platform": "ts-p3", "testcases": [] }, { "name": "ts2", "platform": "ts-p4", "testcases": [] } ] } """ twister_suffix_file = tmp_path / 'twister_suffix.json' twister_suffix_file.write_text(twister_suffix_json) load_tests_json = """\ { "testsuites": [ { "name": "ts1", "platform": "lt-p1", "testcases": [] }, { "name": "ts1", "platform": "lt-p2", "testcases": [] }, { "name": "ts2", "platform": "lt-p3", \"testcases": [] }, { "name": "ts2", "platform": "lt-p4", "testcases": [] } ] } """ load_tests_file = tmp_path / 'load_tests.json' load_tests_file.write_text(load_tests_json) testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock(outdir=tmp_path)) testplan.testsuites = { 'ts1': mock.Mock(testcases=[], extra_configs=[]), 'ts2': mock.Mock(testcases=[], extra_configs=[]), } testplan.testsuites['ts1'].name = 'ts1' testplan.testsuites['ts2'].name = 'ts2' testplan.options = mock.Mock( outdir=tmp_path, report_suffix=report_suffix, only_failed=only_failed, load_tests=tmp_path / load_tests if load_tests else None, test_only=test_only, exclude_platform=['t-p0', 't-p1', 'ts-p0', 'ts-p1', 'lt-p0', 'lt-p1'], platform=['t-p1', 't-p2', 't-p3', 't-p4', 'ts-p1', 'ts-p2', 'ts-p3', 'ts-p4', 'lt-p1', 'lt-p2', 'lt-p3', 'lt-p4'], subset=subset ) testplan.platforms=[mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()] testplan.platforms[0].name = 't-p1' testplan.platforms[1].name = 't-p2' testplan.platforms[2].name = 't-p3' testplan.platforms[3].name = 't-p4' testplan.platforms[4].name = 'ts-p1' testplan.platforms[5].name = 'ts-p2' testplan.platforms[6].name = 'ts-p3' testplan.platforms[7].name = 'ts-p4' testplan.platforms[8].name = 'lt-p1' testplan.platforms[9].name = 'lt-p2' testplan.platforms[10].name = 'lt-p3' testplan.platforms[11].name = 'lt-p4' testplan.platforms[0].normalized_name = 't-p1' testplan.platforms[1].normalized_name = 't-p2' testplan.platforms[2].normalized_name = 't-p3' testplan.platforms[3].normalized_name = 't-p4' testplan.platforms[4].normalized_name = 'ts-p1' testplan.platforms[5].normalized_name = 'ts-p2' testplan.platforms[6].normalized_name = 'ts-p3' testplan.platforms[7].normalized_name = 'ts-p4' testplan.platforms[8].normalized_name = 'lt-p1' testplan.platforms[9].normalized_name = 'lt-p2' testplan.platforms[10].normalized_name = 'lt-p3' testplan.platforms[11].normalized_name = 'lt-p4' testplan.generate_subset = mock.Mock() testplan.apply_filters = mock.Mock() with mock.patch('twisterlib.testinstance.TestInstance.create_overlay', mock.Mock()), \ pytest.raises(exception) if exception else nullcontext(): testplan.load() assert testplan.selected_platforms == expected_selected_platforms if expected_generate_subset_args: testplan.generate_subset.assert_called_once_with(*expected_generate_subset_args) else: testplan.generate_subset.assert_not_called() TESTDATA_5 = [ (False, False, None, 1, 2, ['plat1/testA', 'plat1/testB', 'plat1/testC', 'plat3/testA', 'plat3/testB', 'plat3/testC']), (False, False, None, 1, 5, ['plat1/testA', 'plat3/testA', 'plat3/testB', 'plat3/testC']), (False, False, None, 2, 2, ['plat2/testA', 'plat2/testB']), (True, False, None, 1, 2, ['plat1/testA', 'plat2/testA', 'plat1/testB', 'plat3/testA', 'plat3/testB', 'plat3/testC']), (True, False, None, 2, 2, ['plat2/testB', 'plat1/testC']), (True, True, 123, 1, 2, ['plat2/testA', 'plat2/testB', 'plat1/testC', 'plat3/testB', 'plat3/testA', 'plat3/testC']), (True, True, 123, 2, 2, ['plat1/testB', 'plat1/testA']), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'device_testing, shuffle, seed, subset, sets, expected_subset', TESTDATA_5, ids=['subset 1', 'subset 1 out of 5', 'subset 2', 'device testing, subset 1', 'device testing, subset 2', 'device testing, shuffle with seed, subset 1', 'device testing, shuffle with seed, subset 2'] ) def test_testplan_generate_subset( device_testing, shuffle, seed, subset, sets, expected_subset ): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.options = mock.Mock( device_testing=device_testing, shuffle_tests=shuffle, shuffle_tests_seed=seed ) testplan.instances = { 'plat1/testA': mock.Mock(status=None), 'plat1/testB': mock.Mock(status=None), 'plat1/testC': mock.Mock(status=None), 'plat2/testA': mock.Mock(status=None), 'plat2/testB': mock.Mock(status=None), 'plat3/testA': mock.Mock(status='skipped'), 'plat3/testB': mock.Mock(status='skipped'), 'plat3/testC': mock.Mock(status='error'), } testplan.generate_subset(subset, sets) assert [instance for instance in testplan.instances.keys()] == \ expected_subset def test_testplan_handle_modules(): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) modules = [mock.Mock(meta={'name': 'name1'}), mock.Mock(meta={'name': 'name2'})] with mock.patch('twisterlib.testplan.parse_modules', return_value=modules): testplan.handle_modules() assert testplan.modules == ['name1', 'name2'] TESTDATA_6 = [ (True, False, False, 0, 'report_test_tree'), (True, True, False, 0, 'report_test_tree'), (True, False, True, 0, 'report_test_tree'), (True, True, True, 0, 'report_test_tree'), (False, True, False, 0, 'report_test_list'), (False, True, True, 0, 'report_test_list'), (False, False, True, 0, 'report_tag_list'), (False, False, False, 1, None), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'test_tree, list_tests, list_tags, expected_res, expected_method', TESTDATA_6, ids=['test tree', 'test tree + test list', 'test tree + tag list', 'test tree + test list + tag list', 'test list', 'test list + tag list', 'tag list', 'no report'] ) def test_testplan_report( test_tree, list_tests, list_tags, expected_res, expected_method ): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.report_test_tree = mock.Mock() testplan.report_test_list = mock.Mock() testplan.report_tag_list = mock.Mock() testplan.options = mock.Mock( test_tree=test_tree, list_tests=list_tests, list_tags=list_tags, ) res = testplan.report() assert res == expected_res methods = ['report_test_tree', 'report_test_list', 'report_tag_list'] if expected_method: methods.remove(expected_method) getattr(testplan, expected_method).assert_called_once() for method in methods: getattr(testplan, method).assert_not_called() TESTDATA_7 = [ ( [ mock.Mock( yamlfile='a.yaml', scenarios=['scenario1', 'scenario2'] ), mock.Mock( yamlfile='b.yaml', scenarios=['scenario1'] ) ], TwisterRuntimeError, 'Duplicated test scenarios found:\n' \ '- scenario1 found in:\n' \ ' - a.yaml\n' \ ' - b.yaml\n', [] ), ( [ mock.Mock( yamlfile='a.yaml', scenarios=['scenario.a.1', 'scenario.a.2'] ), mock.Mock( yamlfile='b.yaml', scenarios=['scenario.b.1'] ) ], None, None, ['No duplicates found.'] ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'testsuites, expected_error, error_msg, expected_logs', TESTDATA_7, ids=['a duplicate', 'no duplicates'] ) def test_testplan_report_duplicates( capfd, caplog, testsuites, expected_error, error_msg, expected_logs ): def mock_get(name): return list(filter(lambda x: name in x.scenarios, testsuites)) testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.scenarios = [scenario for testsuite in testsuites \ for scenario in testsuite.scenarios] testplan.get_testsuite = mock.Mock(side_effect=mock_get) with pytest.raises(expected_error) if expected_error is not None else \ nullcontext() as err: testplan.report_duplicates() if expected_error: assert str(err._excinfo[1]) == error_msg assert all([log in caplog.text for log in expected_logs]) def test_testplan_report_tag_list(capfd): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.testsuites = { 'testsuite0': mock.Mock(tags=set(['tag1', 'tag2'])), 'testsuite1': mock.Mock(tags=set(['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'])), 'testsuite2': mock.Mock(tags=set(['tag1', 'tag3'])), 'testsuite3': mock.Mock(tags=set(['tag'])) } testplan.report_tag_list() out,err = capfd.readouterr() sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stderr.write(err) assert '- tag' in out assert '- tag1' in out assert '- tag2' in out assert '- tag3' in out def test_testplan_report_test_tree(capfd): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.get_tests_list = mock.Mock( return_value=['1.dummy.case.1', '1.dummy.case.2', '2.dummy.case.1', '2.dummy.case.2', '3.dummy.case.1', '3.dummy.case.2', '4.dummy.case.1', '4.dummy.case.2', '5.dummy.case.1', '5.dummy.case.2', 'sample.group1.case1', 'sample.group1.case2', 'sample.group2.case', 'sample.group3.case1', 'sample.group3.case2', 'sample.group3.case3'] ) testplan.report_test_tree() out,err = capfd.readouterr() sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stderr.write(err) expected = """ Testsuite ├── Samples │ ├── group1 │ │ ├── sample.group1.case1 │ │ └── sample.group1.case2 │ ├── group2 │ │ └── sample.group2.case │ └── group3 │ ├── sample.group3.case1 │ ├── sample.group3.case2 │ └── sample.group3.case3 └── Tests ├── 1 │ └── dummy │ ├── 1.dummy.case.1 │ └── 1.dummy.case.2 ├── 2 │ └── dummy │ ├── 2.dummy.case.1 │ └── 2.dummy.case.2 ├── 3 │ └── dummy │ ├── 3.dummy.case.1 │ └── 3.dummy.case.2 ├── 4 │ └── dummy │ ├── 4.dummy.case.1 │ └── 4.dummy.case.2 └── 5 └── dummy ├── 5.dummy.case.1 └── 5.dummy.case.2 """ expected = expected[1:] assert expected in out def test_testplan_report_test_list(capfd): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.get_tests_list = mock.Mock( return_value=['4.dummy.case.1', '4.dummy.case.2', '3.dummy.case.2', '2.dummy.case.2', '1.dummy.case.1', '1.dummy.case.2', '3.dummy.case.1', '2.dummy.case.1', '5.dummy.case.1', '5.dummy.case.2'] ) testplan.report_test_list() out,err = capfd.readouterr() sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stderr.write(err) assert ' - 1.dummy.case.1\n' \ ' - 1.dummy.case.2\n' \ ' - 2.dummy.case.1\n' \ ' - 2.dummy.case.2\n' \ ' - 3.dummy.case.1\n' \ ' - 3.dummy.case.2\n' \ ' - 4.dummy.case.1\n' \ ' - 4.dummy.case.2\n' \ ' - 5.dummy.case.1\n' \ ' - 5.dummy.case.2\n' \ '10 total.' in out def test_testplan_config(caplog): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.coverage_platform = 'dummy cov' testplan.config() assert 'coverage platform: dummy cov' in caplog.text def test_testplan_info(capfd): TestPlan.info('dummy text') out, err = capfd.readouterr() sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stderr.write(err) assert 'dummy text\n' in out TESTDATA_8 = [ (False, False, ['p1e2', 'p2', 'p3', 'p3@B'], ['p2']), (False, True, None, None), (True, False, ['p1e2', 'p2', 'p3', 'p3@B'], ['p3']), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'override_default_platforms, create_duplicate, expected_platform_names, expected_defaults', TESTDATA_8, ids=['no override defaults', 'create duplicate', 'override defaults'] ) def test_testplan_add_configurations( tmp_path, override_default_platforms, create_duplicate, expected_platform_names, expected_defaults ): # tmp_path # └ boards <- board root # ├ x86 # │ ├ p1 # │ | ├ p1e1.yaml # │ | └ p1e2.yaml # │ └ p2 # │ ├ p2.yaml # │ └ p2-1.yaml <- duplicate # │ └ p2-2.yaml <- load error # └ arm # └ p3 # ├ p3.yaml # └ p3_B.conf tmp_board_root_dir = tmp_path / 'boards' tmp_board_root_dir.mkdir() tmp_arch1_dir = tmp_board_root_dir / 'x86' tmp_arch1_dir.mkdir() tmp_p1_dir = tmp_arch1_dir / 'p1' tmp_p1_dir.mkdir() p1e1_bs_yaml = """\ boards: - name: ple1 vendor: zephyr socs: - name: unit_testing - name: ple2 vendor: zephyr socs: - name: unit_testing """ p1e1_yamlfile = tmp_p1_dir / 'board.yml' p1e1_yamlfile.write_text(p1e1_bs_yaml) p1e1_yaml = """\ identifier: p1e1 name: Platform 1 Edition 1 type: native arch: x86 vendor: vendor1 toolchain: - zephyr twister: False """ p1e1_yamlfile = tmp_p1_dir / 'p1e1.yaml' p1e1_yamlfile.write_text(p1e1_yaml) p1e2_yaml = """\ identifier: p1e2 name: Platform 1 Edition 2 type: native arch: x86 vendor: vendor1 toolchain: - zephyr """ p1e2_yamlfile = tmp_p1_dir / 'p1e2.yaml' p1e2_yamlfile.write_text(p1e2_yaml) tmp_p2_dir = tmp_arch1_dir / 'p2' tmp_p2_dir.mkdir() p2_bs_yaml = """\ boards: - name: p2 vendor: zephyr socs: - name: unit_testing - name: p2_2 vendor: zephyr socs: - name: unit_testing """ p2_yamlfile = tmp_p2_dir / 'board.yml' p2_yamlfile.write_text(p2_bs_yaml) p2_yaml = """\ identifier: p2 name: Platform 2 type: sim arch: x86 vendor: vendor2 toolchain: - zephyr testing: default: True """ p2_yamlfile = tmp_p2_dir / 'p2.yaml' p2_yamlfile.write_text(p2_yaml) if create_duplicate: p2_yamlfile = tmp_p2_dir / 'p2-1.yaml' p2_yamlfile.write_text(p2_yaml) p2_2_yaml = """\ testing: ć#@%!#!#^#@%@:1.0 identifier: p2_2 name: Platform 2 2 type: sim arch: x86 vendor: vendor2 toolchain: - zephyr """ p2_2_yamlfile = tmp_p2_dir / 'p2-2.yaml' p2_2_yamlfile.write_text(p2_2_yaml) tmp_arch2_dir = tmp_board_root_dir / 'arm' tmp_arch2_dir.mkdir() tmp_p3_dir = tmp_arch2_dir / 'p3' tmp_p3_dir.mkdir() p3_bs_yaml = """\ boards: - name: p3 vendor: zephyr socs: - name: unit_testing """ p3_yamlfile = tmp_p3_dir / 'board.yml' p3_yamlfile.write_text(p3_bs_yaml) p3_yaml = """\ identifier: p3 name: Platform 3 type: unit arch: arm vendor: vendor3 toolchain: - zephyr """ p3_yamlfile = tmp_p3_dir / 'p3.yaml' p3_yamlfile.write_text(p3_yaml) p3_yamlfile = tmp_p3_dir / 'p3_B.conf' p3_yamlfile.write_text('') env = mock.Mock(board_roots=[tmp_board_root_dir]) testplan = TestPlan(env=env) testplan.test_config = { 'platforms': { 'override_default_platforms': override_default_platforms, 'default_platforms': ['p3', 'p1e1'] } } with pytest.raises(Exception) if create_duplicate else nullcontext(): testplan.add_configurations() if expected_defaults is not None: assert sorted(expected_defaults) == sorted(testplan.default_platforms) if expected_platform_names is not None: assert sorted(expected_platform_names) == sorted(testplan.platform_names) def test_testplan_get_all_tests(): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) tc1 = mock.Mock() tc1.name = 'tc1' tc2 = mock.Mock() tc2.name = 'tc2' tc3 = mock.Mock() tc3.name = 'tc3' tc4 = mock.Mock() tc4.name = 'tc4' tc5 = mock.Mock() tc5.name = 'tc5' ts1 = mock.Mock(testcases=[tc1, tc2]) ts2 = mock.Mock(testcases=[tc3, tc4, tc5]) testplan.testsuites = { 'ts1': ts1, 'ts2': ts2 } res = testplan.get_all_tests() assert sorted(res) == ['tc1', 'tc2', 'tc3', 'tc4', 'tc5'] TESTDATA_9 = [ ([], False, 7), ([], True, 5), (['good_test/dummy.common.1', 'good_test/dummy.common.2', 'good_test/dummy.common.3'], False, 3), (['good_test/dummy.common.1', 'good_test/dummy.common.2', 'good_test/dummy.common.3'], True, 0), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'testsuite_filter, use_alt_root, expected_suite_count', TESTDATA_9, ids=['no testsuite filter', 'no testsuite filter, alt root', 'testsuite filter', 'testsuite filter, alt root'] ) def test_testplan_add_testsuites(tmp_path, testsuite_filter, use_alt_root, expected_suite_count): # tmp_path # ├ tests <- test root # │ ├ good_test # │ │ └ testcase.yaml # │ ├ wrong_test # │ │ └ testcase.yaml # │ ├ good_sample # │ │ └ sample.yaml # │ └ others # │ └ other.txt # └ other_tests <- alternate test root # └ good_test # └ testcase.yaml tmp_test_root_dir = tmp_path / 'tests' tmp_test_root_dir.mkdir() tmp_good_test_dir = tmp_test_root_dir / 'good_test' tmp_good_test_dir.mkdir() testcase_yaml_1 = """\ tests: dummy.common.1: build_on_all: true dummy.common.2: build_on_all: true dummy.common.3: build_on_all: true dummy.special: build_on_all: false """ testfile_1 = tmp_good_test_dir / 'testcase.yaml' testfile_1.write_text(testcase_yaml_1) tmp_bad_test_dir = tmp_test_root_dir / 'wrong_test' tmp_bad_test_dir.mkdir() testcase_yaml_2 = """\ tests: wrong: yaml: {]} """ testfile_2 = tmp_bad_test_dir / 'testcase.yaml' testfile_2.write_text(testcase_yaml_2) tmp_good_sample_dir = tmp_test_root_dir / 'good_sample' tmp_good_sample_dir.mkdir() samplecase_yaml_1 = """\ tests: sample.dummy.common.1: tags: - samples sample.dummy.common.2: tags: - samples sample.dummy.special.1: tags: - samples """ samplefile_1 = tmp_good_sample_dir / 'sample.yaml' samplefile_1.write_text(samplecase_yaml_1) tmp_other_dir = tmp_test_root_dir / 'others' tmp_other_dir.mkdir() _ = tmp_other_dir / 'other.txt' tmp_alt_test_root_dir = tmp_path / 'other_tests' tmp_alt_test_root_dir.mkdir() tmp_alt_good_test_dir = tmp_alt_test_root_dir / 'good_test' tmp_alt_good_test_dir.mkdir() testcase_yaml_3 = """\ tests: dummy.alt.1: build_on_all: true dummy.alt.2: build_on_all: true """ testfile_3 = tmp_alt_good_test_dir / 'testcase.yaml' testfile_3.write_text(testcase_yaml_3) env = mock.Mock( test_roots=[tmp_test_root_dir], alt_config_root=[tmp_alt_test_root_dir] if use_alt_root else [] ) testplan = TestPlan(env=env) res = testplan.add_testsuites(testsuite_filter) assert res == expected_suite_count def test_testplan_str(): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.name = 'my name' res = testplan.__str__() assert res == 'my name' TESTDATA_10 = [ ('a platform', True), ('other platform', False), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'name, expect_found', TESTDATA_10, ids=['platform exists', 'no platform'] ) def test_testplan_get_platform(name, expect_found): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) p1 = mock.Mock() p1.name = 'some platform' p2 = mock.Mock() p2.name = 'a platform' testplan.platforms = [p1, p2] res = testplan.get_platform(name) if expect_found: assert res.name == name else: assert res is None TESTDATA_11 = [ (True, 'runnable'), (False, 'buildable'), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'device_testing, expected_tfilter', TESTDATA_11, ids=['device testing', 'no device testing'] ) def test_testplan_load_from_file(caplog, device_testing, expected_tfilter): def get_platform(name): p = mock.Mock() p.name = name p.normalized_name = name return p ts1tc1 = mock.Mock() ts1tc1.name = 'TS1.tc1' ts1 = mock.Mock(testcases=[ts1tc1]) ts1.name = 'TestSuite 1' ts2 = mock.Mock(testcases=[]) ts2.name = 'TestSuite 2' ts3tc1 = mock.Mock() ts3tc1.name = 'TS3.tc1' ts3tc2 = mock.Mock() ts3tc2.name = 'TS3.tc2' ts3 = mock.Mock(testcases=[ts3tc1, ts3tc2]) ts3.name = 'TestSuite 3' ts4tc1 = mock.Mock() ts4tc1.name = 'TS4.tc1' ts4 = mock.Mock(testcases=[ts4tc1]) ts4.name = 'TestSuite 4' ts5 = mock.Mock(testcases=[]) ts5.name = 'TestSuite 5' testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock(outdir=os.path.join('out', 'dir'))) testplan.options = mock.Mock(device_testing=device_testing, test_only=True) testplan.testsuites = { 'TestSuite 1': ts1, 'TestSuite 2': ts2, 'TestSuite 3': ts3, 'TestSuite 4': ts4, 'TestSuite 5': ts5 } testplan.get_platform = mock.Mock(side_effect=get_platform) testplan_data = """\ { "testsuites": [ { "name": "TestSuite 1", "platform": "Platform 1", "run_id": 1, "execution_time": 60.00, "used_ram": 4096, "available_ram": 12278, "used_rom": 1024, "available_rom": 1047552, "status": "passed", "reason": "OK", "testcases": [ { "identifier": "TS1.tc1", "status": "passed", "reason": "passed", "execution_time": 60.00, "log": "" } ] }, { "name": "TestSuite 2", "platform": "Platform 1" }, { "name": "TestSuite 3", "platform": "Platform 1", "run_id": 1, "execution_time": 360.00, "used_ram": 4096, "available_ram": 12278, "used_rom": 1024, "available_rom": 1047552, "status": "error", "reason": "File Not Found Error", "testcases": [ { "identifier": "TS3.tc1", "status": "error", "reason": "File Not Found Error.", "execution_time": 360.00, "log": "[ERROR]: File 'dummy.yaml' not found!\\nClosing..." }, { "identifier": "TS3.tc2" } ] }, { "name": "TestSuite 4", "platform": "Platform 1", "execution_time": 360.00, "used_ram": 4096, "available_ram": 12278, "used_rom": 1024, "available_rom": 1047552, "status": "skipped", "reason": "Not in requested test list.", "testcases": [ { "identifier": "TS4.tc1", "status": "skipped", "reason": "Not in requested test list.", "execution_time": 360.00, "log": "[INFO] Parsing..." }, { "identifier": "TS3.tc2" } ] }, { "name": "TestSuite 5", "platform": "Platform 2" } ] } """ filter_platform = ['Platform 1'] check_runnable_mock = mock.Mock(return_value=True) with mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open(read_data=testplan_data)), \ mock.patch('twisterlib.testinstance.TestInstance.check_runnable', check_runnable_mock), \ mock.patch('twisterlib.testinstance.TestInstance.create_overlay', mock.Mock()): testplan.load_from_file('dummy.yaml', filter_platform) expected_instances = { 'Platform 1/TestSuite 1': { 'metrics': { 'handler_time': 60.0, 'used_ram': 4096, 'used_rom': 1024, 'available_ram': 12278, 'available_rom': 1047552 }, 'retries': 0, 'testcases': { 'TS1.tc1': { 'status': 'passed', 'reason': None, 'duration': 60.0, 'output': '' } } }, 'Platform 1/TestSuite 2': { 'metrics': { 'handler_time': 0, 'used_ram': 0, 'used_rom': 0, 'available_ram': 0, 'available_rom': 0 }, 'retries': 0, 'testcases': [] }, 'Platform 1/TestSuite 3': { 'metrics': { 'handler_time': 360.0, 'used_ram': 4096, 'used_rom': 1024, 'available_ram': 12278, 'available_rom': 1047552 }, 'retries': 1, 'testcases': { 'TS3.tc1': { 'status': 'error', 'reason': None, 'duration': 360.0, 'output': '[ERROR]: File \'dummy.yaml\' not found!\nClosing...' }, 'TS3.tc2': { 'status': None, 'reason': None, 'duration': 0, 'output': '' } } }, 'Platform 1/TestSuite 4': { 'metrics': { 'handler_time': 360.0, 'used_ram': 4096, 'used_rom': 1024, 'available_ram': 12278, 'available_rom': 1047552 }, 'retries': 0, 'testcases': { 'TS4.tc1': { 'status': 'skipped', 'reason': 'Not in requested test list.', 'duration': 360.0, 'output': '[INFO] Parsing...' } } }, } for n, i in testplan.instances.items(): assert expected_instances[n]['metrics'] == i.metrics assert expected_instances[n]['retries'] == i.retries for t in i.testcases: assert expected_instances[n]['testcases'][str(t)]['status'] == t.status assert expected_instances[n]['testcases'][str(t)]['reason'] == t.reason assert expected_instances[n]['testcases'][str(t)]['duration'] == t.duration assert expected_instances[n]['testcases'][str(t)]['output'] == t.output check_runnable_mock.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, expected_tfilter, mock.ANY, mock.ANY) expected_logs = [ 'loading TestSuite 1...', 'loading TestSuite 2...', 'loading TestSuite 3...', 'loading TestSuite 4...', ] assert all([log in caplog.text for log in expected_logs]) def test_testplan_add_instances(): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) instance1 = mock.Mock() instance1.name = 'instance 1' instance2 = mock.Mock() instance2.name = 'instance 2' instance_list = [instance1, instance2] testplan.add_instances(instance_list) assert testplan.instances == { 'instance 1': instance1, 'instance 2': instance2, } def test_testplan_get_testsuite(): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.testsuites = { 'testsuite0': mock.Mock(testcases=[mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()]), 'testsuite1': mock.Mock(testcases=[mock.Mock()]), 'testsuite2': mock.Mock(testcases=[mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()]), 'testsuite3': mock.Mock(testcases=[]) } testplan.testsuites['testsuite0'].testcases[0].name = 'testcase name 0' testplan.testsuites['testsuite0'].testcases[1].name = 'testcase name 1' testplan.testsuites['testsuite1'].testcases[0].name = 'sample id' testplan.testsuites['testsuite2'].testcases[0].name = 'dummy id' testplan.testsuites['testsuite2'].testcases[1].name = 'sample id' id = 'sample id' res = testplan.get_testsuite(id) assert len(res) == 2 assert testplan.testsuites['testsuite1'] in res assert testplan.testsuites['testsuite2'] in res def test_testplan_verify_platforms_existence(caplog): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) testplan.platform_names = ['a platform', 'other platform'] platform_names = ['other platform', 'some platform'] log_info = 'PLATFORM ERROR' with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as se: testplan.verify_platforms_existence(platform_names, log_info) assert str(se.value) == '2' assert 'PLATFORM ERROR - unrecognized platform - some platform' TESTDATA_12 = [ (True), (False) ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'exists', TESTDATA_12, ids=['links dir exists', 'links dir does not exist'] ) def test_testplan_create_build_dir_links(exists): outdir = os.path.join('out', 'dir') instances_linked = [] def mock_link(links_dir_path, instance): assert links_dir_path == os.path.join(outdir, 'twister_links') instances_linked.append(instance) instances = { 'inst0': mock.Mock(status='passed'), 'inst1': mock.Mock(status='skipped'), 'inst2': mock.Mock(status='error'), } expected_instances = [instances['inst0'], instances['inst2']] testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock(outdir=outdir)) testplan._create_build_dir_link = mock.Mock(side_effect=mock_link) testplan.instances = instances with mock.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=exists), \ mock.patch('os.mkdir', mock.Mock()) as mkdir_mock: testplan.create_build_dir_links() if not exists: mkdir_mock.assert_called_once() assert expected_instances == instances_linked TESTDATA_13 = [ ('nt'), ('Linux') ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'os_name', TESTDATA_13, ) def test_testplan_create_build_dir_link(os_name): def mock_makedirs(path, exist_ok=False): assert exist_ok assert path == instance_build_dir def mock_symlink(source, target): assert source == instance_build_dir assert target == os.path.join('links', 'path', 'test_0') def mock_call(cmd, shell=False): assert shell assert cmd == ['mklink', '/J', os.path.join('links', 'path', 'test_0'), instance_build_dir] def mock_join(*paths): slash = "\\" if os.name == 'nt' else "/" return slash.join(paths) with mock.patch('os.name', os_name), \ mock.patch('os.symlink', side_effect=mock_symlink), \ mock.patch('os.makedirs', side_effect=mock_makedirs), \ mock.patch('subprocess.call', side_effect=mock_call), \ mock.patch('os.path.join', side_effect=mock_join): testplan = TestPlan(env=mock.Mock()) links_dir_path = os.path.join('links', 'path') instance_build_dir = os.path.join('some', 'far', 'off', 'build', 'dir') instance = mock.Mock(build_dir=instance_build_dir) testplan._create_build_dir_link(links_dir_path, instance) assert instance.build_dir == os.path.join('links', 'path', 'test_0') assert testplan.link_dir_counter == 1 TESTDATA_14 = [ ('bad platform', 'dummy reason', [], 'dummy status', 'dummy reason'), ('good platform', 'quarantined', [], 'error', 'quarantined but is one of the integration platforms'), ('good platform', 'dummy reason', [{'type': 'command line filter'}], 'dummy status', 'dummy reason'), ('good platform', 'dummy reason', [{'type': 'Skip filter'}], 'dummy status', 'dummy reason'), ('good platform', 'dummy reason', [{'type': 'platform key filter'}], 'dummy status', 'dummy reason'), ('good platform', 'dummy reason', [{'type': 'Toolchain filter'}], 'dummy status', 'dummy reason'), ('good platform', 'dummy reason', [{'type': 'Module filter'}], 'dummy status', 'dummy reason'), ('good platform', 'dummy reason', [{'type': 'testsuite filter'}], 'error', 'dummy reason but is one of the integration platforms'), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'platform_name, reason, filters,' \ ' expected_status, expected_reason', TESTDATA_14, ids=['wrong platform', 'quarantined', 'command line filtered', 'skip filtered', 'platform key filtered', 'toolchain filtered', 'module filtered', 'skip to error change'] ) def test_change_skip_to_error_if_integration( platform_name, reason, filters, expected_status, expected_reason ): options = mock.Mock() platform = mock.Mock() platform.name = platform_name testsuite = mock.Mock(integration_platforms=['good platform', 'a platform']) instance = mock.Mock( testsuite=testsuite, platform=platform, filters=filters, status='dummy status', reason=reason ) change_skip_to_error_if_integration(options, instance) assert instance.status == expected_status assert instance.reason == expected_reason