# Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # This file includes extra build system logic that is enabled when # CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT=y. # # It builds signed binaries using imgtool as a post-processing step # after zephyr/zephyr.elf is created in the build directory. # # Since this file is brought in via include(), we do the work in a # function to avoid polluting the top-level scope. function(zephyr_runner_file type path) # Property magic which makes west flash choose the signed build # output of a given type. set_target_properties(runners_yaml_props_target PROPERTIES "${type}_file" "${path}") endfunction() function(zephyr_mcuboot_tasks) set(keyfile "${CONFIG_MCUBOOT_SIGNATURE_KEY_FILE}") set(keyfile_enc "${CONFIG_MCUBOOT_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE}") if(NOT "${CONFIG_MCUBOOT_GENERATE_UNSIGNED_IMAGE}") # Check for misconfiguration. if("${keyfile}" STREQUAL "") # No signature key file, no signed binaries. No error, though: # this is the documented behavior. return() endif() endif() if(NOT WEST) # This feature requires west. message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't sign images for MCUboot: west not found. To fix, install west and ensure it's on PATH.") endif() foreach(file keyfile keyfile_enc) if(NOT "${${file}}" STREQUAL "") if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${${file}}") # Relative paths are relative to 'west topdir'. set(${file} "${WEST_TOPDIR}/${${file}}") endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${${file}}" AND NOT "${CONFIG_MCUBOOT_GENERATE_UNSIGNED_IMAGE}") message(FATAL_ERROR "west sign can't find file ${${file}} (Note: Relative paths are relative to the west workspace topdir \"${WEST_TOPDIR}\")") elseif(NOT (CONFIG_BUILD_OUTPUT_BIN OR CONFIG_BUILD_OUTPUT_HEX)) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't sign images for MCUboot: Neither CONFIG_BUILD_OUTPUT_BIN nor CONFIG_BUILD_OUTPUT_HEX is enabled, so there's nothing to sign.") endif() endif() endforeach() # Find imgtool. Even though west is installed, imgtool might not be. # The user may also have a custom manifest which doesn't include # MCUboot. # # Therefore, go with an explicitly installed imgtool first, falling # back on mcuboot/scripts/imgtool.py. if(IMGTOOL) set(imgtool_path "${IMGTOOL}") elseif(DEFINED ZEPHYR_MCUBOOT_MODULE_DIR) set(IMGTOOL_PY "${ZEPHYR_MCUBOOT_MODULE_DIR}/scripts/imgtool.py") if(EXISTS "${IMGTOOL_PY}") set(imgtool_path "${IMGTOOL_PY}") endif() endif() # No imgtool, no signed binaries. if(NOT DEFINED imgtool_path) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't sign images for MCUboot: can't find imgtool. To fix, install imgtool with pip3, or add the mcuboot repository to the west manifest and ensure it has a scripts/imgtool.py file.") return() endif() # Basic 'west sign' command and output format independent arguments. separate_arguments(west_sign_extra UNIX_COMMAND ${CONFIG_MCUBOOT_CMAKE_WEST_SIGN_PARAMS}) set(west_sign ${WEST} sign ${west_sign_extra} --tool imgtool --tool-path "${imgtool_path}" --build-dir "${APPLICATION_BINARY_DIR}") # Arguments to imgtool. if(NOT CONFIG_MCUBOOT_EXTRA_IMGTOOL_ARGS STREQUAL "") # Separate extra arguments into the proper format for adding to # extra_post_build_commands. # # Use UNIX_COMMAND syntax for uniform results across host # platforms. separate_arguments(imgtool_extra UNIX_COMMAND ${CONFIG_MCUBOOT_EXTRA_IMGTOOL_ARGS}) else() set(imgtool_extra) endif() if(NOT "${keyfile}" STREQUAL "") set(imgtool_extra --key "${keyfile}" ${imgtool_extra}) endif() set(imgtool_args -- ${imgtool_extra}) # Extensionless prefix of any output file. set(output ${ZEPHYR_BINARY_DIR}/${KERNEL_NAME}) # List of additional build byproducts. set(byproducts) # 'west sign' arguments for confirmed, unconfirmed and encrypted images. set(unconfirmed_args) set(confirmed_args) set(encrypted_args) # Set up .bin outputs. if(CONFIG_BUILD_OUTPUT_BIN) list(APPEND unconfirmed_args --bin --sbin ${output}.signed.bin) list(APPEND byproducts ${output}.signed.bin) zephyr_runner_file(bin ${output}.signed.bin) if(CONFIG_MCUBOOT_GENERATE_CONFIRMED_IMAGE) list(APPEND confirmed_args --bin --sbin ${output}.signed.confirmed.bin) list(APPEND byproducts ${output}.signed.confirmed.bin) endif() if(NOT "${keyfile_enc}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND encrypted_args --bin --sbin ${output}.signed.encrypted.bin) list(APPEND byproducts ${output}.signed.encrypted.bin) endif() endif() # Set up .hex outputs. if(CONFIG_BUILD_OUTPUT_HEX) list(APPEND unconfirmed_args --hex --shex ${output}.signed.hex) list(APPEND byproducts ${output}.signed.hex) zephyr_runner_file(hex ${output}.signed.hex) if(CONFIG_MCUBOOT_GENERATE_CONFIRMED_IMAGE) list(APPEND confirmed_args --hex --shex ${output}.signed.confirmed.hex) list(APPEND byproducts ${output}.signed.confirmed.hex) endif() if(NOT "${keyfile_enc}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND encrypted_args --hex --shex ${output}.signed.encrypted.hex) list(APPEND byproducts ${output}.signed.encrypted.hex) endif() endif() # Add the west sign calls and their byproducts to the post-processing # steps for zephyr.elf. # # CMake guarantees that multiple COMMANDs given to # add_custom_command() are run in order, so adding the 'west sign' # calls to the "extra_post_build_commands" property ensures they run # after the commands which generate the unsigned versions. set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY extra_post_build_commands COMMAND ${west_sign} ${unconfirmed_args} ${imgtool_args}) if(confirmed_args) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY extra_post_build_commands COMMAND ${west_sign} ${confirmed_args} ${imgtool_args} --pad --confirm) endif() if(encrypted_args) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY extra_post_build_commands COMMAND ${west_sign} ${encrypted_args} ${imgtool_args} --encrypt "${keyfile_enc}") endif() set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY extra_post_build_byproducts ${byproducts}) endfunction() zephyr_mcuboot_tasks()