#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Based on a script by: # Chereau, Fabien import os import re import argparse import subprocess import json import operator import platform from pathlib import Path # Return a dict containing { # symbol_name: {:,path/to/file}/symbol # } # for all symbols from the .elf file. Optionaly strips the path according # to the passed sub-path def load_symbols_and_paths(bin_nm, elf_file, path_to_strip=""): nm_out = subprocess.check_output( [bin_nm, elf_file, "-S", "-l", "--size-sort", "--radix=d"], universal_newlines=True ) for line in nm_out.splitlines(): if not line: # Get rid of trailing empty field continue symbol, path = parse_symbol_path_pair(line) if path: p_path = Path(path) p_path_to_strip = Path(path_to_strip) try: processed_path = p_path.relative_to(p_path_to_strip) except ValueError as e: # path is valid, but is not prefixed by path_to_strip processed_path = p_path else: processed_path = Path(":") pathlike_string = processed_path / symbol yield symbol, pathlike_string # Return a pair containing either # # (symbol_name, "path/to/file") # or # (symbol_name, "") # # depending on if the file is found or not # } def parse_symbol_path_pair(line): # Line's output from nm might look like this: # '536871152 00000012 b gpio_e /absolute/path/gpio.c:247' # # We are only trying to extract the symbol and the filename. # # In general lines look something like this: # # 'number number string symbol[\t:line] # # The file is optional, nm might not find out where a symbol came from. # # NB: looks different on Windows and Linux # Replace tabs with spaces to easily split up the fields (NB: # Whitespace in paths is not supported) line_without_tabs = line.replace('\t', ' ') fields = line_without_tabs.split() assert len(fields) >= 4 symbol = fields[3] file_is_missing = len(fields) == 4 if file_is_missing: path = "" else: path_with_line_number = fields[4] # Remove the trailing line number, e.g. 'C:\file.c:237' line_number_index = path_with_line_number.rfind(':') path = path_with_line_number[:line_number_index] return (symbol, path) def get_section_size(f, section_name): decimal_size = 0 re_res = re.search(r"(.*] " + section_name + ".*)", f, re.MULTILINE) if re_res is not None: # Replace multiple spaces with one space # Skip first characters to avoid having 1 extra random space res = ' '.join(re_res.group(1).split())[5:] decimal_size = int(res.split()[4], 16) return decimal_size def get_footprint_from_bin_and_statfile( bin_file, stat_file, total_flash, total_ram): """Compute flash and RAM memory footprint from a .bin and .stat file""" f = open(stat_file).read() # Get kctext + text + ctors + rodata + kcrodata segment size total_used_flash = os.path.getsize(bin_file) # getting used ram on target total_used_ram = (get_section_size(f, "noinit") + get_section_size(f, "bss") + get_section_size(f, "initlevel") + get_section_size(f, "datas") + get_section_size(f, ".data") + get_section_size(f, ".heap") + get_section_size(f, ".stack") + get_section_size(f, ".bss") + get_section_size(f, ".panic_section")) total_percent_ram = 0 total_percent_flash = 0 if total_ram > 0: total_percent_ram = float(total_used_ram) / total_ram * 100 if total_flash > 0: total_percent_flash = float(total_used_flash) / total_flash * 100 res = {"total_flash": total_used_flash, "percent_flash": total_percent_flash, "total_ram": total_used_ram, "percent_ram": total_percent_ram} return res def generate_target_memory_section( bin_objdump, bin_nm, out, kernel_name, source_dir, features_json): features_path_data = None try: features_path_data = json.loads(open(features_json, 'r').read()) except BaseException: pass bin_file_abs = os.path.join(out, kernel_name + '.bin') elf_file_abs = os.path.join(out, kernel_name + '.elf') # First deal with size on flash. These are the symbols flagged as LOAD in # objdump output size_out = subprocess.check_output( [bin_objdump, "-hw", elf_file_abs], universal_newlines=True ) loaded_section_total = 0 loaded_section_names = [] loaded_section_names_sizes = {} ram_section_total = 0 ram_section_names = [] ram_section_names_sizes = {} for line in size_out.splitlines(): if "LOAD" in line: loaded_section_total = loaded_section_total + \ int(line.split()[2], 16) loaded_section_names.append(line.split()[1]) loaded_section_names_sizes[line.split()[1]] = int( line.split()[2], 16) if "ALLOC" in line and "READONLY" not in line and "rodata" not in line and "CODE" not in line: ram_section_total = ram_section_total + int(line.split()[2], 16) ram_section_names.append(line.split()[1]) ram_section_names_sizes[line.split()[1]] = int(line.split()[2], 16) # Actual .bin size, which doesn't not always match section sizes bin_size = os.stat(bin_file_abs).st_size # Get the path associated to each symbol symbols_paths = dict(load_symbols_and_paths(bin_nm, elf_file_abs, source_dir)) # A set of helper function for building a simple tree with a path-like # hierarchy. def _insert_one_elem(tree, path, size): cur = None for p in path.parts: if cur is None: cur = p else: cur = cur + os.path.sep + p if cur in tree: tree[cur] += size else: tree[cur] = size def _parent_for_node(e): parent = "root" if len(os.path.sep) == 1 else e.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1)[0] if e == "root": parent = None return parent def _childs_for_node(tree, node): res = [] for e in tree: if _parent_for_node(e) == node: res += [e] return res def _siblings_for_node(tree, node): return _childs_for_node(tree, _parent_for_node(node)) def _max_sibling_size(tree, node): siblings = _siblings_for_node(tree, node) return max([tree[e] for e in siblings]) # Extract the list of symbols a second time but this time using the objdump tool # which provides more info as nm symbols_out = subprocess.check_output( [bin_objdump, "-tw", elf_file_abs], universal_newlines=True ) flash_symbols_total = 0 data_nodes = {} data_nodes['root'] = 0 ram_symbols_total = 0 ram_nodes = {} ram_nodes['root'] = 0 for l in symbols_out.splitlines(): line = l[0:9] + "......." + l[16:] fields = line.replace('\t', ' ').split(' ') # Get rid of trailing empty field if len(fields) != 5: continue size = int(fields[3], 16) if fields[2] in loaded_section_names and size != 0: flash_symbols_total += size _insert_one_elem(data_nodes, symbols_paths[fields[4]], size) if fields[2] in ram_section_names and size != 0: ram_symbols_total += size _insert_one_elem(ram_nodes, symbols_paths[fields[4]], size) def _init_features_list_results(features_list): for feature in features_list: _init_feature_results(feature) def _init_feature_results(feature): feature["size"] = 0 # recursive through children for child in feature["children"]: _init_feature_results(child) def _check_all_symbols(symbols_struct, features_list): out = "" sorted_nodes = sorted(symbols_struct.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) named_symbol_filter = re.compile('.*\.[a-zA-Z]+/.*') out_symbols_filter = re.compile('^:/') for symbpath in sorted_nodes: matched = 0 # The files and folders (not matching regex) are discarded # like: folder folder/file.ext is_symbol = named_symbol_filter.match(symbpath[0]) is_generated = out_symbols_filter.match(symbpath[0]) if is_symbol is None and is_generated is None: continue # The symbols inside a file are kept: folder/file.ext/symbol # and unrecognized paths too (":/") for feature in features_list: matched = matched + \ _does_symbol_matches_feature( symbpath[0], symbpath[1], feature) if matched is 0: out += "UNCATEGORIZED: %s %d
" % (symbpath[0], symbpath[1]) return out def _does_symbol_matches_feature(symbol, size, feature): matched = 0 # check each include-filter in feature for inc_path in feature["folders"]: # filter out if the include-filter is not in the symbol string if inc_path not in symbol: continue # if the symbol match the include-filter, check against # exclude-filter is_excluded = 0 for exc_path in feature["excludes"]: if exc_path in symbol: is_excluded = 1 break if is_excluded == 0: matched = 1 feature["size"] = feature["size"] + size # it can only be matched once per feature (add size once) break # check children independently of this feature's result for child in feature["children"]: child_matched = _does_symbol_matches_feature(symbol, size, child) matched = matched + child_matched return matched # Create a simplified tree keeping only the most important contributors # This is used for the pie diagram summary min_parent_size = bin_size / 25 min_sibling_size = bin_size / 35 tmp = {} for e in data_nodes: if _parent_for_node(e) is None: continue if data_nodes[_parent_for_node(e)] < min_parent_size: continue if _max_sibling_size(data_nodes, e) < min_sibling_size: continue tmp[e] = data_nodes[e] # Keep only final nodes tmp2 = {} for e in tmp: if len(_childs_for_node(tmp, e)) == 0: tmp2[e] = tmp[e] # Group nodes too small in an "other" section filtered_data_nodes = {} for e in tmp2: if tmp[e] < min_sibling_size: k = _parent_for_node(e) + "/(other)" if k in filtered_data_nodes: filtered_data_nodes[k] += tmp[e] else: filtered_data_nodes[k] = tmp[e] else: filtered_data_nodes[e] = tmp[e] def _parent_level_3_at_most(node): e = _parent_for_node(node) while e.count('/') > 2: e = _parent_for_node(e) return e return ram_nodes, data_nodes def print_tree(data, total, depth): base = os.environ['ZEPHYR_BASE'] totp = 0 bcolors_ansi = { "HEADER" : '\033[95m', "OKBLUE" : '\033[94m', "OKGREEN" : '\033[92m', "WARNING" : '\033[93m', "FAIL" : '\033[91m', "ENDC" : '\033[0m', "BOLD" : '\033[1m', "UNDERLINE" : '\033[4m' } if platform.system() == "Windows": # Set all color codes to empty string on Windows # # TODO: Use an approach like the pip package 'colorama' to # support colors on Windows bcolors = dict.fromkeys(bcolors_ansi, '') else: bcolors = bcolors_ansi print('{:92s} {:10s} {:8s}'.format( bcolors["FAIL"] + "Path", "Size", "%" + bcolors["ENDC"])) print("'='*110i") for i in sorted(data): p = i.split(os.path.sep) if depth and len(p) > depth: continue percent = 100 * float(data[i]) / float(total) percent_c = percent if len(p) < 2: totp += percent if len(p) > 1: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(base, i)): s = bcolors["WARNING"] + p[-1] + bcolors["ENDC"] else: s = bcolors["OKBLUE"] + p[-1] + bcolors["ENDC"] print('{:80s} {:20d} {:8.2f}%'.format( " " * (len(p) - 1) + s, data[i], percent_c)) else: print('{:80s} {:20d} {:8.2f}%'.format( bcolors["OKBLUE"] + i + bcolors["ENDC"], data[i], percent_c)) print('=' * 110) print('{:92d}'.format(total)) return totp def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-d", "--depth", dest="depth", type=int, help="How deep should we go into the tree", metavar="DEPTH") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outdir", dest="outdir", help="read files from directory OUT", metavar="OUT") parser.add_argument("-k", "--kernel-name", dest="binary", default="zephyr", help="kernel binary name") parser.add_argument("-r", "--ram", action="store_true", dest="ram", default=False, help="print RAM statistics") parser.add_argument("-F", "--rom", action="store_true", dest="rom", default=False, help="print ROM statistics") parser.add_argument("-s", "--objdump", dest="bin_objdump", help="Path to the GNU binary utility objdump") parser.add_argument("-c", "--objcopy", dest="bin_objcopy", help="Path to the GNU binary utility objcopy") parser.add_argument("-n", "--nm", dest="bin_nm", help="Path to the GNU binary utility nm") args = parser.parse_args() bin_file = os.path.join(args.outdir, args.binary + ".bin") stat_file = os.path.join(args.outdir, args.binary + ".stat") elf_file = os.path.join(args.outdir, args.binary + ".elf") if not os.path.exists(bin_file): FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') subprocess.call([args.bin_objcopy,"-S", "-Obinary", "-R", ".comment", "-R", "COMMON", "-R", ".eh_frame", elf_file, bin_file], stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if args.outdir and os.path.exists(elf_file): fp = get_footprint_from_bin_and_statfile(bin_file, stat_file, 0, 0) base = os.environ['ZEPHYR_BASE'] ram, data = generate_target_memory_section( args.bin_objdump, args.bin_nm, args.outdir, args.binary, base + '/', None) if args.rom: print_tree(data, fp['total_flash'], args.depth) if args.ram: print_tree(ram, fp['total_ram'], args.depth) else: print("%s does not exist." % (elf_file)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()