Line: 16: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 16: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 16: no users/groups matched Line: 17: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 17: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 17: no users/groups matched Line: 18: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 18: no users/groups matched Line: 19: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 19: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 19: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 19: no users/groups matched Line: 20: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 20: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 20: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 20: no users/groups matched Line: 21: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 21: no users/groups matched Line: 22: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 22: no users/groups matched Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: bbolen Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 23: no users/groups matched Line: 24: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 24: no users/groups matched Line: 25: incorrect codeowner user: povergoing Line: 25: no users/groups matched Line: 26: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 26: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 26: no users/groups matched Line: 27: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 27: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 27: no users/groups matched Line: 28: incorrect codeowner user: frantony Line: 28: no users/groups matched Line: 29: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 29: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 29: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 29: no users/groups matched Line: 30: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 30: no users/groups matched Line: 31: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 31: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 31: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 31: no users/groups matched Line: 32: incorrect codeowner user: fvincenzo Line: 32: no users/groups matched Line: 33: incorrect codeowner user: aspeeddylan Line: 33: no users/groups matched Line: 34: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 34: no users/groups matched Line: 35: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 35: no users/groups matched Line: 36: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 36: no users/groups matched Line: 37: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 37: no users/groups matched Line: 38: incorrect codeowner user: fallrisk Line: 38: no users/groups matched Line: 39: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 39: no users/groups matched Line: 40: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 40: no users/groups matched Line: 41: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 41: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 41: no users/groups matched Line: 42: incorrect codeowner user: sbranden Line: 42: no users/groups matched Line: 43: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 43: no users/groups matched Line: 44: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 44: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 44: no users/groups matched Line: 45: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 45: no users/groups matched Line: 46: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 46: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 46: no users/groups matched Line: 47: incorrect codeowner user: manuargue Line: 47: no users/groups matched Line: 48: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 48: no users/groups matched Line: 49: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 49: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 49: no users/groups matched Line: 50: incorrect codeowner user: ssekar15 Line: 50: no users/groups matched Line: 51: incorrect codeowner user: fkokosinski Line: 51: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 51: no users/groups matched Line: 52: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 52: no users/groups matched Line: 53: incorrect codeowner user: rdmeneze Line: 53: no users/groups matched Line: 54: incorrect codeowner user: l-alfred Line: 54: no users/groups matched Line: 55: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 55: no users/groups matched Line: 56: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 56: no users/groups matched Line: 57: incorrect codeowner user: arnopo Line: 57: no users/groups matched Line: 58: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 58: no users/groups matched Line: 59: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 59: no users/groups matched Line: 60: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 60: no users/groups matched Line: 61: incorrect codeowner user: vanti Line: 61: no users/groups matched Line: 62: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 62: no users/groups matched Line: 63: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 63: no users/groups matched Line: 64: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 64: no users/groups matched Line: 65: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 65: no users/groups matched Line: 66: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 66: no users/groups matched Line: 67: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 67: no users/groups matched Line: 68: incorrect codeowner user: abhishek-brcm Line: 68: no users/groups matched Line: 69: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 69: no users/groups matched Line: 70: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 70: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 70: no users/groups matched Line: 71: incorrect codeowner user: MrVan Line: 71: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 71: no users/groups matched Line: 72: incorrect codeowner user: povergoing Line: 72: no users/groups matched Line: 73: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 73: no users/groups matched Line: 74: incorrect codeowner user: siclim Line: 74: no users/groups matched Line: 75: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 75: incorrect codeowner user: xakep-amatop Line: 75: no users/groups matched Line: 76: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 76: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 76: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 76: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 76: no users/groups matched Line: 77: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 77: no users/groups matched Line: 78: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 78: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 78: no users/groups matched Line: 79: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 79: no users/groups matched Line: 80: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 80: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 80: no users/groups matched Line: 81: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 81: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 81: no users/groups matched Line: 82: incorrect codeowner user: frantony Line: 82: no users/groups matched Line: 83: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 83: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 83: no users/groups matched Line: 84: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 84: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 84: no users/groups matched Line: 85: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 85: no users/groups matched Line: 86: incorrect codeowner user: cwshu Line: 86: incorrect codeowner user: kevinwang821020 Line: 86: incorrect codeowner user: jimmyzhe Line: 86: no users/groups matched Line: 87: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 87: no users/groups matched Line: 88: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 88: no users/groups matched Line: 89: incorrect codeowner user: sweeaun Line: 89: no users/groups matched Line: 90: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 90: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 90: no users/groups matched Line: 91: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 91: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 91: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 91: no users/groups matched Line: 92: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 92: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 92: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 92: no users/groups matched Line: 93: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 93: no users/groups matched Line: 94: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 94: no users/groups matched Line: 95: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 95: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 95: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 95: no users/groups matched Line: 96: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 96: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 96: no users/groups matched Line: 97: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 97: no users/groups matched Line: 98: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 98: no users/groups matched Line: 99: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 99: no users/groups matched Line: 100: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 100: no users/groups matched Line: 101: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 101: no users/groups matched Line: 102: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 102: no users/groups matched Line: 103: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 103: no users/groups matched Line: 104: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 104: no users/groups matched Line: 105: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 105: no users/groups matched Line: 106: incorrect codeowner user: sven-hm Line: 106: no users/groups matched Line: 107: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 107: no users/groups matched Line: 108: incorrect codeowner user: LingaoM Line: 108: no users/groups matched Line: 109: incorrect codeowner user: lairdjm Line: 109: no users/groups matched Line: 110: incorrect codeowner user: lairdjm Line: 110: no users/groups matched Line: 111: incorrect codeowner user: coderkalyan Line: 111: no users/groups matched Line: 112: incorrect codeowner user: coderkalyan Line: 112: no users/groups matched Line: 113: incorrect codeowner user: greg-leach Line: 113: no users/groups matched Line: 114: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 114: no users/groups matched Line: 115: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 115: no users/groups matched Line: 116: incorrect codeowner user: vanti Line: 116: no users/groups matched Line: 117: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 117: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 117: no users/groups matched Line: 118: incorrect codeowner user: DaWei8823 Line: 118: no users/groups matched Line: 119: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 119: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 119: no users/groups matched Line: 120: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 120: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 120: no users/groups matched Line: 121: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 121: no users/groups matched Line: 122: incorrect codeowner user: rdmeneze Line: 122: no users/groups matched Line: 123: incorrect codeowner user: mbittan Line: 123: incorrect codeowner user: simonguinot Line: 123: no users/groups matched Line: 124: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 124: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 124: no users/groups matched Line: 125: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 125: no users/groups matched Line: 126: incorrect codeowner user: jackrosenthal Line: 126: no users/groups matched Line: 127: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 127: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 127: no users/groups matched Line: 128: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 128: incorrect codeowner user: lmajewski Line: 128: no users/groups matched Line: 129: incorrect codeowner user: mbittan Line: 129: incorrect codeowner user: simonguinot Line: 129: no users/groups matched Line: 130: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 130: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 130: no users/groups matched Line: 131: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 131: no users/groups matched Line: 132: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 132: no users/groups matched Line: 133: incorrect codeowner user: pefech Line: 133: no users/groups matched Line: 134: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 134: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 134: no users/groups matched Line: 135: incorrect codeowner user: fvincenzo Line: 135: no users/groups matched Line: 136: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 136: no users/groups matched Line: 137: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 137: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 137: no users/groups matched Line: 138: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 138: incorrect codeowner user: lemrey Line: 138: no users/groups matched Line: 139: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 139: incorrect codeowner user: ABOSTM Line: 139: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 139: no users/groups matched Line: 140: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 140: no users/groups matched Line: 141: incorrect codeowner user: ssekar15 Line: 141: no users/groups matched Line: 142: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 142: no users/groups matched Line: 143: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 143: no users/groups matched Line: 144: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 144: no users/groups matched Line: 145: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 145: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 145: no users/groups matched Line: 146: incorrect codeowner user: fkokosinski Line: 146: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 146: no users/groups matched Line: 147: incorrect codeowner user: gpaquet85 Line: 147: no users/groups matched Line: 148: incorrect codeowner user: gpaquet85 Line: 148: no users/groups matched Line: 149: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 149: no users/groups matched Line: 150: incorrect codeowner user: NorthernDean Line: 150: no users/groups matched Line: 151: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 151: no users/groups matched Line: 152: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 152: no users/groups matched Line: 153: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 153: no users/groups matched Line: 154: incorrect codeowner user: fallrisk Line: 154: no users/groups matched Line: 155: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 155: no users/groups matched Line: 156: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 156: no users/groups matched Line: 157: incorrect codeowner user: yashi Line: 157: no users/groups matched Line: 158: incorrect codeowner user: fvincenzo Line: 158: no users/groups matched Line: 159: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 159: no users/groups matched Line: 160: incorrect codeowner user: manuargue Line: 160: no users/groups matched Line: 161: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 161: no users/groups matched Line: 162: incorrect codeowner user: Navin-Sankar Line: 162: no users/groups matched Line: 163: incorrect codeowner user: karlp Line: 163: no users/groups matched Line: 164: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 164: incorrect codeowner user: ABOSTM Line: 164: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 164: no users/groups matched Line: 165: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 165: no users/groups matched Line: 166: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 166: no users/groups matched Line: 167: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 167: incorrect codeowner user: ABOSTM Line: 167: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 167: no users/groups matched Line: 168: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 168: no users/groups matched Line: 169: incorrect codeowner user: Navin-Sankar Line: 169: incorrect codeowner user: brec-u-blox Line: 169: no users/groups matched Line: 170: incorrect codeowner user: koffes Line: 170: incorrect codeowner user: alexsven Line: 170: incorrect codeowner user: erikrobstad Line: 170: incorrect codeowner user: rick1082 Line: 170: incorrect codeowner user: gWacey Line: 170: no users/groups matched Line: 171: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 171: no users/groups matched Line: 172: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 172: no users/groups matched Line: 173: incorrect codeowner user: frantony Line: 173: no users/groups matched Line: 174: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 174: no users/groups matched Line: 175: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 175: no users/groups matched Line: 176: incorrect codeowner user: sidcha Line: 176: no users/groups matched Line: 177: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 177: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 177: no users/groups matched Line: 178: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 178: incorrect codeowner user: wopu-ot Line: 178: no users/groups matched Line: 179: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 179: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 179: no users/groups matched Line: 180: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 180: no users/groups matched Line: 181: incorrect codeowner user: cwshu Line: 181: incorrect codeowner user: kevinwang821020 Line: 181: incorrect codeowner user: jimmyzhe Line: 181: no users/groups matched Line: 182: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 182: no users/groups matched Line: 183: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 183: no users/groups matched Line: 184: incorrect codeowner user: sweeaun Line: 184: no users/groups matched Line: 185: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 185: no users/groups matched Line: 186: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 186: no users/groups matched Line: 187: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 187: no users/groups matched Line: 188: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 188: no users/groups matched Line: 189: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 189: no users/groups matched Line: 190: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 190: no users/groups matched Line: 191: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 191: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 191: no users/groups matched Line: 192: incorrect codeowner user: enjiamai Line: 192: no users/groups matched Line: 193: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 193: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 193: no users/groups matched Line: 194: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 194: no users/groups matched Line: 195: incorrect codeowner user: iuliana-prodan Line: 195: incorrect codeowner user: dbaluta Line: 195: no users/groups matched Line: 196: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 196: no users/groups matched Line: 197: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 197: no users/groups matched Line: 198: incorrect codeowner user: abhishek-brcm Line: 198: no users/groups matched Line: 199: incorrect codeowner user: MrVan Line: 199: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 199: no users/groups matched Line: 200: incorrect codeowner user: MrVan Line: 200: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 200: no users/groups matched Line: 201: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 201: no users/groups matched Line: 202: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 202: no users/groups matched Line: 203: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 203: no users/groups matched Line: 204: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 204: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 204: no users/groups matched Line: 205: incorrect codeowner user: povergoing Line: 205: no users/groups matched Line: 206: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 206: no users/groups matched Line: 207: incorrect codeowner user: siclim Line: 207: incorrect codeowner user: ngboonkhai Line: 207: no users/groups matched Line: 208: incorrect codeowner user: chongteikheng Line: 208: no users/groups matched Line: 209: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 209: incorrect codeowner user: xakep-amatop Line: 209: no users/groups matched Line: 210: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 210: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 210: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 210: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 210: no users/groups matched Line: 212: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 212: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 212: no users/groups matched Line: 213: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 213: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 213: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 213: no users/groups matched Line: 214: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 214: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 214: no users/groups matched Line: 215: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 215: no users/groups matched Line: 216: incorrect codeowner user: himanshujha199640 Line: 216: incorrect codeowner user: JuliaLawall Line: 216: no users/groups matched Line: 217: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 217: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 217: no users/groups matched Line: 218: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 218: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 218: no users/groups matched Line: 219: incorrect codeowner user: lixuzha Line: 219: incorrect codeowner user: ghu0510 Line: 219: incorrect codeowner user: qianruh Line: 219: no users/groups matched Line: 220: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 220: no users/groups matched Line: 221: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 221: no users/groups matched Line: 222: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 222: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 222: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 222: no users/groups matched Line: 223: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 223: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 223: no users/groups matched Line: 224: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 224: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 224: no users/groups matched Line: 225: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 225: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 225: no users/groups matched Line: 226: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 226: incorrect codeowner user: d3zd3z Line: 226: no users/groups matched Line: 227: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 227: no users/groups matched Line: 228: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 228: no users/groups matched Line: 229: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 229: no users/groups matched Line: 230: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 230: no users/groups matched Line: 231: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 231: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 231: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 231: no users/groups matched Line: 232: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 232: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 232: no users/groups matched Line: 233: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 233: incorrect codeowner user: ABOSTM Line: 233: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 233: no users/groups matched Line: 234: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 234: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 234: no users/groups matched Line: 235: incorrect codeowner user: mbittan Line: 235: incorrect codeowner user: simonguinot Line: 235: no users/groups matched Line: 236: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 236: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 236: no users/groups matched Line: 237: incorrect codeowner user: cwshu Line: 237: incorrect codeowner user: kevinwang821020 Line: 237: incorrect codeowner user: jimmyzhe Line: 237: no users/groups matched Line: 238: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 238: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 238: no users/groups matched Line: 239: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 239: no users/groups matched Line: 240: incorrect codeowner user: manuargue Line: 240: no users/groups matched Line: 241: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 241: no users/groups matched Line: 242: incorrect codeowner user: XenuIsWatching Line: 242: no users/groups matched Line: 243: incorrect codeowner user: cybertale Line: 243: no users/groups matched Line: 244: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 244: no users/groups matched Line: 245: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 245: no users/groups matched Line: 246: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 246: no users/groups matched Line: 247: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 247: no users/groups matched Line: 248: incorrect codeowner user: xingrz Line: 248: no users/groups matched Line: 249: incorrect codeowner user: thedjnK Line: 249: no users/groups matched Line: 250: incorrect codeowner user: yperess Line: 250: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 250: incorrect codeowner user: jackrosenthal Line: 250: no users/groups matched Line: 251: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 251: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 251: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 251: no users/groups matched Line: 252: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 252: no users/groups matched Line: 253: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 253: no users/groups matched Line: 254: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 254: incorrect codeowner user: yperess Line: 254: no users/groups matched Line: 255: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 255: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 255: no users/groups matched Line: 256: incorrect codeowner user: karstenkoenig Line: 256: no users/groups matched Line: 257: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 257: no users/groups matched Line: 258: incorrect codeowner user: siclim Line: 258: incorrect codeowner user: gdengi Line: 258: no users/groups matched Line: 259: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 259: no users/groups matched Line: 260: incorrect codeowner user: extremegtx Line: 260: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 260: no users/groups matched Line: 261: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 261: no users/groups matched Line: 262: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 262: no users/groups matched Line: 263: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 263: no users/groups matched Line: 264: incorrect codeowner user: luozhongyao Line: 264: no users/groups matched Line: 265: incorrect codeowner user: MrVan Line: 265: no users/groups matched Line: 266: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 266: no users/groups matched Line: 267: incorrect codeowner user: kentjhall Line: 267: no users/groups matched Line: 268: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 268: no users/groups matched Line: 269: incorrect codeowner user: pbalsundar Line: 269: no users/groups matched Line: 270: incorrect codeowner user: pbalsundar Line: 270: no users/groups matched Line: 271: incorrect codeowner user: maciekfabia Line: 271: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 271: no users/groups matched Line: 272: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 272: no users/groups matched Line: 273: incorrect codeowner user: extremegtx Line: 273: no users/groups matched Line: 274: incorrect codeowner user: martinjaeger Line: 274: no users/groups matched Line: 275: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 275: no users/groups matched Line: 276: incorrect codeowner user: kv2019i Line: 276: incorrect codeowner user: marcinszkudlinski Line: 276: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 276: no users/groups matched Line: 277: incorrect codeowner user: kv2019i Line: 277: incorrect codeowner user: marcinszkudlinski Line: 277: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 277: no users/groups matched Line: 278: incorrect codeowner user: kv2019i Line: 278: incorrect codeowner user: marcinszkudlinski Line: 278: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 278: no users/groups matched Line: 279: incorrect codeowner user: marcinszkudlinski Line: 279: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 279: no users/groups matched Line: 280: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 280: no users/groups matched Line: 281: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 281: no users/groups matched Line: 282: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 282: no users/groups matched Line: 283: incorrect codeowner user: Sizurka Line: 283: no users/groups matched Line: 284: incorrect codeowner user: cybertale Line: 284: incorrect codeowner user: lowlander Line: 284: no users/groups matched Line: 285: incorrect codeowner user: raveenp Line: 285: no users/groups matched Line: 286: incorrect codeowner user: raveenp Line: 286: no users/groups matched Line: 287: incorrect codeowner user: teburd Line: 287: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 287: no users/groups matched Line: 288: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 288: no users/groups matched Line: 289: incorrect codeowner user: talih0 Line: 289: no users/groups matched Line: 290: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 290: no users/groups matched Line: 291: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 291: no users/groups matched Line: 292: incorrect codeowner user: KwonTae-young Line: 292: no users/groups matched Line: 293: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 293: no users/groups matched Line: 294: incorrect codeowner user: JordanYates Line: 294: no users/groups matched Line: 295: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 295: no users/groups matched Line: 296: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 296: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 296: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 296: no users/groups matched Line: 297: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 297: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 297: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 297: no users/groups matched Line: 298: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 298: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 298: no users/groups matched Line: 299: incorrect codeowner user: npitre Line: 299: no users/groups matched Line: 300: incorrect codeowner user: Nukersson Line: 300: incorrect codeowner user: lochej Line: 300: no users/groups matched Line: 301: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 301: no users/groups matched Line: 302: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 302: no users/groups matched Line: 303: incorrect codeowner user: sgrrzhf Line: 303: no users/groups matched Line: 304: incorrect codeowner user: GeorgeCGV Line: 304: no users/groups matched Line: 305: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 305: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 305: incorrect codeowner user: arvinf Line: 305: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 305: no users/groups matched Line: 306: incorrect codeowner user: GeorgeCGV Line: 306: no users/groups matched Line: 307: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 307: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 307: incorrect codeowner user: arvinf Line: 307: no users/groups matched Line: 308: incorrect codeowner user: GeorgeCGV Line: 308: no users/groups matched Line: 309: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 309: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 309: no users/groups matched Line: 310: incorrect codeowner user: lmajewski Line: 310: no users/groups matched Line: 311: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 311: no users/groups matched Line: 312: incorrect codeowner user: ngboonkhai Line: 312: no users/groups matched Line: 313: incorrect codeowner user: pepe2k Line: 313: no users/groups matched Line: 314: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 314: no users/groups matched Line: 315: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 315: no users/groups matched Line: 316: incorrect codeowner user: tgorochowik Line: 316: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 316: no users/groups matched Line: 317: incorrect codeowner user: mnkp Line: 317: no users/groups matched Line: 318: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 318: no users/groups matched Line: 319: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 319: no users/groups matched Line: 320: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 320: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 320: no users/groups matched Line: 321: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 321: no users/groups matched Line: 322: incorrect codeowner user: fkokosinski Line: 322: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 322: no users/groups matched Line: 323: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 323: no users/groups matched Line: 324: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 324: no users/groups matched Line: 325: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 325: no users/groups matched Line: 326: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 326: no users/groups matched Line: 327: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 327: no users/groups matched Line: 328: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 328: no users/groups matched Line: 329: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 329: no users/groups matched Line: 330: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 330: no users/groups matched Line: 331: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 331: no users/groups matched Line: 332: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 332: no users/groups matched Line: 333: incorrect codeowner user: GTLin08 Line: 333: no users/groups matched Line: 334: incorrect codeowner user: GTLin08 Line: 334: no users/groups matched Line: 335: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 335: no users/groups matched Line: 336: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 336: no users/groups matched Line: 337: incorrect codeowner user: GTLin08 Line: 337: no users/groups matched Line: 338: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 338: no users/groups matched Line: 339: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 339: no users/groups matched Line: 340: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 340: no users/groups matched Line: 341: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 341: no users/groups matched Line: 342: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 342: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 342: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 342: no users/groups matched Line: 343: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 343: no users/groups matched Line: 344: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 344: no users/groups matched Line: 345: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 345: no users/groups matched Line: 346: incorrect codeowner user: XenuIsWatching Line: 346: no users/groups matched Line: 347: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 347: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 347: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 347: incorrect codeowner user: fgrandel Line: 347: no users/groups matched Line: 348: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 348: no users/groups matched Line: 349: incorrect codeowner user: jciupis Line: 349: no users/groups matched Line: 350: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 350: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 350: no users/groups matched Line: 351: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 351: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 351: incorrect codeowner user: vaishnavachath Line: 351: no users/groups matched Line: 352: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 352: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 352: no users/groups matched Line: 353: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 353: no users/groups matched Line: 354: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 354: no users/groups matched Line: 355: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 355: no users/groups matched Line: 356: incorrect codeowner user: karl-zh Line: 356: no users/groups matched Line: 357: incorrect codeowner user: masz-nordic Line: 357: no users/groups matched Line: 358: incorrect codeowner user: masz-nordic Line: 358: no users/groups matched Line: 359: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 359: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 359: no users/groups matched Line: 360: incorrect codeowner user: masz-nordic Line: 360: no users/groups matched Line: 361: incorrect codeowner user: masz-nordic Line: 361: no users/groups matched Line: 362: incorrect codeowner user: arnopo Line: 362: no users/groups matched Line: 363: incorrect codeowner user: cameled Line: 363: no users/groups matched Line: 364: incorrect codeowner user: uLipe Line: 364: no users/groups matched Line: 365: incorrect codeowner user: uLipe Line: 365: no users/groups matched Line: 366: incorrect codeowner user: VenkatKotakonda Line: 366: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 366: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 366: no users/groups matched Line: 367: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 367: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 367: no users/groups matched Line: 368: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 368: no users/groups matched Line: 369: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 369: no users/groups matched Line: 370: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 370: no users/groups matched Line: 371: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 371: no users/groups matched Line: 372: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 372: no users/groups matched Line: 373: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 373: no users/groups matched Line: 374: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 374: no users/groups matched Line: 375: incorrect codeowner user: hubertmis Line: 375: no users/groups matched Line: 376: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 376: no users/groups matched Line: 377: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 377: no users/groups matched Line: 378: incorrect codeowner user: lgehreke Line: 378: no users/groups matched Line: 379: incorrect codeowner user: lgehreke Line: 379: no users/groups matched Line: 380: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 380: no users/groups matched Line: 381: incorrect codeowner user: lgehreke Line: 381: no users/groups matched Line: 382: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 382: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 382: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 382: no users/groups matched Line: 383: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 383: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 383: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 383: no users/groups matched Line: 384: incorrect codeowner user: gmarull Line: 384: no users/groups matched Line: 385: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 385: no users/groups matched Line: 386: incorrect codeowner user: ite Line: 386: no users/groups matched Line: 387: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 387: incorrect codeowner user: gdengi Line: 387: no users/groups matched Line: 388: incorrect codeowner user: nbalabak Line: 388: incorrect codeowner user: gdengi Line: 388: no users/groups matched Line: 389: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 389: no users/groups matched Line: 390: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 390: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 390: no users/groups matched Line: 391: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 391: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 391: no users/groups matched Line: 392: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 392: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 392: no users/groups matched Line: 393: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 393: no users/groups matched Line: 394: incorrect codeowner user: nixward Line: 394: no users/groups matched Line: 395: incorrect codeowner user: burumaj Line: 395: no users/groups matched Line: 396: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 396: no users/groups matched Line: 397: incorrect codeowner user: nzmichaelh Line: 397: no users/groups matched Line: 398: incorrect codeowner user: JordanYates Line: 398: no users/groups matched Line: 399: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 399: no users/groups matched Line: 400: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 400: no users/groups matched Line: 401: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 401: no users/groups matched Line: 402: incorrect codeowner user: sun681 Line: 402: no users/groups matched Line: 403: incorrect codeowner user: RuibinChang Line: 403: no users/groups matched Line: 404: incorrect codeowner user: LucasTambor Line: 404: no users/groups matched Line: 405: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 405: no users/groups matched Line: 406: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 406: no users/groups matched Line: 407: incorrect codeowner user: gmarull Line: 407: no users/groups matched Line: 408: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 408: no users/groups matched Line: 409: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 409: no users/groups matched Line: 410: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 410: no users/groups matched Line: 411: incorrect codeowner user: andrei-edward-popa Line: 411: no users/groups matched Line: 412: incorrect codeowner user: nbalabak Line: 412: no users/groups matched Line: 413: incorrect codeowner user: nbalabak Line: 413: no users/groups matched Line: 414: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 414: no users/groups matched Line: 415: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 415: no users/groups matched Line: 416: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 416: no users/groups matched Line: 417: incorrect codeowner user: DineshDK03 Line: 417: no users/groups matched Line: 418: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 418: no users/groups matched Line: 419: incorrect codeowner user: bbilas Line: 419: no users/groups matched Line: 420: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 420: no users/groups matched Line: 421: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 421: no users/groups matched Line: 422: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 422: no users/groups matched Line: 423: incorrect codeowner user: sven-hm Line: 423: no users/groups matched Line: 424: incorrect codeowner user: valeriosetti Line: 424: no users/groups matched Line: 425: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 425: no users/groups matched Line: 426: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 426: no users/groups matched Line: 427: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 427: no users/groups matched Line: 428: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 428: incorrect codeowner user: gohshunjing Line: 428: no users/groups matched Line: 429: incorrect codeowner user: gohshunjing Line: 429: no users/groups matched Line: 430: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 430: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 430: incorrect codeowner user: gdengi Line: 430: no users/groups matched Line: 431: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 431: no users/groups matched Line: 432: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 432: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 432: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 432: no users/groups matched Line: 433: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 433: no users/groups matched Line: 434: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 434: no users/groups matched Line: 435: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 435: incorrect codeowner user: pkral78 Line: 435: no users/groups matched Line: 436: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 436: incorrect codeowner user: pkral78 Line: 436: no users/groups matched Line: 437: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 437: no users/groups matched Line: 438: incorrect codeowner user: wjliang Line: 438: no users/groups matched Line: 439: incorrect codeowner user: wjliang Line: 439: no users/groups matched Line: 440: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 440: no users/groups matched Line: 441: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 441: no users/groups matched Line: 442: incorrect codeowner user: ssekar15 Line: 442: no users/groups matched Line: 443: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 443: no users/groups matched Line: 444: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 444: no users/groups matched Line: 445: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 445: no users/groups matched Line: 446: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 446: no users/groups matched Line: 447: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 447: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 447: no users/groups matched Line: 448: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 448: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 448: no users/groups matched Line: 449: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 449: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 449: no users/groups matched Line: 450: incorrect codeowner user: GTLin08 Line: 450: no users/groups matched Line: 451: incorrect codeowner user: GTLin08 Line: 451: no users/groups matched Line: 452: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 452: no users/groups matched Line: 453: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 453: no users/groups matched Line: 454: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 454: no users/groups matched Line: 455: incorrect codeowner user: JunYangNXP Line: 455: no users/groups matched Line: 456: incorrect codeowner user: anthonybrandon Line: 456: no users/groups matched Line: 457: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 457: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 457: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 457: no users/groups matched Line: 458: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 458: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 458: no users/groups matched Line: 459: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 459: no users/groups matched Line: 460: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 460: no users/groups matched Line: 461: incorrect codeowner user: karstenkoenig Line: 461: no users/groups matched Line: 462: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 462: no users/groups matched Line: 463: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 463: no users/groups matched Line: 464: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 464: no users/groups matched Line: 465: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 465: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 465: no users/groups matched Line: 466: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 466: no users/groups matched Line: 467: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 467: no users/groups matched Line: 468: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 468: no users/groups matched Line: 469: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 469: no users/groups matched Line: 470: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 470: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 470: no users/groups matched Line: 471: incorrect codeowner user: ite Line: 471: no users/groups matched Line: 472: incorrect codeowner user: wjliang Line: 472: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 472: no users/groups matched Line: 473: incorrect codeowner user: vanti Line: 473: no users/groups matched Line: 474: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 474: no users/groups matched Line: 475: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 475: no users/groups matched Line: 476: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 476: no users/groups matched Line: 477: incorrect codeowner user: frantony Line: 477: no users/groups matched Line: 478: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 478: no users/groups matched Line: 479: incorrect codeowner user: uLipe Line: 479: no users/groups matched Line: 480: incorrect codeowner user: bendiscz Line: 480: no users/groups matched Line: 481: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 481: no users/groups matched Line: 482: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 482: no users/groups matched Line: 483: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar Line: 483: no users/groups matched Line: 484: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 484: no users/groups matched Line: 485: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 485: no users/groups matched Line: 486: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 486: no users/groups matched Line: 487: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 487: incorrect codeowner user: loicpoulain Line: 487: no users/groups matched Line: 488: incorrect codeowner user: sambhurst Line: 488: no users/groups matched Line: 489: incorrect codeowner user: loicpoulain Line: 489: no users/groups matched Line: 490: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 490: no users/groups matched Line: 491: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 491: no users/groups matched Line: 492: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 492: no users/groups matched Line: 493: incorrect codeowner user: Sizurka Line: 493: no users/groups matched Line: 494: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 494: no users/groups matched Line: 495: incorrect codeowner user: kurddt Line: 495: no users/groups matched Line: 496: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 496: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 496: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 496: no users/groups matched Line: 497: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 497: no users/groups matched Line: 498: incorrect codeowner user: oanerer Line: 498: no users/groups matched Line: 499: incorrect codeowner user: katsuster Line: 499: no users/groups matched Line: 500: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 500: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 500: no users/groups matched Line: 501: incorrect codeowner user: pavlohamov Line: 501: no users/groups matched Line: 502: incorrect codeowner user: RuibinChang Line: 502: no users/groups matched Line: 503: incorrect codeowner user: RuibinChang Line: 503: no users/groups matched Line: 504: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 504: no users/groups matched Line: 505: incorrect codeowner user: thedjnK Line: 505: no users/groups matched Line: 506: incorrect codeowner user: softwarecki Line: 506: no users/groups matched Line: 507: incorrect codeowner user: sreeramIfx Line: 507: no users/groups matched Line: 508: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 508: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 508: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 508: no users/groups matched Line: 509: incorrect codeowner user: mniestroj Line: 509: no users/groups matched Line: 510: incorrect codeowner user: loicpoulain Line: 510: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 510: no users/groups matched Line: 511: incorrect codeowner user: kludentwo Line: 511: no users/groups matched Line: 512: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 512: no users/groups matched Line: 513: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 513: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 513: no users/groups matched Line: 514: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 514: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 514: incorrect codeowner user: iriszzw Line: 514: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 514: no users/groups matched Line: 515: incorrect codeowner user: NorthernDean Line: 515: no users/groups matched Line: 516: incorrect codeowner user: aspeeddylan Line: 516: no users/groups matched Line: 517: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 517: no users/groups matched Line: 518: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 518: no users/groups matched Line: 519: incorrect codeowner user: benpicco Line: 519: no users/groups matched Line: 520: incorrect codeowner user: benpicco Line: 520: no users/groups matched Line: 521: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 521: no users/groups matched Line: 522: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 522: no users/groups matched Line: 523: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 523: no users/groups matched Line: 524: incorrect codeowner user: sbranden Line: 524: no users/groups matched Line: 525: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 525: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 525: no users/groups matched Line: 526: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 526: no users/groups matched Line: 527: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 527: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 527: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 527: no users/groups matched Line: 528: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 528: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 528: no users/groups matched Line: 529: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 529: no users/groups matched Line: 530: incorrect codeowner user: povergoing Line: 530: no users/groups matched Line: 531: incorrect codeowner user: siclim Line: 531: no users/groups matched Line: 532: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 532: no users/groups matched Line: 533: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 533: incorrect codeowner user: xakep-amatop Line: 533: no users/groups matched Line: 534: incorrect codeowner user: fkokosinski Line: 534: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 534: no users/groups matched Line: 535: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 535: no users/groups matched Line: 536: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 536: no users/groups matched Line: 537: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 537: no users/groups matched Line: 538: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 538: no users/groups matched Line: 539: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 539: no users/groups matched Line: 540: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 540: no users/groups matched Line: 541: incorrect codeowner user: vanti Line: 541: no users/groups matched Line: 542: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 542: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 542: no users/groups matched Line: 543: incorrect codeowner user: ssekar15 Line: 543: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 543: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 543: no users/groups matched Line: 544: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 544: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 544: no users/groups matched Line: 545: incorrect codeowner user: manuargue Line: 545: no users/groups matched Line: 546: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 546: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 546: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 546: no users/groups matched Line: 547: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 547: no users/groups matched Line: 548: incorrect codeowner user: rdmeneze Line: 548: no users/groups matched Line: 549: incorrect codeowner user: oanerer Line: 549: no users/groups matched Line: 550: incorrect codeowner user: mnkp Line: 550: no users/groups matched Line: 551: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 551: incorrect codeowner user: fkokosinski Line: 551: incorrect codeowner user: pczarnecki Line: 551: no users/groups matched Line: 552: incorrect codeowner user: mnkp Line: 552: no users/groups matched Line: 553: incorrect codeowner user: rdmeneze Line: 553: no users/groups matched Line: 554: incorrect codeowner user: l-alfred Line: 554: no users/groups matched Line: 555: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 555: no users/groups matched Line: 556: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 556: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 556: no users/groups matched Line: 557: incorrect codeowner user: ite Line: 557: no users/groups matched Line: 558: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 558: no users/groups matched Line: 559: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 559: no users/groups matched Line: 560: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 560: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 560: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 560: no users/groups matched Line: 561: incorrect codeowner user: rajnesh-kanwal Line: 561: no users/groups matched Line: 562: incorrect codeowner user: cwshu Line: 562: incorrect codeowner user: kevinwang821020 Line: 562: incorrect codeowner user: jimmyzhe Line: 562: no users/groups matched Line: 563: incorrect codeowner user: sweeaun Line: 563: no users/groups matched Line: 564: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 564: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 564: no users/groups matched Line: 565: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 565: no users/groups matched Line: 566: incorrect codeowner user: bbolen Line: 566: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 566: no users/groups matched Line: 567: incorrect codeowner user: bbolen Line: 567: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 567: no users/groups matched Line: 568: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 568: no users/groups matched Line: 569: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 569: no users/groups matched Line: 570: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 570: no users/groups matched Line: 571: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 571: no users/groups matched Line: 572: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 572: no users/groups matched Line: 573: incorrect codeowner user: iuliana-prodan Line: 573: incorrect codeowner user: dbaluta Line: 573: no users/groups matched Line: 574: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 574: no users/groups matched Line: 575: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 575: no users/groups matched Line: 576: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 576: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 576: no users/groups matched Line: 577: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 577: no users/groups matched Line: 578: incorrect codeowner user: cybertale Line: 578: no users/groups matched Line: 579: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 579: no users/groups matched Line: 580: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 580: no users/groups matched Line: 581: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 581: no users/groups matched Line: 582: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 582: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 582: no users/groups matched Line: 583: incorrect codeowner user: pbalsundar Line: 583: no users/groups matched Line: 584: incorrect codeowner user: mniestroj Line: 584: no users/groups matched Line: 585: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 585: no users/groups matched Line: 586: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 586: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 586: no users/groups matched Line: 587: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 587: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 587: no users/groups matched Line: 588: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 588: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 588: no users/groups matched Line: 589: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 589: no users/groups matched Line: 590: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 590: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 590: no users/groups matched Line: 591: incorrect codeowner user: manuargue Line: 591: no users/groups matched Line: 592: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 592: no users/groups matched Line: 593: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 593: no users/groups matched Line: 594: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 594: no users/groups matched Line: 595: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 595: no users/groups matched Line: 596: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 596: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 596: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 596: no users/groups matched Line: 597: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 597: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 597: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 597: no users/groups matched Line: 598: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 598: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 598: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 598: no users/groups matched Line: 599: incorrect codeowner user: cwshu Line: 599: incorrect codeowner user: kevinwang821020 Line: 599: incorrect codeowner user: jimmyzhe Line: 599: no users/groups matched Line: 600: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 600: no users/groups matched Line: 601: incorrect codeowner user: sgrrzhf Line: 601: no users/groups matched Line: 602: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 602: no users/groups matched Line: 603: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 603: no users/groups matched Line: 604: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 604: no users/groups matched Line: 605: incorrect codeowner user: xingrz Line: 605: no users/groups matched Line: 606: incorrect codeowner user: thedjnK Line: 606: no users/groups matched Line: 607: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 607: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 607: no users/groups matched Line: 608: incorrect codeowner user: BoschSensortec Line: 608: no users/groups matched Line: 609: incorrect codeowner user: bbilas Line: 609: no users/groups matched Line: 610: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 610: no users/groups matched Line: 611: incorrect codeowner user: lixuzha Line: 611: incorrect codeowner user: ghu0510 Line: 611: incorrect codeowner user: qianruh Line: 611: no users/groups matched Line: 612: incorrect codeowner user: lixuzha Line: 612: incorrect codeowner user: ghu0510 Line: 612: incorrect codeowner user: qianruh Line: 612: no users/groups matched Line: 613: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 613: no users/groups matched Line: 614: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 614: no users/groups matched Line: 615: incorrect codeowner user: sweeaun Line: 615: no users/groups matched Line: 616: incorrect codeowner user: nbalabak Line: 616: no users/groups matched Line: 617: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 617: no users/groups matched Line: 618: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 618: no users/groups matched Line: 619: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 619: no users/groups matched Line: 620: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 620: no users/groups matched Line: 621: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 621: no users/groups matched Line: 622: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 622: no users/groups matched Line: 623: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 623: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 623: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 623: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 623: no users/groups matched Line: 624: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 624: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 624: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 624: no users/groups matched Line: 625: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 625: no users/groups matched Line: 626: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 626: no users/groups matched Line: 627: incorrect codeowner user: thedjnK Line: 627: no users/groups matched Line: 628: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 628: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 628: no users/groups matched Line: 629: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 629: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 629: no users/groups matched Line: 630: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 630: no users/groups matched Line: 631: incorrect codeowner user: martinjaeger Line: 631: no users/groups matched Line: 632: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 632: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 632: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 632: no users/groups matched Line: 633: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 633: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 633: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 633: no users/groups matched Line: 634: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 634: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 634: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 634: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 634: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 634: no users/groups matched Line: 635: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 635: no users/groups matched Line: 636: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 636: no users/groups matched Line: 637: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 637: no users/groups matched Line: 638: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 638: no users/groups matched Line: 639: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 639: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 639: no users/groups matched Line: 640: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 640: no users/groups matched Line: 641: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 641: no users/groups matched Line: 642: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 642: no users/groups matched Line: 643: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 643: no users/groups matched Line: 644: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 644: no users/groups matched Line: 645: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 645: no users/groups matched Line: 646: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 646: no users/groups matched Line: 647: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 647: no users/groups matched Line: 648: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 648: no users/groups matched Line: 649: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 649: no users/groups matched Line: 650: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 650: no users/groups matched Line: 651: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 651: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 651: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 651: no users/groups matched Line: 652: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 652: no users/groups matched Line: 653: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 653: no users/groups matched Line: 654: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 654: no users/groups matched Line: 655: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 655: no users/groups matched Line: 656: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 656: no users/groups matched Line: 657: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 657: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 657: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 657: no users/groups matched Line: 658: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 658: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 658: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 658: no users/groups matched Line: 659: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 659: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 659: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 659: no users/groups matched Line: 660: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 660: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 660: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 660: no users/groups matched Line: 661: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 661: no users/groups matched Line: 662: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 662: no users/groups matched Line: 663: incorrect codeowner user: povergoing Line: 663: no users/groups matched Line: 664: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 664: no users/groups matched Line: 665: incorrect codeowner user: frantony Line: 665: no users/groups matched Line: 666: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 666: no users/groups matched Line: 667: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 667: no users/groups matched Line: 668: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 668: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 668: no users/groups matched Line: 669: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 669: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 669: no users/groups matched Line: 670: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 670: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 670: no users/groups matched Line: 671: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 671: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 671: no users/groups matched Line: 672: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 672: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 672: no users/groups matched Line: 673: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 673: no users/groups matched Line: 674: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 674: no users/groups matched Line: 675: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 675: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 675: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 675: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 675: no users/groups matched Line: 676: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 676: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 676: incorrect codeowner user: Thalley Line: 676: no users/groups matched Line: 677: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 677: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 677: no users/groups matched Line: 678: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 678: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 678: no users/groups matched Line: 679: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 679: no users/groups matched Line: 680: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 680: no users/groups matched Line: 681: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 681: no users/groups matched Line: 682: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 682: no users/groups matched Line: 683: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 683: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 683: no users/groups matched Line: 684: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 684: no users/groups matched Line: 685: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 685: no users/groups matched Line: 686: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 686: no users/groups matched Line: 687: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 687: no users/groups matched Line: 688: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 688: no users/groups matched Line: 689: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 689: no users/groups matched Line: 690: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 690: no users/groups matched Line: 691: incorrect codeowner user: RuibinChang Line: 691: no users/groups matched Line: 692: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 692: no users/groups matched Line: 693: incorrect codeowner user: benediktibk Line: 693: no users/groups matched Line: 694: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 694: no users/groups matched Line: 695: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 695: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 695: no users/groups matched Line: 696: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 696: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 696: no users/groups matched Line: 697: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 697: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 697: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 697: no users/groups matched Line: 698: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 698: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 698: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 698: no users/groups matched Line: 699: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 699: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 699: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 699: no users/groups matched Line: 700: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 700: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 700: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 700: no users/groups matched Line: 701: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 701: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 701: no users/groups matched Line: 702: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 702: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 702: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 702: no users/groups matched Line: 703: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 703: no users/groups matched Line: 704: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 704: no users/groups matched Line: 705: incorrect codeowner user: sidcha Line: 705: no users/groups matched Line: 706: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 706: no users/groups matched Line: 707: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 707: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 707: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 707: no users/groups matched Line: 708: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 708: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 708: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 708: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 708: no users/groups matched Line: 709: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 709: no users/groups matched Line: 710: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 710: incorrect codeowner user: glarsennordic Line: 710: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 710: no users/groups matched Line: 711: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 711: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 711: incorrect codeowner user: fgrandel Line: 711: no users/groups matched Line: 712: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 712: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 712: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 712: incorrect codeowner user: fgrandel Line: 712: no users/groups matched Line: 713: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 713: no users/groups matched Line: 714: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 714: no users/groups matched Line: 715: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 715: incorrect codeowner user: BeckmaR Line: 715: no users/groups matched Line: 716: incorrect codeowner user: npitre Line: 716: no users/groups matched Line: 717: incorrect codeowner user: cfreidt Line: 717: no users/groups matched Line: 718: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 718: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 718: no users/groups matched Line: 719: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 719: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 719: no users/groups matched Line: 720: incorrect codeowner user: teburd Line: 720: no users/groups matched Line: 721: incorrect codeowner user: lixuzha Line: 721: incorrect codeowner user: ghu0510 Line: 721: incorrect codeowner user: qianruh Line: 721: no users/groups matched Line: 722: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 722: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 722: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 722: no users/groups matched Line: 723: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 723: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 723: no users/groups matched Line: 724: incorrect codeowner user: ycsin Line: 724: no users/groups matched Line: 725: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 725: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 725: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 725: no users/groups matched Line: 726: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 726: no users/groups matched Line: 727: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 727: no users/groups matched Line: 728: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 728: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 728: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 728: no users/groups matched Line: 729: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 729: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 729: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 729: no users/groups matched Line: 730: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 730: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 730: no users/groups matched Line: 731: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 731: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 731: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 731: no users/groups matched Line: 732: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 732: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 732: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 732: no users/groups matched Line: 733: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 733: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 733: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 733: no users/groups matched Line: 734: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 734: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 734: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 734: no users/groups matched Line: 735: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 735: no users/groups matched Line: 736: incorrect codeowner user: sambhurst Line: 736: no users/groups matched Line: 737: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 737: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 737: no users/groups matched Line: 738: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 738: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 738: no users/groups matched Line: 739: incorrect codeowner user: arnopo Line: 739: no users/groups matched Line: 740: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 740: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 740: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 740: no users/groups matched Line: 741: incorrect codeowner user: npitre Line: 741: no users/groups matched Line: 742: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 742: no users/groups matched Line: 743: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 743: no users/groups matched Line: 744: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 744: no users/groups matched Line: 745: incorrect codeowner user: lixuzha Line: 745: incorrect codeowner user: ghu0510 Line: 745: incorrect codeowner user: qianruh Line: 745: no users/groups matched Line: 746: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 746: no users/groups matched Line: 747: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 747: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 747: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 747: no users/groups matched Line: 748: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 748: no users/groups matched Line: 749: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 749: no users/groups matched Line: 750: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 750: no users/groups matched Line: 751: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 751: incorrect codeowner user: d3zd3z Line: 751: no users/groups matched Line: 752: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 752: no users/groups matched Line: 753: incorrect codeowner user: jciupis Line: 753: no users/groups matched Line: 754: incorrect codeowner user: microbuilder Line: 754: no users/groups matched Line: 755: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 755: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 755: no users/groups matched Line: 756: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 756: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 756: no users/groups matched Line: 757: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 757: no users/groups matched Line: 758: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 758: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 758: no users/groups matched Line: 759: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 759: no users/groups matched Line: 760: incorrect codeowner user: jhe Line: 760: no users/groups matched Line: 761: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 761: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 761: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 761: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 761: no users/groups matched Line: 762: incorrect codeowner user: Navin-Sankar Line: 762: no users/groups matched Line: 763: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 763: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 763: no users/groups matched Line: 764: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 764: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 764: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 764: no users/groups matched Line: 765: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 765: no users/groups matched Line: 766: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 766: no users/groups matched Line: 767: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 767: no users/groups matched Line: 768: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 768: no users/groups matched Line: 769: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 769: no users/groups matched Line: 770: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 770: no users/groups matched Line: 771: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 771: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 771: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 771: no users/groups matched Line: 772: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 772: no users/groups matched Line: 773: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 773: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 773: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 773: no users/groups matched Line: 774: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 774: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 774: incorrect codeowner user: fgrandel Line: 774: no users/groups matched Line: 775: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 775: no users/groups matched Line: 776: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 776: no users/groups matched Line: 777: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 777: incorrect codeowner user: BeckmaR Line: 777: no users/groups matched Line: 778: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 778: no users/groups matched Line: 779: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 779: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 779: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 779: no users/groups matched Line: 780: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 780: no users/groups matched Line: 781: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 781: no users/groups matched Line: 782: incorrect codeowner user: emob-nordic Line: 782: no users/groups matched Line: 783: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 783: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 783: no users/groups matched Line: 784: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 784: no users/groups matched Line: 785: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 785: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 785: incorrect codeowner user: gdengi Line: 785: no users/groups matched Line: 786: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 786: no users/groups matched Line: 787: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 787: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 787: no users/groups matched Line: 788: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 788: incorrect codeowner user: otavio Line: 788: no users/groups matched Line: 789: incorrect codeowner user: sidcha Line: 789: no users/groups matched Line: 790: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 790: no users/groups matched Line: 791: incorrect codeowner user: sambhurst Line: 791: no users/groups matched Line: 792: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 792: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 792: no users/groups matched Line: 793: incorrect codeowner user: lixuzha Line: 793: incorrect codeowner user: ghu0510 Line: 793: incorrect codeowner user: qianruh Line: 793: no users/groups matched Line: 794: incorrect codeowner user: microbuilder Line: 794: no users/groups matched Line: 795: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 795: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 795: no users/groups matched Line: 796: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 796: no users/groups matched Line: 797: incorrect codeowner user: himanshujha199640 Line: 797: incorrect codeowner user: JuliaLawall Line: 797: no users/groups matched Line: 798: incorrect codeowner user: himanshujha199640 Line: 798: incorrect codeowner user: JuliaLawall Line: 798: no users/groups matched Line: 799: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 799: no users/groups matched Line: 800: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 800: no users/groups matched Line: 801: incorrect codeowner user: ulfalizer Line: 801: no users/groups matched Line: 802: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 802: no users/groups matched Line: 803: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 803: no users/groups matched Line: 804: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 804: no users/groups matched Line: 805: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 805: no users/groups matched Line: 806: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 806: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 806: no users/groups matched Line: 807: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 807: no users/groups matched Line: 808: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 808: no users/groups matched Line: 809: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 809: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 809: no users/groups matched Line: 810: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 810: no users/groups matched Line: 811: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 811: no users/groups matched Line: 812: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 812: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 812: no users/groups matched Line: 813: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 813: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 813: no users/groups matched Line: 814: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 814: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 814: no users/groups matched Line: 815: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 815: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 815: no users/groups matched Line: 816: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 816: no users/groups matched Line: 817: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 817: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 817: no users/groups matched Line: 818: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 818: no users/groups matched Line: 819: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 819: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 819: no users/groups matched Line: 820: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 820: no users/groups matched Line: 821: incorrect codeowner user: madhurimaparuchuri Line: 821: no users/groups matched Line: 822: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 822: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 822: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 822: no users/groups matched Line: 823: incorrect codeowner user: rmstoi Line: 823: no users/groups matched Line: 824: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 824: no users/groups matched Line: 825: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 825: no users/groups matched Line: 826: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 826: no users/groups matched Line: 827: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 827: no users/groups matched Line: 828: incorrect codeowner user: gmarull Line: 828: no users/groups matched Line: 829: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 829: no users/groups matched Line: 830: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 830: no users/groups matched Line: 831: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 831: no users/groups matched Line: 832: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 832: no users/groups matched Line: 833: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 833: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 833: no users/groups matched Line: 834: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 834: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 834: no users/groups matched Line: 835: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-ampere Line: 835: no users/groups matched Line: 836: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 836: no users/groups matched Line: 837: incorrect codeowner user: petejohanson Line: 837: no users/groups matched Line: 838: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 838: no users/groups matched Line: 839: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 839: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 839: no users/groups matched Line: 840: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 840: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 840: no users/groups matched Line: 841: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 841: no users/groups matched Line: 842: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 842: no users/groups matched Line: 843: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 843: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 843: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 843: no users/groups matched Line: 844: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 844: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 844: incorrect codeowner user: Thalley Line: 844: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 844: no users/groups matched Line: 845: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 845: incorrect codeowner user: cvinayak Line: 845: incorrect codeowner user: thoh-ot Line: 845: incorrect codeowner user: kruithofa Line: 845: no users/groups matched Line: 846: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 846: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 846: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 846: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 846: no users/groups matched Line: 847: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 847: incorrect codeowner user: PavelVPV Line: 847: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 847: incorrect codeowner user: LingaoM Line: 847: no users/groups matched Line: 848: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 848: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 848: no users/groups matched Line: 849: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 849: no users/groups matched Line: 850: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 850: no users/groups matched Line: 851: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 851: no users/groups matched Line: 852: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 852: no users/groups matched Line: 853: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 853: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 853: no users/groups matched Line: 854: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 854: no users/groups matched Line: 855: incorrect codeowner user: yperess Line: 855: no users/groups matched Line: 856: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 856: no users/groups matched Line: 857: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 857: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 857: no users/groups matched Line: 858: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 858: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 858: no users/groups matched Line: 859: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 859: no users/groups matched Line: 860: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 860: no users/groups matched Line: 861: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 861: no users/groups matched Line: 862: incorrect codeowner user: Laczen Line: 862: no users/groups matched Line: 863: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 863: no users/groups matched Line: 864: incorrect codeowner user: emob-nordic Line: 864: no users/groups matched Line: 865: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 865: no users/groups matched Line: 866: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 866: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 866: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 866: no users/groups matched Line: 867: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 867: no users/groups matched Line: 868: incorrect codeowner user: jettr Line: 868: no users/groups matched Line: 869: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 869: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 869: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 869: no users/groups matched Line: 870: incorrect codeowner user: Navin-Sankar Line: 870: no users/groups matched Line: 871: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 871: incorrect codeowner user: otavio Line: 871: no users/groups matched Line: 872: incorrect codeowner user: sidcha Line: 872: no users/groups matched Line: 873: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 873: no users/groups matched Line: 874: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 874: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 874: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 874: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 874: no users/groups matched Line: 875: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 875: incorrect codeowner user: glarsennordic Line: 875: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 875: no users/groups matched Line: 876: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 876: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 876: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 876: no users/groups matched Line: 877: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 877: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 877: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 877: no users/groups matched Line: 878: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 878: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 878: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 878: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 878: no users/groups matched Line: 879: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 879: no users/groups matched Line: 880: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 880: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 880: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 880: no users/groups matched Line: 881: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 881: no users/groups matched Line: 882: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 882: incorrect codeowner user: BeckmaR Line: 882: no users/groups matched Line: 883: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 883: no users/groups matched Line: 884: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 884: no users/groups matched Line: 885: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 885: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 885: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 885: no users/groups matched Line: 886: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 886: no users/groups matched Line: 887: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 887: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 887: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 887: no users/groups matched Line: 888: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 888: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 888: incorrect codeowner user: fgrandel Line: 888: no users/groups matched Line: 889: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 889: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 889: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 889: incorrect codeowner user: fgrandel Line: 889: no users/groups matched Line: 890: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 890: no users/groups matched Line: 891: incorrect codeowner user: npitre Line: 891: no users/groups matched Line: 892: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 892: no users/groups matched Line: 893: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 893: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 893: no users/groups matched Line: 894: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 894: no users/groups matched Line: 895: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 895: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 895: no users/groups matched Line: 896: incorrect codeowner user: ycsin Line: 896: no users/groups matched Line: 897: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 897: no users/groups matched Line: 898: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 898: no users/groups matched Line: 899: incorrect codeowner user: martinjaeger Line: 899: no users/groups matched Line: 900: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 900: no users/groups matched Line: 901: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 901: no users/groups matched Line: 902: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 902: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 902: no users/groups matched Line: 903: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 903: no users/groups matched Line: 904: incorrect codeowner user: sambhurst Line: 904: no users/groups matched Line: 905: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 905: no users/groups matched Line: 906: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 906: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 906: no users/groups matched Line: 907: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 907: no users/groups matched Line: 908: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 908: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 908: no users/groups matched Line: 909: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 909: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 909: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 909: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 909: no users/groups matched Line: 910: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 910: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 910: incorrect codeowner user: wopu-ot Line: 910: incorrect codeowner user: Thalley Line: 910: no users/groups matched Line: 911: incorrect codeowner user: cvinayak Line: 911: incorrect codeowner user: thoh-ot Line: 911: incorrect codeowner user: kruithofa Line: 911: incorrect codeowner user: erbr-ot Line: 911: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 911: incorrect codeowner user: ppryga Line: 911: no users/groups matched Line: 912: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 912: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 912: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 912: incorrect codeowner user: wopu-ot Line: 912: no users/groups matched Line: 913: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 913: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 913: incorrect codeowner user: wopu-ot Line: 913: incorrect codeowner user: Thalley Line: 913: no users/groups matched Line: 914: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 914: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 914: incorrect codeowner user: wopu-ot Line: 914: incorrect codeowner user: PavelVPV Line: 914: no users/groups matched Line: 915: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 915: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 915: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 915: incorrect codeowner user: PavelVPV Line: 915: no users/groups matched Line: 916: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 916: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 916: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 916: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 916: no users/groups matched Line: 917: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 917: no users/groups matched Line: 918: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 918: no users/groups matched Line: 919: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 919: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 919: incorrect codeowner user: d3zd3z Line: 919: no users/groups matched Line: 920: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 920: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 920: no users/groups matched Line: 921: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 921: no users/groups matched Line: 922: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 922: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 922: no users/groups matched Line: 923: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 923: no users/groups matched Line: 924: incorrect codeowner user: mnkp Line: 924: no users/groups matched Line: 925: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 925: no users/groups matched Line: 926: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 926: no users/groups matched Line: 927: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 927: no users/groups matched Line: 928: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 928: no users/groups matched Line: 929: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 929: no users/groups matched Line: 930: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 930: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 930: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 930: no users/groups matched Line: 931: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 931: no users/groups matched Line: 932: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 932: no users/groups matched Line: 933: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 933: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 933: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 933: no users/groups matched Line: 934: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 934: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 934: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 934: no users/groups matched Line: 935: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 935: incorrect codeowner user: glarsennordic Line: 935: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 935: no users/groups matched Line: 936: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 936: incorrect codeowner user: glarsennordic Line: 936: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 936: no users/groups matched Line: 937: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 937: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 937: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 937: incorrect codeowner user: fgrandel Line: 937: no users/groups matched Line: 938: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 938: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 938: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 938: no users/groups matched Line: 939: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 939: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 939: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 939: no users/groups matched Line: 940: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 940: no users/groups matched Line: 941: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 941: incorrect codeowner user: BeckmaR Line: 941: no users/groups matched Line: 942: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 942: incorrect codeowner user: BeckmaR Line: 942: no users/groups matched Line: 943: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 943: no users/groups matched Line: 944: incorrect codeowner user: npitre Line: 944: no users/groups matched Line: 945: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 945: no users/groups matched Line: 946: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 946: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 946: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 946: no users/groups matched Line: 947: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 947: no users/groups matched Line: 948: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 948: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 948: no users/groups matched Line: 949: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 949: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 949: no users/groups matched Line: 950: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 950: no users/groups matched Line: 951: incorrect codeowner user: teburd Line: 951: no users/groups matched Line: 952: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 952: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 952: no users/groups matched Line: 954: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 954: no users/groups matched Line: 955: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 955: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 955: no users/groups matched Line: 956: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 956: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 956: no users/groups matched
Benedikt Schmidt 24ad40a7f2 CODEOWNERS: add codeowner of MAX11102-17
Add myself as codeowner of the previously committed ADC
driver for the MAX11102-17 series.

Signed-off-by: Benedikt Schmidt <benedikt.schmidt@embedded-solutions.at>
2023-09-14 08:32:46 -05:00

957 lines
55 KiB

# CODEOWNERS for autoreview assigning in github
# https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-code-owners#codeowners-syntax
# Order is important; for each modified file, the last matching
# pattern takes the most precedence.
# That is, with the last pattern being
# *.rst @nashif
# if only .rst files are being modified, only nashif is
# automatically requested for review, but you can manually
# add others as needed.
# Do not use wildcard on all source yet
# * @galak @nashif
/.github/ @nashif @stephanosio
/.github/workflows/ @galak @nashif
/MAINTAINERS.yml @MaureenHelm
/arch/arc/ @abrodkin @ruuddw @evgeniy-paltsev
/arch/arm/ @MaureenHelm @galak @ioannisg
/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/cmse/ @ioannisg
/arch/arm/include/cortex_m/cmse.h @ioannisg
/arch/arm/core/cortex_a_r/ @MaureenHelm @galak @ioannisg @bbolen @stephanosio
/arch/arm64/ @carlocaione
/arch/arm64/core/cortex_r/ @povergoing
/arch/arm64/core/xen/ @lorc @firscity
/arch/common/ @ioannisg @andyross
/arch/mips/ @frantony
/soc/arc/snps_*/ @abrodkin @ruuddw @evgeniy-paltsev
/soc/nios2/ @nashif
/soc/arm/ @MaureenHelm @galak @ioannisg
/soc/arm/arm/mps2/ @fvincenzo
/soc/arm/aspeed/ @aspeeddylan
/soc/arm/atmel_sam/common/*_sam4l_*.c @nandojve
/soc/arm/atmel_sam/sam3x/ @ioannisg
/soc/arm/atmel_sam/sam4e/ @nandojve
/soc/arm/atmel_sam/sam4l/ @nandojve
/soc/arm/atmel_sam/sam4s/ @fallrisk
/soc/arm/atmel_sam/same70/ @nandojve
/soc/arm/atmel_sam/samv71/ @nandojve
/soc/arm/cypress/ @ifyall @npal-cy
/soc/arm/bcm*/ @sbranden
/soc/arm/gigadevice/ @nandojve
/soc/arm/infineon_cat1/ @ifyall @npal-cy
/soc/arm/infineon_xmc/ @parthitce
/soc/arm/nxp*/ @mmahadevan108 @dleach02
/soc/arm/nxp_s32/ @manuargue
/soc/arm/nordic_nrf/ @anangl
/soc/arm/nuvoton_npcx/ @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/soc/arm/nuvoton_numicro/ @ssekar15
/soc/arm/quicklogic_eos_s3/ @fkokosinski @kgugala
/soc/arm/rpi_pico/ @yonsch
/soc/arm/silabs_exx32/efm32pg1b/ @rdmeneze
/soc/arm/silabs_exx32/efr32mg21/ @l-alfred
/soc/arm/st_stm32/ @erwango
/soc/arm/st_stm32/*/power.c @FRASTM
/soc/arm/st_stm32/stm32mp1/ @arnopo
/soc/arm/st_stm32/stm32h7/*stm32h735* @benediktibk
/soc/arm/st_stm32/stm32l4/*stm32l451* @benediktibk
/soc/arm/ti_simplelink/cc13x2_cc26x2/ @bwitherspoon
/soc/arm/ti_simplelink/cc32xx/ @vanti
/soc/arm/ti_simplelink/msp432p4xx/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/soc/arm/xilinx_zynq7000/ @ibirnbaum
/soc/arm/xilinx_zynqmp/ @stephanosio
/soc/arm/renesas_rcar/ @aaillet
/soc/arm64/ @carlocaione
/soc/arm64/qemu_cortex_a53/ @carlocaione
/soc/arm64/bcm_vk/ @abhishek-brcm
/soc/arm64/nxp_layerscape/ @JiafeiPan
/soc/arm64/xenvm/ @lorc @firscity
/soc/arm64/nxp_imx/ @MrVan @JiafeiPan
/soc/arm64/arm/ @povergoing
/soc/arm64/arm/fvp_aemv8a/ @carlocaione
/soc/arm64/intel_socfpga/* @siclim
/soc/arm64/renesas_rcar/ @lorc @xakep-amatop
/soc/Kconfig @tejlmand @galak @nashif @nordicjm
/submanifests/* @mbolivar-ampere
/arch/x86/ @jhedberg @nashif
/arch/nios2/ @nashif
/arch/posix/ @aescolar @daor-oti
/arch/riscv/ @kgugala @pgielda
/soc/mips/ @frantony
/soc/posix/ @aescolar @daor-oti
/soc/riscv/ @kgugala @pgielda
/soc/riscv/openisa*/ @dleach02
/soc/riscv/riscv-privileged/andes_v5/ @cwshu @kevinwang821020 @jimmyzhe
/soc/riscv/riscv-privileged/neorv32/ @henrikbrixandersen
/soc/riscv/riscv-privileged/gd32vf103/ @soburi
/soc/riscv/riscv-privileged/niosv/ @sweeaun
/soc/x86/ @dcpleung @nashif
/arch/xtensa/ @dcpleung @andyross @nashif
/soc/xtensa/ @dcpleung @andyross @nashif
/arch/sparc/ @julius-barendt
/soc/sparc/ @julius-barendt
/boards/arc/ @abrodkin @ruuddw @evgeniy-paltsev
/boards/arm/ @MaureenHelm @galak
/boards/arm/96b_argonkey/ @avisconti
/boards/arm/96b_avenger96/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/boards/arm/96b_carbon/ @idlethread
/boards/arm/96b_meerkat96/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/boards/arm/96b_nitrogen/ @idlethread
/boards/arm/96b_neonkey/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/boards/arm/96b_stm32_sensor_mez/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/boards/arm/96b_wistrio/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/boards/arm/arduino_due/ @ioannisg
/boards/arm/acn52832/ @sven-hm
/boards/arm/arduino_mkrzero/ @soburi
/boards/arm/bbc_microbit_v2/ @LingaoM
/boards/arm/bl5340_dvk/ @lairdjm
/boards/arm/bl65*/ @lairdjm
/boards/arm/blackpill_f401ce/ @coderkalyan
/boards/arm/blackpill_f411ce/ @coderkalyan
/boards/arm/bt*10/ @greg-leach
/boards/arm/cc1352r1_launchxl/ @bwitherspoon
/boards/arm/cc26x2r1_launchxl/ @bwitherspoon
/boards/arm/cc3220sf_launchxl/ @vanti
/boards/arm/cy8ckit_062_ble/ @ifyall @npal-cy
/boards/arm/cy8ckit_062s4/ @DaWei8823
/boards/arm/cy8ckit_062_wifi_bt/ @ifyall @npal-cy
/boards/arm/cy8cproto_062_4343w/ @ifyall @npal-cy
/boards/arm/disco_l475_iot1/ @erwango
/boards/arm/efm32pg_stk3401a/ @rdmeneze
/boards/arm/faze/ @mbittan @simonguinot
/boards/arm/frdm*/ @mmahadevan108 @dleach02
/boards/arm/gd32*/ @nandojve
/boards/arm/google_*/ @jackrosenthal
/boards/arm/hexiwear*/ @mmahadevan108 @dleach02
/boards/arm/ip_k66f/ @parthitce @lmajewski
/boards/arm/legend/ @mbittan @simonguinot
/boards/arm/lpcxpresso*/ @mmahadevan108 @dleach02
/boards/arm/mg100/ @rerickson1
/boards/arm/mimx8mm_evk/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/boards/arm/mimx8mm_phyboard_polis @pefech
/boards/arm/mimxrt*/ @mmahadevan108 @dleach02
/boards/arm/mps2_an385/ @fvincenzo
/boards/arm/msp_exp432p401r_launchxl/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/boards/arm/npcx7m6fb_evb/ @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/boards/arm/nrf*/ @carlescufi @lemrey
/boards/arm/nucleo*/ @erwango @ABOSTM @FRASTM
/boards/arm/nucleo_f401re/ @idlethread
/boards/arm/nuvoton_pfm_m487/ @ssekar15
/boards/arm/pinnacle_100_dvk/ @rerickson1
/boards/arm/qemu_cortex_a9/ @ibirnbaum
/boards/arm/qemu_cortex_r*/ @stephanosio
/boards/arm/qemu_cortex_m*/ @ioannisg @stephanosio
/boards/arm/quick_feather/ @fkokosinski @kgugala
/boards/arm/rak4631_nrf52840/ @gpaquet85
/boards/arm/rak5010_nrf52840/ @gpaquet85
/boards/arm/rpi_pico/ @yonsch
/boards/arm/ronoth_lodev/ @NorthernDean
/boards/arm/xmc45_relax_kit/ @parthitce
/boards/arm/sam4e_xpro/ @nandojve
/boards/arm/sam4l_ek/ @nandojve
/boards/arm/sam4s_xplained/ @fallrisk
/boards/arm/sam_e70_xplained/ @nandojve
/boards/arm/sam_v71_xult/ @nandojve
/boards/arm/scobc_module1/ @yashi
/boards/arm/v2m_beetle/ @fvincenzo
/boards/arm/olimexino_stm32/ @ydamigos
/boards/arm/s32*/ @manuargue
/boards/arm/sensortile_box/ @avisconti
/boards/arm/steval_fcu001v1/ @Navin-Sankar
/boards/arm/stm32l1_disco/ @karlp
/boards/arm/stm32*_disco/ @erwango @ABOSTM @FRASTM
/boards/arm/stm32h735g_disco/ @benediktibk
/boards/arm/stm32f3_disco/ @ydamigos
/boards/arm/stm32*_eval/ @erwango @ABOSTM @FRASTM
/boards/arm/rcar_*/ @aaillet
/boards/arm/ubx_bmd345eval_nrf52840/ @Navin-Sankar @brec-u-blox
/boards/arm/nrf5340_audio_dk_nrf5340 @koffes @alexsven @erikrobstad @rick1082 @gWacey
/boards/common/ @mbolivar-ampere
/boards/deprecated.cmake @tejlmand
/boards/mips/ @frantony
/boards/nios2/ @nashif
/boards/nios2/altera_max10/ @nashif
/boards/arm/stm32_min_dev/ @sidcha
/boards/posix/ @aescolar @daor-oti
/boards/posix/nrf52_bsim/ @aescolar @wopu-ot
/boards/riscv/ @kgugala @pgielda
/boards/riscv/rv32m1_vega/ @dleach02
/boards/riscv/adp_xc7k_ae350/ @cwshu @kevinwang821020 @jimmyzhe
/boards/riscv/longan_nano/ @soburi
/boards/riscv/neorv32/ @henrikbrixandersen
/boards/riscv/niosv*/ @sweeaun
/boards/riscv/sparkfun_red_v_things_plus/ @soburi
/boards/riscv/stamp_c3/ @soburi
/boards/shields/ @erwango
/boards/shields/atmel_rf2xx/ @nandojve
/boards/shields/esp_8266/ @nandojve
/boards/shields/inventek_eswifi/ @nandojve
/boards/x86/ @dcpleung @nashif
/boards/x86/acrn/ @enjiamai
/boards/xtensa/ @nashif @dcpleung
/boards/xtensa/odroid_go/ @ydamigos
/boards/xtensa/nxp_adsp_imx8/ @iuliana-prodan @dbaluta
/boards/sparc/ @julius-barendt
/boards/arm64/qemu_cortex_a53/ @carlocaione
/boards/arm64/bcm958402m2_a72/ @abhishek-brcm
/boards/arm64/mimx8mm_evk/ @MrVan @JiafeiPan
/boards/arm64/mimx8mp_evk/ @MrVan @JiafeiPan
/boards/arm64/mimx8mn_evk/ @JiafeiPan
/boards/arm64/mimx93_evk/ @JiafeiPan
/boards/arm64/nxp_ls1046ardb/ @JiafeiPan
/boards/arm64/xenvm/ @lorc @firscity
/boards/arm64/fvp_baser_aemv8r/ @povergoing
/boards/arm64/fvp_base_revc_2xaemv8a/ @carlocaione
/boards/arm64/intel_socfpga_agilex_socdk/ @siclim @ngboonkhai
/boards/arm64/intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk/ @chongteikheng
/boards/arm64/rcar_*/ @lorc @xakep-amatop
/boards/Kconfig @tejlmand @galak @nashif @nordicjm
# All cmake related files
/cmake/ @tejlmand @nashif
/cmake/*/arcmwdt/ @abrodkin @evgeniy-paltsev @tejlmand
/CMakeLists.txt @tejlmand @nashif
/doc/ @carlescufi
/doc/develop/tools/coccinelle.rst @himanshujha199640 @JuliaLawall
/doc/services/device_mgmt/smp_protocol.rst @de-nordic @nordicjm
/doc/services/device_mgmt/smp_groups/ @de-nordic @nordicjm
/doc/services/sensing/ @lixuzha @ghu0510 @qianruh
/doc/CMakeLists.txt @carlescufi
/doc/_scripts/ @carlescufi
/doc/connectivity/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz
/doc/build/dts/ @galak @mbolivar-ampere
/doc/build/sysbuild/ @tejlmand @nordicjm
/doc/hardware/peripherals/canbus/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/doc/security/ @ceolin @d3zd3z
/drivers/debug/ @nashif
/drivers/*/*sam4l* @nandojve
/drivers/*/*cc13xx_cc26xx* @bwitherspoon
/drivers/*/*gd32* @nandojve
/drivers/*/*litex* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/drivers/*/*mcux* @mmahadevan108 @dleach02
/drivers/*/*stm32* @erwango @ABOSTM @FRASTM
/drivers/*/*native_posix* @aescolar @daor-oti
/drivers/*/*lpc11u6x* @mbittan @simonguinot
/drivers/*/*npcx* @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/drivers/*/*andes* @cwshu @kevinwang821020 @jimmyzhe
/drivers/*/*ifx_cat1* @ifyall @npal-cy
/drivers/*/*neorv32* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/*/*_s32* @manuargue
/drivers/adc/ @anangl
/drivers/adc/adc_ads1x1x.c @XenuIsWatching
/drivers/adc/adc_stm32.c @cybertale
/drivers/adc/adc_rpi_pico.c @soburi
/drivers/adc/*ads114s0x* @benediktibk
/drivers/adc/*max11102_17* @benediktibk
/drivers/audio/*nrfx* @anangl
/drivers/auxdisplay/*pt6314* @xingrz
/drivers/auxdisplay/* @thedjnK
/drivers/bbram/* @yperess @sjg20 @jackrosenthal
/drivers/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz
/drivers/bluetooth/hci/hci_esp32.c @sylvioalves
/drivers/cache/ @carlocaione
/drivers/syscon/ @carlocaione @yperess
/drivers/can/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/can/*mcp2515* @karstenkoenig
/drivers/can/*rcar* @aaillet
/drivers/clock_control/*agilex* @siclim @gdengi
/drivers/clock_control/*nrf* @nordic-krch
/drivers/clock_control/*esp32* @extremegtx @sylvioalves
/drivers/clock_control/*cpg_mssr* @aaillet
/drivers/counter/ @nordic-krch
/drivers/console/ipm_console.c @finikorg
/drivers/console/semihost_console.c @luozhongyao
/drivers/console/jailhouse_debug_console.c @MrVan
/drivers/counter/counter_cmos.c @dcpleung
/drivers/counter/counter_ll_stm32_timer.c @kentjhall
/drivers/counter/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/counter/dw_timer.c @pbalsundar
/drivers/counter/counter_timer_shell.c @pbalsundar
/drivers/crypto/*nrf_ecb* @maciekfabia @anangl
/drivers/display/*rm68200* @mmahadevan108
/drivers/display/display_ili9342c.* @extremegtx
/drivers/dac/ @martinjaeger
/drivers/dac/*ad56xx* @benediktibk
/drivers/dai/ @kv2019i @marcinszkudlinski @abonislawski
/drivers/dai/intel/ @kv2019i @marcinszkudlinski @abonislawski
/drivers/dai/intel/ssp/ @kv2019i @marcinszkudlinski @abonislawski
/drivers/dai/intel/dmic/ @marcinszkudlinski @abonislawski
/drivers/dai/intel/alh/ @abonislawski
/drivers/dma/*dw* @tbursztyka
/drivers/dma/*dw_common* @abonislawski
/drivers/dma/*sam0* @Sizurka
/drivers/dma/dma_stm32* @cybertale @lowlander
/drivers/dma/*pl330* @raveenp
/drivers/dma/*iproc_pax* @raveenp
/drivers/dma/*intel_adsp* @teburd @abonislawski
/drivers/dma/*rpi_pico* @soburi
/drivers/dma/*xmc4xxx* @talih0
/drivers/edac/ @finikorg
/drivers/eeprom/ @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/eeprom/eeprom_stm32.c @KwonTae-young
/drivers/entropy/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/entropy/*bt_hci* @JordanYates
/drivers/entropy/*rv32m1* @dleach02
/drivers/entropy/*litex* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/drivers/espi/ @albertofloyd @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/ethernet/ @tbursztyka @jukkar
/drivers/ethernet/*dwmac* @npitre
/drivers/ethernet/*stm32* @Nukersson @lochej
/drivers/ethernet/*w5500* @parthitce
/drivers/ethernet/*xlnx_gem* @ibirnbaum
/drivers/ethernet/*smsc91x* @sgrrzhf
/drivers/ethernet/*adin2111* @GeorgeCGV
/drivers/ethernet/phy/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @arvinf @jukkar
/drivers/ethernet/phy/*adin2111* @GeorgeCGV
/drivers/mdio/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @arvinf
/drivers/mdio/*adin2111* @GeorgeCGV
/drivers/flash/ @nashif @de-nordic
/drivers/flash/*stm32_qspi* @lmajewski
/drivers/flash/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/flash/*cadence* @ngboonkhai
/drivers/flash/*cc13xx_cc26xx* @pepe2k
/drivers/flash/*nrf* @de-nordic
/drivers/flash/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/fpga/ @tgorochowik @kgugala
/drivers/gpio/ @mnkp
/drivers/gpio/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/gpio/*lmp90xxx* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/gpio/*nct38xx* @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/drivers/gpio/*stm32* @erwango
/drivers/gpio/*eos_s3* @fkokosinski @kgugala
/drivers/gpio/*rcar* @aaillet
/drivers/gpio/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/gpio/*rpi_pico* @yonsch
/drivers/gpio/*xlnx_ps* @ibirnbaum
/drivers/gpio/*ads114s0x* @benediktibk
/drivers/gpio/*bd8lb600fs* @benediktibk
/drivers/gpio/*pcal64xxa* @benediktibk
/drivers/hwinfo/ @alexanderwachter
/drivers/i2c/i2c_common.c @sjg20
/drivers/i2c/i2c_emul.c @sjg20
/drivers/i2c/i2c_ite_enhance.c @GTLin08
/drivers/i2c/i2c_ite_it8xxx2.c @GTLin08
/drivers/i2c/i2c_shell.c @nashif
/drivers/i2c/Kconfig.i2c_emul @sjg20
/drivers/i2c/Kconfig.it8xxx2 @GTLin08
/drivers/i2c/target/*eeprom* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/i2c/Kconfig.test @mbolivar-ampere
/drivers/i2c/i2c_test.c @mbolivar-ampere
/drivers/i2c/*rcar* @aaillet
/drivers/i2s/*litex* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/drivers/i2s/i2s_ll_stm32* @avisconti
/drivers/i2s/*nrfx* @anangl
/drivers/i3c/ @dcpleung
/drivers/i3c/i3c_cdns.c @XenuIsWatching
/drivers/ieee802154/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar @fgrandel
/drivers/ieee802154/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_nrf5* @jciupis
/drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_rf2xx* @tbursztyka @nandojve
/drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_cc13xx* @bwitherspoon @cfriedt @vaishnavachath
/drivers/interrupt_controller/ @dcpleung @nashif
/drivers/interrupt_controller/intc_gic.c @stephanosio
/drivers/interrupt_controller/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/interrupt_controller/intc_nuclei_eclic.c @soburi
/drivers/ipm/ipm_mhu* @karl-zh
/drivers/ipm/Kconfig.nrfx @masz-nordic
/drivers/ipm/Kconfig.nrfx_ipc_channel @masz-nordic
/drivers/ipm/ipm_cavs* @dcpleung @andyross
/drivers/ipm/ipm_nrfx_ipc.c @masz-nordic
/drivers/ipm/ipm_nrfx_ipc.h @masz-nordic
/drivers/ipm/ipm_stm32_ipcc.c @arnopo
/drivers/ipm/ipm_stm32_hsem.c @cameled
/drivers/ipm/ipm_esp32.c @uLipe
/drivers/ipm/ipm_ivshmem.c @uLipe
/drivers/kscan/ @VenkatKotakonda @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/kscan/*xec* @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/kscan/*ft5336* @MaureenHelm
/drivers/kscan/*ht16k33* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/led/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/drivers/led_strip/ @mbolivar-ampere
/drivers/lora/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/drivers/mbox/ @carlocaione
/drivers/misc/ @tejlmand
/drivers/misc/ft8xx/ @hubertmis
/drivers/mm/ @dcpleung
/drivers/modem/hl7800.c @rerickson1
/drivers/modem/simcom-sim7080.c @lgehreke
/drivers/modem/simcom-sim7080.h @lgehreke
/drivers/modem/Kconfig.hl7800 @rerickson1
/drivers/modem/Kconfig.simcom-sim7080 @lgehreke
/drivers/pcie/ @dcpleung @nashif @jhedberg
/drivers/peci/ @albertofloyd @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/pinctrl/ @gmarull
/drivers/pinctrl/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/pinctrl/*it8xxx2* @ite
/drivers/pm_cpu_ops/ @carlocaione @gdengi
/drivers/pm_cpu_ops/psci_shell.c @nbalabak @gdengi
/drivers/power_domain/ @ceolin
/drivers/ps2/ @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/ps2/*xec* @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/ps2/*npcx* @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/drivers/pwm/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/pwm/*pca9685* @nixward
/drivers/pwm/*rpi_pico* @burumaj
/drivers/pwm/*rv32m1* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/pwm/*sam0* @nzmichaelh
/drivers/pwm/*test* @JordanYates
/drivers/pwm/*xlnx* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/pwm/pwm_capture.c @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/pwm/pwm_shell.c @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/pwm/*gecko* @sun681
/drivers/pwm/*it8xxx2* @RuibinChang
/drivers/pwm/*esp32* @LucasTambor
/drivers/pwm/*rcar* @aaillet
/drivers/pwm/*max31790* @benediktibk
/drivers/regulator/* @gmarull
/drivers/regulator/regulator_pca9420.c @danieldegrasse
/drivers/regulator/regulator_rpi_pico.c @soburi
/drivers/regulator/regulator_shell.c @danieldegrasse
/drivers/reset/ @andrei-edward-popa
/drivers/reset/reset_intel_socfpga.c @nbalabak
/drivers/reset/Kconfig.intel_socfpga @nbalabak
/drivers/sensor/ @MaureenHelm
/drivers/sensor/ams_iAQcore/ @alexanderwachter
/drivers/sensor/ens210/ @alexanderwachter
/drivers/sensor/grow_r502a/ @DineshDK03
/drivers/sensor/hts*/ @avisconti
/drivers/sensor/ina23*/ @bbilas
/drivers/sensor/lis*/ @avisconti
/drivers/sensor/lps*/ @avisconti
/drivers/sensor/lsm*/ @avisconti
/drivers/sensor/mpr/ @sven-hm
/drivers/sensor/qdec_stm32/ @valeriosetti
/drivers/sensor/rpi_pico_temp/ @soburi
/drivers/sensor/st*/ @avisconti
/drivers/serial/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/serial/uart_altera_jtag.c @nashif @gohshunjing
/drivers/serial/uart_altera.c @gohshunjing
/drivers/serial/*ns16550* @dcpleung @nashif @gdengi
/drivers/serial/*nrfx* @anangl
/drivers/serial/uart_liteuart.c @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.mcux_iuart @Mani-Sadhasivam
/drivers/serial/uart_mcux_iuart.c @Mani-Sadhasivam
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.rtt @carlescufi @pkral78
/drivers/serial/uart_rtt.c @carlescufi @pkral78
/drivers/serial/*rpi_pico* @yonsch
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.xlnx @wjliang
/drivers/serial/uart_xlnx_ps.c @wjliang
/drivers/serial/uart_xlnx_uartlite.c @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/serial/*xmc4xxx* @parthitce
/drivers/serial/*numicro* @ssekar15
/drivers/serial/*apbuart* @julius-barendt
/drivers/serial/*rcar* @aaillet
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.test @str4t0m
/drivers/serial/serial_test.c @str4t0m
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.xen @lorc @firscity
/drivers/serial/uart_hvc_xen.c @lorc @firscity
/drivers/serial/uart_hvc_xen_consoleio.c @lorc @firscity
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.it8xxx2 @GTLin08
/drivers/serial/uart_ite_it8xxx2.c @GTLin08
/drivers/smbus/ @finikorg
/drivers/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/drivers/disk/ @jfischer-no
/drivers/disk/sdmmc_sdhc.h @JunYangNXP
/drivers/disk/sdmmc_stm32.c @anthonybrandon
/drivers/net/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/drivers/ptp_clock/ @tbursztyka @jukkar
/drivers/spi/ @tbursztyka
/drivers/spi/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/spi/spi_rv32m1_lpspi* @karstenkoenig
/drivers/spi/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/spi/*pl022* @soburi
/drivers/sdhc/ @danieldegrasse
/drivers/timer/*apic* @dcpleung @nashif
/drivers/timer/apic_tsc.c @andyross
/drivers/timer/*arm_arch* @carlocaione
/drivers/timer/*cortex_m_systick* @anangl
/drivers/timer/*altera_avalon* @nashif
/drivers/timer/*riscv_machine* @kgugala @pgielda
/drivers/timer/*ite_it8xxx2* @ite
/drivers/timer/*xlnx_psttc* @wjliang @stephanosio
/drivers/timer/*cc13xx_cc26xx_rtc* @vanti
/drivers/timer/*cavs* @dcpleung
/drivers/timer/*stm32_lptim* @FRASTM
/drivers/timer/*leon_gptimer* @julius-barendt
/drivers/timer/*mips_cp0* @frantony
/drivers/timer/*rcar_cmt* @aaillet
/drivers/timer/*esp32c3_sys* @uLipe
/drivers/timer/*sam0_rtc* @bendiscz
/drivers/timer/*arcv2* @ruuddw
/drivers/timer/*xtensa* @dcpleung
/drivers/timer/*rv32m1_lptmr* @mbolivar
/drivers/timer/*nrf_rtc* @anangl
/drivers/timer/*hpet* @dcpleung
/drivers/usb/ @jfischer-no
/drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_stm32.c @ydamigos @loicpoulain
/drivers/usb_c/ @sambhurst
/drivers/video/ @loicpoulain
/drivers/i2c/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/i2c/i2c_ll_stm32* @ydamigos
/drivers/i2c/i2c_rv32m1_lpi2c* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/i2c/*sam0* @Sizurka
/drivers/i2c/i2c_dw* @dcpleung
/drivers/i2c/*tca954x* @kurddt
/drivers/*/*xec* @franciscomunoz @albertofloyd @sjvasanth1
/drivers/w1/ @str4t0m
/drivers/watchdog/*gecko* @oanerer
/drivers/watchdog/*sifive* @katsuster
/drivers/watchdog/wdt_handlers.c @dcpleung @nashif
/drivers/watchdog/*cc32xx* @pavlohamov
/drivers/watchdog/wdt_ite_it8xxx2.c @RuibinChang
/drivers/watchdog/Kconfig.it8xxx2 @RuibinChang
/drivers/watchdog/wdt_counter.c @nordic-krch
/drivers/watchdog/*rpi_pico* @thedjnK
/drivers/watchdog/*dw* @softwarecki
/drivers/watchdog/*ifx* @sreeramIfx
/drivers/wifi/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/drivers/wifi/esp_at/ @mniestroj
/drivers/wifi/eswifi/ @loicpoulain @nandojve
/drivers/wifi/winc1500/ @kludentwo
/drivers/virtualization/ @tbursztyka
/drivers/xen/ @lorc @firscity
/dts/arc/ @abrodkin @ruuddw @iriszzw @evgeniy-paltsev
/dts/arm/acsip/ @NorthernDean
/dts/arm/aspeed/ @aspeeddylan
/dts/arm/atmel/sam4e* @nandojve
/dts/arm/atmel/sam4l* @nandojve
/dts/arm/atmel/samr21.dtsi @benpicco
/dts/arm/atmel/sam*5*.dtsi @benpicco
/dts/arm/atmel/same70* @nandojve
/dts/arm/atmel/samv71* @nandojve
/dts/arm/atmel/ @galak
/dts/arm/broadcom/ @sbranden
/dts/arm/cypress/ @ifyall @npal-cy
/dts/arm/gigadevice/ @nandojve
/dts/arm/infineon/xmc4* @parthitce @ifyall @npal-cy
/dts/arm/infineon/psoc6/ @ifyall @npal-cy
/dts/arm64/ @carlocaione
/dts/arm64/armv8-r.dtsi @povergoing
/dts/arm64/intel/*intel_socfpga* @siclim
/dts/arm64/nxp/ @JiafeiPan
/dts/arm64/renesas/ @lorc @xakep-amatop
/dts/arm/quicklogic/ @fkokosinski @kgugala
/dts/arm/seeed/ @str4t0m
/dts/arm/st/ @erwango
/dts/arm/st/h7/*stm32h735* @benediktibk
/dts/arm/st/l4/*stm32l451* @benediktibk
/dts/arm/ti/cc13?2* @bwitherspoon
/dts/arm/ti/cc26?2* @bwitherspoon
/dts/arm/ti/cc3235* @vanti
/dts/arm/nordic/ @anangl @carlescufi
/dts/arm/nuvoton/ @ssekar15 @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/dts/arm/nxp/ @mmahadevan108 @dleach02
/dts/arm/nxp/nxp_s32* @manuargue
/dts/arm/microchip/ @franciscomunoz @albertofloyd @sjvasanth1
/dts/arm/rpi_pico/ @yonsch
/dts/arm/silabs/efm32_pg_1b.dtsi @rdmeneze
/dts/arm/silabs/efm32gg11b* @oanerer
/dts/arm/silabs/efr32bg13p* @mnkp
/dts/arm/silabs/efr32bg22* @kgugala @fkokosinski @pczarnecki
/dts/arm/silabs/efr32xg13p* @mnkp
/dts/arm/silabs/efm32pg1b* @rdmeneze
/dts/arm/silabs/efr32mg21* @l-alfred
/dts/arm/silabs/efr32fg13* @yonsch
/dts/riscv/ @kgugala @pgielda
/dts/riscv/ite/ @ite
/dts/riscv/microchip/microchip-miv.dtsi @galak
/dts/riscv/openisa/rv32m1* @dleach02
/dts/riscv/riscv32-litex-vexriscv.dtsi @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/dts/riscv/starfive/ @rajnesh-kanwal
/dts/riscv/andes/andes_v5* @cwshu @kevinwang821020 @jimmyzhe
/dts/riscv/niosv/ @sweeaun
/dts/arm/armv*m.dtsi @galak @ioannisg
/dts/arm/armv7-a.dtsi @ibirnbaum
/dts/arm/armv7-r.dtsi @bbolen @stephanosio
/dts/arm/xilinx/ @bbolen @stephanosio
/dts/arm/renesas/rcar/ @aaillet
/dts/x86/ @jhedberg
/dts/xtensa/xtensa.dtsi @ydamigos
/dts/xtensa/intel/ @dcpleung
/dts/xtensa/espressif/ @sylvioalves
/dts/xtensa/nxp/ @iuliana-prodan @dbaluta
/dts/sparc/ @julius-barendt
/dts/bindings/ @galak
/dts/bindings/can/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/dts/bindings/i2c/zephyr*i2c-emul*.yaml @sjg20
/dts/bindings/adc/st*stm32-adc.yaml @cybertale
/dts/bindings/adc/*ads114s08.yaml @benediktibk
/dts/bindings/adc/*max111* @benediktibk
/dts/bindings/modem/*hl7800.yaml @rerickson1
/dts/bindings/serial/ns16550.yaml @dcpleung @nashif
/dts/bindings/counter/snps,dw-timers.yaml @pbalsundar
/dts/bindings/wifi/*esp-at.yaml @mniestroj
/dts/bindings/*/*gd32* @nandojve
/dts/bindings/*/*npcx* @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/dts/bindings/*/*psoc6* @ifyall @npal-cy
/dts/bindings/*/*infineon*cat1* @ifyall @npal-cy
/dts/bindings/*/nordic* @anangl
/dts/bindings/*/nxp* @mmahadevan108 @dleach02
/dts/bindings/*/nxp*s32* @manuargue
/dts/bindings/*/openisa* @dleach02
/dts/bindings/*/raspberrypi*pico* @yonsch
/dts/bindings/*/st* @erwango
/dts/bindings/sensor/ams* @alexanderwachter
/dts/bindings/*/sifive* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/dts/bindings/*/litex* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/dts/bindings/*/vexriscv* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/dts/bindings/*/andes* @cwshu @kevinwang821020 @jimmyzhe
/dts/bindings/*/neorv32* @henrikbrixandersen
/dts/bindings/*/*lan91c111* @sgrrzhf
/dts/bindings/i3c/ @dcpleung
/dts/bindings/pm_cpu_ops/* @carlocaione
/dts/bindings/ethernet/*gem.yaml @ibirnbaum
/dts/bindings/auxdisplay/*pt6314.yaml @xingrz
/dts/bindings/auxdisplay/* @thedjnK
/dts/posix/ @aescolar @daor-oti
/dts/bindings/sensor/*bme680* @BoschSensortec
/dts/bindings/sensor/*ina23* @bbilas
/dts/bindings/sensor/st* @avisconti
/dts/bindings/sensor/zephyr,sensing.yaml @lixuzha @ghu0510 @qianruh
/dts/bindings/sensor/zephyr,sensing*.yaml @lixuzha @ghu0510 @qianruh
/dts/bindings/smbus/ @finikorg
/dts/bindings/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/dts/bindings/cpu/intel,niosv.yaml @sweeaun
/dts/bindings/reset/intel,socfpga-reset.yaml @nbalabak
/dts/bindings/gpio/*pcal64* @benediktibk
/dts/bindings/gpio/*bd8lb600fs* @benediktibk
/dts/bindings/gpio/*ads114s0x* @benediktibk
/dts/bindings/pwm/*max31790* @benediktibk
/dts/bindings/dac/*ad56* @benediktibk
/dts/common/ @galak
/include/ @nashif @carlescufi @galak @MaureenHelm
/include/zephyr/drivers/*/*litex* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/include/zephyr/drivers/adc.h @anangl
/include/zephyr/drivers/adc/ads114s0x.h @benediktibk
/include/zephyr/drivers/auxdisplay.h @thedjnK
/include/zephyr/drivers/can.h @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/drivers/can/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/drivers/counter.h @nordic-krch
/include/zephyr/drivers/dac.h @martinjaeger
/include/zephyr/drivers/espi.h @albertofloyd @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/include/zephyr/drivers/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz
/include/zephyr/drivers/flash.h @nashif @carlescufi @galak @MaureenHelm @de-nordic
/include/zephyr/drivers/i2c_emul.h @sjg20
/include/zephyr/drivers/i3c.h @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/drivers/i3c/ @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/drivers/led/ht16k33.h @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/drivers/interrupt_controller/ @dcpleung @nashif
/include/zephyr/drivers/interrupt_controller/gic.h @stephanosio
/include/zephyr/drivers/modem/hl7800.h @rerickson1
/include/zephyr/drivers/pcie/ @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/drivers/hwinfo.h @alexanderwachter
/include/zephyr/drivers/led.h @Mani-Sadhasivam
/include/zephyr/drivers/led_strip.h @mbolivar-ampere
/include/zephyr/drivers/sensor.h @MaureenHelm
/include/zephyr/drivers/smbus.h @finikorg
/include/zephyr/drivers/spi.h @tbursztyka
/include/zephyr/drivers/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/include/zephyr/drivers/lora.h @Mani-Sadhasivam
/include/zephyr/drivers/peci.h @albertofloyd @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/include/zephyr/drivers/pm_cpu_ops.h @carlocaione
/include/zephyr/drivers/pm_cpu_ops/ @carlocaione
/include/zephyr/drivers/w1.h @str4t0m
/include/zephyr/drivers/pwm/max31790.h @benediktibk
/include/zephyr/app_memory/ @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/arch/arc/ @abrodkin @ruuddw @evgeniy-paltsev
/include/zephyr/arch/arc/arch.h @abrodkin @ruuddw @evgeniy-paltsev
/include/zephyr/arch/arc/v2/irq.h @abrodkin @ruuddw @evgeniy-paltsev
/include/zephyr/arch/arm @MaureenHelm @galak @ioannisg
/include/zephyr/arch/arm/cortex_a_r/ @stephanosio
/include/zephyr/arch/arm64/ @carlocaione
/include/zephyr/arch/arm64/cortex_r/ @povergoing
/include/zephyr/arch/arm/irq.h @carlocaione
/include/zephyr/arch/mips/ @frantony
/include/zephyr/arch/nios2/ @nashif
/include/zephyr/arch/nios2/arch.h @nashif
/include/zephyr/arch/posix/ @aescolar @daor-oti
/include/zephyr/arch/riscv/ @kgugala @pgielda
/include/zephyr/arch/x86/ @jhedberg @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/arch/common/ @andyross @nashif
/include/zephyr/arch/xtensa/ @andyross @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/arch/sparc/ @julius-barendt
/include/zephyr/sys/atomic.h @andyross
/include/zephyr/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz @sjanc
/include/zephyr/bluetooth/audio/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @Thalley
/include/zephyr/cache.h @carlocaione @andyross
/include/zephyr/canbus/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/tracing/ @nashif
/include/zephyr/debug/ @nashif
/include/zephyr/debug/coredump.h @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/debug/gdbstub.h @ceolin
/include/zephyr/device.h @tbursztyka @nashif
/include/zephyr/devicetree.h @galak
/include/zephyr/devicetree/can.h @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/clock/kinetis_mcg.h @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/clock/kinetis_scg.h @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/ethernet/xlnx_gem.h @ibirnbaum
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/pcie/ @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/pinctrl/esp* @sylvioalves
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/pwm/*it8xxx2* @RuibinChang
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/usb/usb.h @galak
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/adc/ads114s0x_adc.h @benediktibk
/include/zephyr/drivers/emul.h @sjg20
/include/zephyr/fs/ @nashif @de-nordic
/include/zephyr/init.h @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/irq.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/irq_offload.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/kernel.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/kernel_version.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/linker/app_smem*.ld @dcpleung @nashif
/include/zephyr/linker/ @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/logging/ @nordic-krch
/include/zephyr/lorawan/lorawan.h @Mani-Sadhasivam
/include/zephyr/mgmt/osdp.h @sidcha
/include/zephyr/mgmt/mcumgr/ @nordicjm
/include/zephyr/net/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/include/zephyr/net/buf.h @jhedberg @tbursztyka @rlubos @jukkar
/include/zephyr/net/coap*.h @rlubos
/include/zephyr/net/conn_mgr*.h @rlubos @glarsennordic @jukkar
/include/zephyr/net/gptp.h @rlubos @jukkar @fgrandel
/include/zephyr/net/ieee802154*.h @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar @fgrandel
/include/zephyr/net/lwm2m*.h @rlubos
/include/zephyr/net/mqtt.h @rlubos
/include/zephyr/net/mqtt_sn.h @rlubos @BeckmaR
/include/zephyr/net/net_pkt_filter.h @npitre
/include/zephyr/posix/ @cfreidt
/include/zephyr/pm/pm.h @nashif @ceolin
/include/zephyr/drivers/ptp_clock.h @tbursztyka @jukkar
/include/zephyr/rtio/ @teburd
/include/zephyr/sensing/ @lixuzha @ghu0510 @qianruh
/include/zephyr/shared_irq.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/shell/ @jakub-uC @nordic-krch
/include/zephyr/shell/shell_mqtt.h @ycsin
/include/zephyr/sw_isr_table.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/sd/ @danieldegrasse
/include/zephyr/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/include/zephyr/sys_clock.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/sys/sys_io.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/sys/kobject.h @dcpleung @nashif
/include/zephyr/toolchain.h @dcpleung @andyross @nashif
/include/zephyr/toolchain/ @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/zephyr.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/kernel/ @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/lib/cpp/ @stephanosio
/lib/smf/ @sambhurst
/lib/util/ @carlescufi @jakub-uC
/lib/util/fnmatch/ @carlescufi @jakub-uC
/lib/open-amp/ @arnopo
/lib/os/ @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/lib/os/cbprintf_packaged.c @npitre
/lib/posix/ @cfriedt
/lib/posix/getopt/ @jakub-uC
/subsys/portability/ @nashif
/subsys/sensing/ @lixuzha @ghu0510 @qianruh
/lib/libc/ @nashif
/lib/libc/arcmwdt/ @abrodkin @ruuddw @evgeniy-paltsev
/misc/ @tejlmand
/modules/ @nashif
/modules/canopennode/ @henrikbrixandersen
/modules/mbedtls/ @ceolin @d3zd3z
/modules/hal_gigadevice/ @nandojve
/modules/hal_nordic/nrf_802154/ @jciupis
/modules/trusted-firmware-m/ @microbuilder
/kernel/device.c @andyross @nashif
/kernel/idle.c @andyross @nashif
/samples/ @nashif
/samples/application_development/sysbuild/ @tejlmand @nordicjm
/samples/basic/minimal/ @carlescufi
/samples/basic/servo_motor/boards/*microbit* @jhe
/samples/bluetooth/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @alwa-nordic @sjanc
/samples/compression/ @Navin-Sankar
/samples/drivers/can/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/samples/drivers/clock_control_litex/ @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/samples/drivers/eeprom/ @henrikbrixandersen
/samples/drivers/ht16k33/ @henrikbrixandersen
/samples/drivers/lora/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/samples/drivers/smbus/ @finikorg
/samples/subsys/lorawan/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/samples/modules/canopennode/ @henrikbrixandersen
/samples/net/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/samples/net/cloud/tagoio_http_post/ @nandojve
/samples/net/dns_resolve/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/samples/net/gptp/ @rlubos @jukkar @fgrandel
/samples/net/lwm2m_client/ @rlubos
/samples/net/mqtt_publisher/ @rlubos
/samples/net/mqtt_sn_publisher/ @rlubos @BeckmaR
/samples/net/sockets/coap_*/ @rlubos
/samples/net/sockets/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/samples/sensor/ @MaureenHelm
/samples/shields/ @avisconti
/samples/subsys/ipc/ipc_service/icmsg @emob-nordic
/samples/subsys/logging/ @nordic-krch @jakub-uC
/samples/subsys/logging/syst/ @dcpleung
/samples/subsys/shell/ @jakub-uC @nordic-krch @gdengi
/samples/subsys/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/samples/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/ @de-nordic @nordicjm
/samples/subsys/mgmt/updatehub/ @nandojve @otavio
/samples/subsys/mgmt/osdp/ @sidcha
/samples/subsys/usb/ @jfischer-no
/samples/subsys/usb_c/ @sambhurst
/samples/subsys/pm/ @nashif @ceolin
/samples/subsys/sensing/ @lixuzha @ghu0510 @qianruh
/samples/tfm_integration/ @microbuilder
/samples/userspace/ @dcpleung @nashif
/scripts/release/bug_bash.py @cfriedt
/scripts/coccicheck @himanshujha199640 @JuliaLawall
/scripts/coccinelle/ @himanshujha199640 @JuliaLawall
/scripts/coredump/ @dcpleung
/scripts/footprint/ @nashif
/scripts/kconfig/ @ulfalizer
/scripts/logging/dictionary/ @dcpleung
/scripts/native_simulator/ @aescolar
/scripts/pylib/twister/expr_parser.py @nashif
/scripts/schemas/twister/ @nashif
/scripts/build/gen_app_partitions.py @dcpleung @nashif
scripts/build/gen_image_info.py @tejlmand
/scripts/get_maintainer.py @nashif
/scripts/dts/ @mbolivar-ampere @galak
/scripts/release/ @nashif
/scripts/ci/ @nashif
/scripts/ci/check_compliance.py @nashif @carlescufi
/arch/x86/gen_gdt.py @dcpleung @nashif
/arch/x86/gen_idt.py @dcpleung @nashif
/scripts/build/gen_kobject_list.py @dcpleung @nashif
/scripts/build/gen_kobject_placeholders.py @dcpleung
/scripts/build/gen_syscalls.py @dcpleung @nashif
/scripts/list_boards.py @mbolivar-ampere
/scripts/build/process_gperf.py @dcpleung @nashif
/scripts/build/gen_relocate_app.py @dcpleung
/scripts/generate_usb_vif/ @madhurimaparuchuri
/scripts/requirements*.txt @mbolivar-ampere @galak @nashif
/scripts/tests/build/test_subfolder_list.py @rmstoi
/scripts/tracing/ @nashif
/scripts/pylib/twister/ @nashif
/scripts/twister @nashif
/scripts/series-push-hook.sh @erwango
/scripts/utils/pinctrl_nrf_migrate.py @gmarull
/scripts/utils/migrate_mcumgr_kconfigs.py @de-nordic
/scripts/west_commands/ @mbolivar-ampere
/scripts/west_commands/blobs.py @carlescufi
/scripts/west_commands/fetchers/ @carlescufi
/scripts/west_commands/runners/gd32isp.py @mbolivar-ampere @nandojve
/scripts/west_commands/tests/test_gd32isp.py @mbolivar-ampere @nandojve
/scripts/west-commands.yml @mbolivar-ampere
/scripts/zephyr_module.py @tejlmand
/scripts/build/uf2conv.py @petejohanson
/scripts/build/user_wordsize.py @cfriedt
/scripts/valgrind.supp @aescolar @daor-oti
/share/sysbuild/ @tejlmand @nordicjm
/share/zephyr-package/ @tejlmand
/share/zephyrunittest-package/ @tejlmand
/subsys/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz
/subsys/bluetooth/audio/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @Thalley @sjanc
/subsys/bluetooth/controller/ @carlescufi @cvinayak @thoh-ot @kruithofa
/subsys/bluetooth/host/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz @sjanc
/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/ @jhedberg @PavelVPV @Vudentz @LingaoM
/subsys/canbus/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/subsys/debug/ @nashif
/subsys/debug/coredump/ @dcpleung
/subsys/debug/gdbstub/ @ceolin
/subsys/debug/gdbstub.c @ceolin
/subsys/dfu/ @de-nordic @nordicjm
/subsys/disk/ @jfischer-no
/subsys/dsp/ @yperess
/subsys/tracing/ @nashif
/subsys/debug/asan_hacks.c @aescolar @daor-oti
/subsys/demand_paging/ @dcpleung @nashif
/subsys/emul/ @sjg20
/subsys/fb/ @jfischer-no
/subsys/fs/ @nashif
/subsys/fs/nvs/ @Laczen
/subsys/ipc/ @carlocaione
/subsys/ipc/ipc_service/*/*icmsg* @emob-nordic
/subsys/logging/ @nordic-krch
/subsys/logging/backends/log_backend_net.c @nordic-krch @rlubos @jukkar
/subsys/lorawan/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/subsys/mgmt/ec_host_cmd/ @jettr
/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/ @carlescufi @de-nordic @nordicjm
/subsys/mgmt/hawkbit/ @Navin-Sankar
/subsys/mgmt/updatehub/ @nandojve @otavio
/subsys/mgmt/osdp/ @sidcha
/subsys/modbus/ @jfischer-no
/subsys/net/buf.c @jhedberg @tbursztyka @rlubos @jukkar
/subsys/net/conn_mgr/ @rlubos @glarsennordic @jukkar
/subsys/net/ip/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/subsys/net/lib/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/subsys/net/lib/dns/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @cfriedt @jukkar
/subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/ @rlubos
/subsys/net/lib/config/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/subsys/net/lib/mqtt/ @rlubos
/subsys/net/lib/mqtt_sn/ @rlubos @BeckmaR
/subsys/net/lib/coap/ @rlubos
/subsys/net/lib/sockets/socketpair.c @cfriedt
/subsys/net/lib/sockets/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/subsys/net/lib/tls_credentials/ @rlubos
/subsys/net/l2/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/subsys/net/l2/ethernet/gptp/ @rlubos @jukkar @fgrandel
/subsys/net/l2/ieee802154/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar @fgrandel
/subsys/net/l2/canbus/ @alexanderwachter
/subsys/net/pkt_filter/ @npitre
/subsys/net/*/openthread/ @rlubos
/subsys/pm/ @nashif @ceolin
/subsys/random/ @dleach02
/subsys/shell/ @jakub-uC @nordic-krch
/subsys/shell/backends/shell_mqtt.c @ycsin
/subsys/sd/ @danieldegrasse
/subsys/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/subsys/task_wdt/ @martinjaeger
/subsys/testsuite/ @nashif
/subsys/testsuite/ztest/*/ztress* @nordic-krch
/subsys/timing/ @nashif @dcpleung
/subsys/usb/ @jfischer-no
/subsys/usb/usb_c/ @sambhurst
/tests/ @nashif
/tests/arch/arm/ @ioannisg @stephanosio
/tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/ @stephanosio
/tests/boards/native_posix/ @aescolar @daor-oti
/tests/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz @sjanc
/tests/bluetooth/audio/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @wopu-ot @Thalley
/tests/bluetooth/controller/ @cvinayak @thoh-ot @kruithofa @erbr-ot @sjanc @ppryga
/tests/bsim/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz @wopu-ot
/tests/bsim/bluetooth/audio/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @wopu-ot @Thalley
/tests/bsim/bluetooth/mesh/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @wopu-ot @PavelVPV
/tests/bluetooth/mesh_shell/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @sjanc @PavelVPV
/tests/bluetooth/tester/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz @sjanc
/tests/posix/ @cfriedt
/tests/crypto/ @ceolin
/tests/crypto/mbedtls/ @nashif @ceolin @d3zd3z
/tests/drivers/can/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/tests/drivers/counter/ @nordic-krch
/tests/drivers/eeprom/ @henrikbrixandersen @sjg20
/tests/drivers/flash_simulator/ @de-nordic
/tests/drivers/gpio/ @mnkp
/tests/drivers/hwinfo/ @alexanderwachter
/tests/drivers/smbus/ @finikorg
/tests/drivers/spi/ @tbursztyka
/tests/drivers/uart/uart_async_api/ @anangl
/tests/drivers/w1/ @str4t0m
/tests/kernel/ @dcpleung @andyross @nashif
/tests/lib/ @nashif
/tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/ @stephanosio
/tests/net/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/tests/net/buf/ @jhedberg @tbursztyka @jukkar
/tests/net/conn_mgr_monitor/ @rlubos @glarsennordic @jukkar
/tests/net/conn_mgr_conn/ @rlubos @glarsennordic @jukkar
/tests/net/ieee802154/l2/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar @fgrandel
/tests/net/lib/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/tests/net/lib/http_header_fields/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/tests/net/lib/mqtt_packet/ @rlubos
/tests/net/lib/mqtt_sn_packet/ @rlubos @BeckmaR
/tests/net/lib/mqtt_sn_client/ @rlubos @BeckmaR
/tests/net/lib/coap/ @rlubos
/tests/net/npf/ @npitre
/tests/net/socket/socketpair/ @cfriedt
/tests/net/socket/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @jukkar
/tests/subsys/debug/coredump/ @dcpleung
/tests/subsys/fs/ @nashif @de-nordic
/tests/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/ @de-nordic @nordicjm
/tests/subsys/sd/ @danieldegrasse
/tests/subsys/rtio/ @teburd
/tests/subsys/shell/ @jakub-uC @nordic-krch
# Get all docs reviewed
*.rst @nashif
/doc/kernel/ @andyross @nashif
*posix*.rst @aescolar @daor-oti