This allows memory partitions to be put into the pinned section so they are available during boot. For example, the stack guard (in libc partition) is needed during boot but before the paging mechanism is initialized. Without pinning it in physical memory, it would fault in early boot process. A new cmake property app_smem,pinned_partitions is introduced so that additional partitions can be pinned if needed. Signed-off-by: Daniel Leung <daniel.leung@intel.com>
284 lines
9.4 KiB
284 lines
9.4 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Script to generate a linker script organizing application memory partitions
Applications may declare build-time memory domain partitions with
K_APPMEM_PARTITION_DEFINE, and assign globals to them using K_APP_DMEM
or K_APP_BMEM macros. For each of these partitions, we need to
route all their data into appropriately-sized memory areas which meet the
size/alignment constraints of the memory protection hardware.
This linker script is created very early in the build process, before
the build attempts to link the kernel binary, as the linker script this
tool generates is a necessary pre-condition for kernel linking. We extract
the set of memory partitions to generate by looking for variables which
have been assigned to input sections that follow a defined naming convention.
We also allow entire libraries to be pulled in to assign their globals
to a particular memory partition via command line directives.
This script takes as inputs:
- The base directory to look for compiled objects
- key/value pairs mapping static library files to what partitions their globals
should end up in.
The output is a linker script fragment containing the definition of the
app shared memory section, which is further divided, for each partition
found, into data and BSS for each partition.
import sys
import argparse
import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
from elftools.elf.sections import SymbolTableSection
SZ = 'size'
SRC = 'sources'
LIB = 'libraries'
# This script will create sections and linker variables to place the
# application shared memory partitions.
# these are later read by the macros defined in app_memdomain.h for
# initialization purpose when USERSPACE is enabled.
data_template = """
/* Auto generated code do not modify */
SMEM_PARTITION_ALIGN(z_data_smem_{0}_bss_end - z_data_smem_{0}_part_start);
z_data_smem_{0}_part_start = .;
library_data_template = """
*{0}:*(.data .data.*)
bss_template = """
z_data_smem_{0}_bss_start = .;
library_bss_template = """
*{0}:*(.bss .bss.* COMMON COMMON.*)
footer_template = """
z_data_smem_{0}_bss_end = .;
SMEM_PARTITION_ALIGN(z_data_smem_{0}_bss_end - z_data_smem_{0}_part_start);
z_data_smem_{0}_part_end = .;
linker_start_seq = """
_app_smem{0}_start = .;
linker_end_seq = """
_app_smem{0}_end = .;
empty_app_smem = """
_app_smem{0}_start = .;
_app_smem{0}_end = .;
size_cal_string = """
z_data_smem_{0}_part_size = z_data_smem_{0}_part_end - z_data_smem_{0}_part_start;
z_data_smem_{0}_bss_size = z_data_smem_{0}_bss_end - z_data_smem_{0}_bss_start;
section_regex = re.compile(r'data_smem_([A-Za-z0-9_]*)_(data|bss)*')
elf_part_size_regex = re.compile(r'z_data_smem_(.*)_part_size')
def find_obj_file_partitions(filename, partitions):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
full_lib = ELFFile(f)
if not full_lib:
sys.exit("Error parsing file: " + filename)
sections = [x for x in full_lib.iter_sections()]
for section in sections:
m = section_regex.match(section.name)
if not m:
partition_name = m.groups()[0]
if partition_name not in partitions:
partitions[partition_name] = {SZ: section.header.sh_size}
if args.verbose:
partitions[partition_name][SRC] = filename
partitions[partition_name][SZ] += section.header.sh_size
return partitions
def parse_obj_files(partitions):
# Iterate over all object files to find partitions
for dirpath, _, files in os.walk(args.directory):
for filename in files:
if re.match(r".*\.obj$", filename):
fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
find_obj_file_partitions(fullname, partitions)
def parse_elf_file(partitions):
with open(args.elf, 'rb') as f:
elffile = ELFFile(f)
symbol_tbls = [s for s in elffile.iter_sections()
if isinstance(s, SymbolTableSection)]
for section in symbol_tbls:
for symbol in section.iter_symbols():
if symbol['st_shndx'] != "SHN_ABS":
x = elf_part_size_regex.match(symbol.name)
if not x:
partition_name = x.groups()[0]
size = symbol['st_value']
if partition_name not in partitions:
partitions[partition_name] = {SZ: size}
if args.verbose:
partitions[partition_name][SRC] = args.elf
partitions[partition_name][SZ] += size
def generate_final_linker(linker_file, partitions, lnkr_sect=""):
string = ""
if len(partitions) > 0:
string = linker_start_seq.format(lnkr_sect, lnkr_sect.upper())
size_string = ''
for partition, item in partitions.items():
string += data_template.format(partition)
if LIB in item:
for lib in item[LIB]:
string += library_data_template.format(lib)
string += bss_template.format(partition, lnkr_sect)
if LIB in item:
for lib in item[LIB]:
string += library_bss_template.format(lib)
string += footer_template.format(partition)
size_string += size_cal_string.format(partition)
string += linker_end_seq.format(lnkr_sect)
string += size_string
string = empty_app_smem.format(lnkr_sect, lnkr_sect.upper())
with open(linker_file, "w") as fw:
def parse_args():
global args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", required=False, default=None,
help="Root build directory")
parser.add_argument("-e", "--elf", required=False, default=None,
help="ELF file")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", required=False,
help="Output ld file")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0,
help="Verbose Output")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--library", nargs=2, action="append", default=[],
metavar=("LIBRARY", "PARTITION"),
help="Include globals for a particular library or object filename into a designated partition")
parser.add_argument("--pinoutput", required=False,
help="Output ld file for pinned sections")
parser.add_argument("--pinpartitions", action="store", required=False, default="",
help="Comma separated names of partitions to be pinned in physical memory")
args = parser.parse_args()
def main():
partitions = {}
if args.directory is not None:
elif args.elf is not None:
for lib, ptn in args.library:
if ptn not in partitions:
partitions[ptn] = {}
if LIB not in partitions[ptn]:
partitions[ptn][LIB] = [lib]
if args.pinoutput:
pin_part_names = args.pinpartitions.split(',')
generic_partitions = {key: value for key, value in partitions.items()
if key not in pin_part_names}
pinned_partitions = {key: value for key, value in partitions.items()
if key in pin_part_names}
generic_partitions = partitions
# Sample partitions.items() list before sorting:
# [ ('part1', {'size': 64}), ('part3', {'size': 64}, ...
# ('part0', {'size': 334}) ]
decreasing_tuples = sorted(generic_partitions.items(),
key=lambda x: (x[1][SZ], x[0]), reverse=True)
partsorted = OrderedDict(decreasing_tuples)
generate_final_linker(args.output, partsorted)
if args.verbose:
print("Partitions retrieved:")
for key in partsorted:
print(" {0}: size {1}: {2}".format(key,
if args.pinoutput:
decreasing_tuples = sorted(pinned_partitions.items(),
key=lambda x: (x[1][SZ], x[0]), reverse=True)
partsorted = OrderedDict(decreasing_tuples)
generate_final_linker(args.pinoutput, partsorted, lnkr_sect="_pinned")
if args.verbose:
print("Pinned partitions retrieved:")
for key in partsorted:
print(" {0}: size {1}: {2}".format(key,
if __name__ == '__main__':