Andriy Gelman 727e589448 drivers: interrupt_controller: Add XMC4XXX ERU driver
In Infineon XMC4XXX SoCs, gpio interrupts are triggered via an
Event Request Unit (ERU) module. A subset of the gpios are
connected to the ERU. The ERU monitors edge triggers and creates
a SR.

This driver configures the ERU for a target port/pin combination
for rising/falling edge events. Note that the ERU module does
not generate SR based on the gpio level. Internally the ERU
tracks the *status* of an event. The status is set on a positive
edge and unset on a negative edge (or vice-versa depending on
the configuration). The value of the status is used to implement
a level triggered interrupt; The ISR checks the status flag and
calls the callback function if the status is set.

The ERU configurations for supported port/pin combinations are
stored in a devicetree file dts/arm/infineon/xmc4xxx_x_x-intc.dtsi.
The configurations are stored in the opaque array
uint16 port_line_mapping[].

Signed-off-by: Andriy Gelman <andriy.gelman@gmail.com>
2022-12-12 10:51:29 +01:00

228 lines
7.2 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2022 Schlumberger
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#define DT_DRV_COMPAT infineon_xmc4xxx_intc
#include <zephyr/device.h>
#include <zephyr/devicetree.h>
#include <zephyr/drivers/gpio.h>
#include <zephyr/dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/infineon-xmc4xxx-intc.h>
#include <zephyr/irq.h>
#include <xmc_eru.h>
/* In Infineon XMC4XXX SoCs, gpio interrupts are triggered via an Event Request Unit (ERU) */
/* module. A subset of the GPIOs are connected to the ERU. The ERU monitors edge triggers */
/* and creates a SR. */
/* This driver configures the ERU for a target port/pin combination for rising/falling */
/* edge events. Note that the ERU module does not generate SR based on the gpio level. */
/* Internally the ERU tracks the *status* of an event. The status is set on a positive edge and */
/* unset on a negative edge (or vice-versa depending on the configuration). The value of */
/* the status is used to implement a level triggered interrupt; The ISR checks the status */
/* flag and calls the callback function if the status is set. */
/* The ERU configurations for supported port/pin combinations are stored in a devicetree file */
/* dts/arm/infineon/xmc4xxx_x_x-intc.dtsi. The configurations are stored in the opaque array */
/* uint16 port_line_mapping[]. The bitfields for the opaque entries are defined in */
/* dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/infineon-xmc4xxx-intc.h. */
struct isr_cb {
/* if fn is NULL it implies the interrupt line has not been allocated */
void (*fn)(const struct device *dev, int pin);
void *data;
enum gpio_int_mode mode;
uint8_t port_id;
uint8_t pin;
#define MAX_ISR_NUM 8
struct intc_xmc4xxx_data {
struct isr_cb cb[MAX_ISR_NUM];
#define NUM_ERUS 2
struct intc_xmc4xxx_config {
XMC_ERU_t *eru_regs[NUM_ERUS];
static const uint16_t port_line_mapping[DT_INST_PROP_LEN(0, port_line_mapping)] =
DT_INST_PROP(0, port_line_mapping);
int intc_xmc4xxx_gpio_enable_interrupt(int port_id, int pin, enum gpio_int_mode mode,
enum gpio_int_trig trig,
void (*fn)(const struct device *, int), void *user_data)
const struct device *dev = DEVICE_DT_INST_GET(0);
struct intc_xmc4xxx_data *data = dev->data;
const struct intc_xmc4xxx_config *config = dev->config;
int ret = -ENOTSUP;
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(port_line_mapping); i++) {
XMC_ERU_ETL_CONFIG_t etl_config = {0};
XMC_ERU_OGU_CONFIG_t isr_config = {0};
XMC_ERU_t *eru;
int port_map, pin_map, line, eru_src, eru_ch;
struct isr_cb *cb;
port_map = XMC4XXX_INTC_GET_PORT(port_line_mapping[i]);
pin_map = XMC4XXX_INTC_GET_PIN(port_line_mapping[i]);
if (port_map != port_id || pin_map != pin) {
line = XMC4XXX_INTC_GET_LINE(port_line_mapping[i]);
cb = &data->cb[line];
if (cb->fn) {
/* It's already used. Continue search for available line */
/* with same port/pin */
ret = -EBUSY;
eru_src = XMC4XXX_INTC_GET_ERU_SRC(port_line_mapping[i]);
eru_ch = line & 0x3;
if (trig == GPIO_INT_TRIG_HIGH) {
} else if (trig == GPIO_INT_TRIG_LOW) {
} else if (trig == GPIO_INT_TRIG_BOTH) {
} else {
return -EINVAL;
cb->port_id = port_id;
cb->pin = pin;
cb->mode = mode;
cb->fn = fn;
cb->data = user_data;
/* setup the eru */
etl_config.edge_detection = trig_xmc;
etl_config.input_a = eru_src;
etl_config.input_b = eru_src;
etl_config.source = eru_src >> 2;
etl_config.status_flag_mode = XMC_ERU_ETL_STATUS_FLAG_MODE_HWCTRL;
etl_config.enable_output_trigger = 1;
etl_config.output_trigger_channel = eru_ch;
eru = config->eru_regs[line >> 2];
XMC_ERU_ETL_Init(eru, eru_ch, &etl_config);
isr_config.service_request = XMC_ERU_OGU_SERVICE_REQUEST_ON_TRIGGER;
XMC_ERU_OGU_Init(eru, eru_ch, &isr_config);
/* if the gpio level is already set then we must manually set the interrupt to */
/* pending */
if (mode == GPIO_INT_MODE_LEVEL) {
ret = gpio_pin_get_raw(user_data, pin);
if (ret < 0) {
return ret;
#define NVIC_ISPR_BASE 0xe000e200u
if ((ret == 0 && trig == GPIO_INT_TRIG_LOW) ||
(ret == 1 && trig == GPIO_INT_TRIG_HIGH)) {
eru->EXICON_b[eru_ch].FL = 1;
/* put interrupt into pending state */
*(uint32_t *)(NVIC_ISPR_BASE) |= BIT(line + 1);
return 0;
return ret;
int intc_xmc4xxx_gpio_disable_interrupt(int port_id, int pin)
const struct device *dev = DEVICE_DT_INST_GET(0);
const struct intc_xmc4xxx_config *config = dev->config;
struct intc_xmc4xxx_data *data = dev->data;
int eru_ch;
for (int line = 0; line < ARRAY_SIZE(data->cb); line++) {
struct isr_cb *cb;
cb = &data->cb[line];
eru_ch = line & 0x3;
if (cb->fn && cb->port_id == port_id && cb->pin == pin) {
XMC_ERU_t *eru = config->eru_regs[line >> 2];
cb->fn = NULL;
/* disable the SR */
eru->EXICON_b[eru_ch].PE = 0;
/* unset the status flag */
eru->EXICON_b[eru_ch].FL = 0;
/* no need to clear other variables in cb*/
return 0;
return -EINVAL;
static void intc_xmc4xxx_isr(void *arg)
int line = (int)arg;
const struct device *dev = DEVICE_DT_INST_GET(0);
struct intc_xmc4xxx_data *data = dev->data;
const struct intc_xmc4xxx_config *config = dev->config;
struct isr_cb *cb = &data->cb[line];
XMC_ERU_t *eru = config->eru_regs[line >> 2];
int eru_ch = line & 0x3;
/* The callback function may actually disable the interrupt and set cb->fn = NULL */
/* as is done in tests/drivers/gpio/gpio_api_1pin. Assume that the callback function */
/* will NOT disable the interrupt and then enable another port/pin */
/* in the same callback which could potentially set cb->fn again. */
while (cb->fn) {
cb->fn(cb->data, cb->pin);
/* for level triggered interrupts we have to manually check the status. */
if (cb->mode == GPIO_INT_MODE_LEVEL && eru->EXICON_b[eru_ch].FL == 1) {
/* break for edge triggered interrupts */
#define INTC_IRQ_CONNECT_ENABLE(name, line_number) \
DT_INST_IRQ_BY_NAME(0, name, priority), intc_xmc4xxx_isr, (void *)line_number, 0); \
irq_enable(DT_INST_IRQ_BY_NAME(0, name, irq));), ())
static int intc_xmc4xxx_init(const struct device *dev)
/* connect irqs only if they defined by name in the dts */
return 0;
struct intc_xmc4xxx_data intc_xmc4xxx_data0;
struct intc_xmc4xxx_config intc_xmc4xxx_config0 = {
.eru_regs = {
DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(0, intc_xmc4xxx_init, NULL,
&intc_xmc4xxx_data0, &intc_xmc4xxx_config0, PRE_KERNEL_1,