Add ability to build a UF2 (https://github.com/Microsoft/uf2) image as an additional output type. This leverages the code partition offset for the UF2 base address, and a configurable UF2 family ID. Includes an unmodified (except for headers for licensing, pylit disabling) version of the uf2conv.py script copied the UF2 format specification repository, used to convert the bin to UF2. Origin: UF2 file format specification reference utilies License: MIT URL: https://github.com/microsoft/uf2/blob/master/utils/uf2conv.py commit: 587abb8b909266e9b468d6284f2fbd425235d1b5 Signed-off-by: Pete Johanson <peter@peterjohanson.com>
324 lines
10 KiB
Executable file
324 lines
10 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Copied from 7a9e1f4 of https://github.com/microsoft/uf2/blob/master/utils/uf2conv.py
# pylint: skip-file
import sys
import struct
import subprocess
import re
import os
import os.path
import argparse
UF2_MAGIC_START0 = 0x0A324655 # "UF2\n"
UF2_MAGIC_START1 = 0x9E5D5157 # Randomly selected
UF2_MAGIC_END = 0x0AB16F30 # Ditto
families = {
'SAMD21': 0x68ed2b88,
'SAML21': 0x1851780a,
'SAMD51': 0x55114460,
'NRF52': 0x1b57745f,
'STM32F0': 0x647824b6,
'STM32F1': 0x5ee21072,
'STM32F2': 0x5d1a0a2e,
'STM32F3': 0x6b846188,
'STM32F4': 0x57755a57,
'STM32F7': 0x53b80f00,
'STM32G0': 0x300f5633,
'STM32G4': 0x4c71240a,
'STM32H7': 0x6db66082,
'STM32L0': 0x202e3a91,
'STM32L1': 0x1e1f432d,
'STM32L4': 0x00ff6919,
'STM32L5': 0x04240bdf,
'STM32WB': 0x70d16653,
'STM32WL': 0x21460ff0,
'ATMEGA32': 0x16573617,
'LPC55': 0x2abc77ec,
'GD32F350': 0x31D228C6,
'ESP32S2': 0xbfdd4eee,
'RP2040': 0xe48bff56
appstartaddr = 0x2000
familyid = 0x0
def is_uf2(buf):
w = struct.unpack("<II", buf[0:8])
return w[0] == UF2_MAGIC_START0 and w[1] == UF2_MAGIC_START1
def is_hex(buf):
w = buf[0:30].decode("utf-8")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return False
if w[0] == ':' and re.match(b"^[:0-9a-fA-F\r\n]+$", buf):
return True
return False
def convert_from_uf2(buf):
global appstartaddr
numblocks = len(buf) // 512
curraddr = None
outp = []
for blockno in range(numblocks):
ptr = blockno * 512
block = buf[ptr:ptr + 512]
hd = struct.unpack(b"<IIIIIIII", block[0:32])
if hd[0] != UF2_MAGIC_START0 or hd[1] != UF2_MAGIC_START1:
print("Skipping block at " + ptr + "; bad magic")
if hd[2] & 1:
# NO-flash flag set; skip block
datalen = hd[4]
if datalen > 476:
assert False, "Invalid UF2 data size at " + ptr
newaddr = hd[3]
if curraddr == None:
appstartaddr = newaddr
curraddr = newaddr
padding = newaddr - curraddr
if padding < 0:
assert False, "Block out of order at " + ptr
if padding > 10*1024*1024:
assert False, "More than 10M of padding needed at " + ptr
if padding % 4 != 0:
assert False, "Non-word padding size at " + ptr
while padding > 0:
padding -= 4
outp += b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
outp.append(block[32 : 32 + datalen])
curraddr = newaddr + datalen
return b"".join(outp)
def convert_to_carray(file_content):
outp = "const unsigned long bindata_len = %d;\n" % len(file_content)
outp += "const unsigned char bindata[] __attribute__((aligned(16))) = {"
for i in range(len(file_content)):
if i % 16 == 0:
outp += "\n"
outp += "0x%02x, " % file_content[i]
outp += "\n};\n"
return bytes(outp, "utf-8")
def convert_to_uf2(file_content):
global familyid
datapadding = b""
while len(datapadding) < 512 - 256 - 32 - 4:
datapadding += b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
numblocks = (len(file_content) + 255) // 256
outp = []
for blockno in range(numblocks):
ptr = 256 * blockno
chunk = file_content[ptr:ptr + 256]
flags = 0x0
if familyid:
flags |= 0x2000
hd = struct.pack(b"<IIIIIIII",
flags, ptr + appstartaddr, 256, blockno, numblocks, familyid)
while len(chunk) < 256:
chunk += b"\x00"
block = hd + chunk + datapadding + struct.pack(b"<I", UF2_MAGIC_END)
assert len(block) == 512
return b"".join(outp)
class Block:
def __init__(self, addr):
self.addr = addr
self.bytes = bytearray(256)
def encode(self, blockno, numblocks):
global familyid
flags = 0x0
if familyid:
flags |= 0x2000
hd = struct.pack("<IIIIIIII",
flags, self.addr, 256, blockno, numblocks, familyid)
hd += self.bytes[0:256]
while len(hd) < 512 - 4:
hd += b"\x00"
hd += struct.pack("<I", UF2_MAGIC_END)
return hd
def convert_from_hex_to_uf2(buf):
global appstartaddr
appstartaddr = None
upper = 0
currblock = None
blocks = []
for line in buf.split('\n'):
if line[0] != ":":
i = 1
rec = []
while i < len(line) - 1:
rec.append(int(line[i:i+2], 16))
i += 2
tp = rec[3]
if tp == 4:
upper = ((rec[4] << 8) | rec[5]) << 16
elif tp == 2:
upper = ((rec[4] << 8) | rec[5]) << 4
assert (upper & 0xffff) == 0
elif tp == 1:
elif tp == 0:
addr = upper | (rec[1] << 8) | rec[2]
if appstartaddr == None:
appstartaddr = addr
i = 4
while i < len(rec) - 1:
if not currblock or currblock.addr & ~0xff != addr & ~0xff:
currblock = Block(addr & ~0xff)
currblock.bytes[addr & 0xff] = rec[i]
addr += 1
i += 1
numblocks = len(blocks)
resfile = b""
for i in range(0, numblocks):
resfile += blocks[i].encode(i, numblocks)
return resfile
def to_str(b):
return b.decode("utf-8")
def get_drives():
drives = []
if sys.platform == "win32":
r = subprocess.check_output(["wmic", "PATH", "Win32_LogicalDisk",
"get", "DeviceID,", "VolumeName,",
"FileSystem,", "DriveType"])
for line in to_str(r).split('\n'):
words = re.split('\s+', line)
if len(words) >= 3 and words[1] == "2" and words[2] == "FAT":
rootpath = "/media"
if sys.platform == "darwin":
rootpath = "/Volumes"
elif sys.platform == "linux":
tmp = rootpath + "/" + os.environ["USER"]
if os.path.isdir(tmp):
rootpath = tmp
for d in os.listdir(rootpath):
drives.append(os.path.join(rootpath, d))
def has_info(d):
return os.path.isfile(d + INFO_FILE)
return False
return list(filter(has_info, drives))
def board_id(path):
with open(path + INFO_FILE, mode='r') as file:
file_content = file.read()
return re.search("Board-ID: ([^\r\n]*)", file_content).group(1)
def list_drives():
for d in get_drives():
print(d, board_id(d))
def write_file(name, buf):
with open(name, "wb") as f:
print("Wrote %d bytes to %s" % (len(buf), name))
def main():
global appstartaddr, familyid
def error(msg):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert to UF2 or flash directly.')
parser.add_argument('input', metavar='INPUT', type=str, nargs='?',
help='input file (HEX, BIN or UF2)')
parser.add_argument('-b' , '--base', dest='base', type=str,
help='set base address of application for BIN format (default: 0x2000)')
parser.add_argument('-o' , '--output', metavar="FILE", dest='output', type=str,
help='write output to named file; defaults to "flash.uf2" or "flash.bin" where sensible')
parser.add_argument('-d' , '--device', dest="device_path",
help='select a device path to flash')
parser.add_argument('-l' , '--list', action='store_true',
help='list connected devices')
parser.add_argument('-c' , '--convert', action='store_true',
help='do not flash, just convert')
parser.add_argument('-D' , '--deploy', action='store_true',
help='just flash, do not convert')
parser.add_argument('-f' , '--family', dest='family', type=str,
help='specify familyID - number or name (default: 0x0)')
parser.add_argument('-C' , '--carray', action='store_true',
help='convert binary file to a C array, not UF2')
args = parser.parse_args()
appstartaddr = int(args.base, 0)
if args.family.upper() in families:
familyid = families[args.family.upper()]
familyid = int(args.family, 0)
except ValueError:
error("Family ID needs to be a number or one of: " + ", ".join(families.keys()))
if args.list:
if not args.input:
error("Need input file")
with open(args.input, mode='rb') as f:
inpbuf = f.read()
from_uf2 = is_uf2(inpbuf)
ext = "uf2"
if args.deploy:
outbuf = inpbuf
elif from_uf2:
outbuf = convert_from_uf2(inpbuf)
ext = "bin"
elif is_hex(inpbuf):
outbuf = convert_from_hex_to_uf2(inpbuf.decode("utf-8"))
elif args.carray:
outbuf = convert_to_carray(inpbuf)
ext = "h"
outbuf = convert_to_uf2(inpbuf)
print("Converting to %s, output size: %d, start address: 0x%x" %
(ext, len(outbuf), appstartaddr))
if args.convert or ext != "uf2":
drives = []
if args.output == None:
args.output = "flash." + ext
drives = get_drives()
if args.output:
write_file(args.output, outbuf)
if len(drives) == 0:
error("No drive to deploy.")
for d in drives:
print("Flashing %s (%s)" % (d, board_id(d)))
write_file(d + "/NEW.UF2", outbuf)
if __name__ == "__main__":