Line: 16: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 16: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 16: no users/groups matched Line: 17: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 17: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 17: no users/groups matched Line: 18: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 18: no users/groups matched Line: 19: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 19: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 19: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 19: no users/groups matched Line: 20: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 20: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 20: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 20: no users/groups matched Line: 21: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 21: no users/groups matched Line: 22: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 22: no users/groups matched Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: bbolen Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 23: no users/groups matched Line: 24: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 24: no users/groups matched Line: 25: incorrect codeowner user: povergoing Line: 25: no users/groups matched Line: 26: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 26: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 26: no users/groups matched Line: 27: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 27: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 27: no users/groups matched Line: 28: incorrect codeowner user: frantony Line: 28: no users/groups matched Line: 29: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 29: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 29: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 29: no users/groups matched Line: 30: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 30: no users/groups matched Line: 31: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 31: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 31: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 31: no users/groups matched Line: 32: incorrect codeowner user: fvincenzo Line: 32: no users/groups matched Line: 33: incorrect codeowner user: aspeeddylan Line: 33: no users/groups matched Line: 34: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 34: no users/groups matched Line: 35: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 35: no users/groups matched Line: 36: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 36: no users/groups matched Line: 37: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 37: no users/groups matched Line: 38: incorrect codeowner user: fallrisk Line: 38: no users/groups matched Line: 39: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 39: no users/groups matched Line: 40: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 40: no users/groups matched Line: 41: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 41: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 41: no users/groups matched Line: 42: incorrect codeowner user: sbranden Line: 42: no users/groups matched Line: 43: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 43: no users/groups matched Line: 44: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 44: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 44: no users/groups matched Line: 45: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 45: no users/groups matched Line: 46: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 46: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 46: no users/groups matched Line: 47: incorrect codeowner user: manuargue Line: 47: no users/groups matched Line: 48: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 48: no users/groups matched Line: 49: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 49: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 49: no users/groups matched Line: 50: incorrect codeowner user: ssekar15 Line: 50: no users/groups matched Line: 51: incorrect codeowner user: fkokosinski Line: 51: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 51: no users/groups matched Line: 52: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 52: no users/groups matched Line: 53: incorrect codeowner user: rdmeneze Line: 53: no users/groups matched Line: 54: incorrect codeowner user: l-alfred Line: 54: no users/groups matched Line: 55: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 55: no users/groups matched Line: 56: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 56: no users/groups matched Line: 57: incorrect codeowner user: arnopo Line: 57: no users/groups matched Line: 58: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 58: no users/groups matched Line: 59: incorrect codeowner user: vanti Line: 59: no users/groups matched Line: 60: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 60: no users/groups matched Line: 61: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 61: no users/groups matched Line: 62: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 62: no users/groups matched Line: 63: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 63: incorrect codeowner user: pmarzin Line: 63: no users/groups matched Line: 64: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 64: no users/groups matched Line: 65: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 65: no users/groups matched Line: 66: incorrect codeowner user: abhishek-brcm Line: 66: no users/groups matched Line: 67: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 67: no users/groups matched Line: 68: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 68: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 68: no users/groups matched Line: 69: incorrect codeowner user: MrVan Line: 69: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 69: no users/groups matched Line: 70: incorrect codeowner user: povergoing Line: 70: no users/groups matched Line: 71: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 71: no users/groups matched Line: 72: incorrect codeowner user: siclim Line: 72: no users/groups matched Line: 73: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 73: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 73: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 73: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 73: no users/groups matched Line: 74: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 74: no users/groups matched Line: 75: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 75: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 75: incorrect codeowner user: aasthagr Line: 75: no users/groups matched Line: 76: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 76: no users/groups matched Line: 77: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 77: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 77: no users/groups matched Line: 78: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 78: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 78: no users/groups matched Line: 79: incorrect codeowner user: frantony Line: 79: no users/groups matched Line: 80: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 80: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 80: no users/groups matched Line: 81: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 81: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 81: no users/groups matched Line: 82: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 82: no users/groups matched Line: 83: incorrect codeowner user: cwshu Line: 83: incorrect codeowner user: kevinwang821020 Line: 83: incorrect codeowner user: jimmyzhe Line: 83: no users/groups matched Line: 84: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 84: no users/groups matched Line: 85: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 85: no users/groups matched Line: 86: incorrect codeowner user: sweeaun Line: 86: no users/groups matched Line: 87: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 87: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 87: incorrect codeowner user: aasthagr Line: 87: no users/groups matched Line: 88: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 88: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 88: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 88: no users/groups matched Line: 89: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 89: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 89: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 89: no users/groups matched Line: 90: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 90: no users/groups matched Line: 91: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 91: no users/groups matched Line: 92: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 92: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 92: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 92: no users/groups matched Line: 93: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 93: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 93: no users/groups matched Line: 94: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 94: no users/groups matched Line: 95: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 95: no users/groups matched Line: 96: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 96: no users/groups matched Line: 97: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 97: no users/groups matched Line: 98: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 98: no users/groups matched Line: 99: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 99: no users/groups matched Line: 100: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 100: no users/groups matched Line: 101: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 101: no users/groups matched Line: 102: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 102: no users/groups matched Line: 103: incorrect codeowner user: sven-hm Line: 103: no users/groups matched Line: 104: incorrect codeowner user: LingaoM Line: 104: no users/groups matched Line: 105: incorrect codeowner user: lairdjm Line: 105: no users/groups matched Line: 106: incorrect codeowner user: lairdjm Line: 106: no users/groups matched Line: 107: incorrect codeowner user: coderkalyan Line: 107: no users/groups matched Line: 108: incorrect codeowner user: coderkalyan Line: 108: no users/groups matched Line: 109: incorrect codeowner user: greg-leach Line: 109: no users/groups matched Line: 110: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 110: no users/groups matched Line: 111: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 111: no users/groups matched Line: 112: incorrect codeowner user: vanti Line: 112: no users/groups matched Line: 113: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 113: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 113: no users/groups matched Line: 114: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 114: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 114: no users/groups matched Line: 115: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 115: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 115: no users/groups matched Line: 116: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 116: no users/groups matched Line: 117: incorrect codeowner user: rdmeneze Line: 117: no users/groups matched Line: 118: incorrect codeowner user: mbittan Line: 118: incorrect codeowner user: simonguinot Line: 118: no users/groups matched Line: 119: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 119: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 119: no users/groups matched Line: 120: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 120: incorrect codeowner user: MeganHansen Line: 120: no users/groups matched Line: 121: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 121: no users/groups matched Line: 122: incorrect codeowner user: jackrosenthal Line: 122: no users/groups matched Line: 123: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 123: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 123: no users/groups matched Line: 124: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 124: incorrect codeowner user: MeganHansen Line: 124: no users/groups matched Line: 125: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 125: incorrect codeowner user: lmajewski Line: 125: no users/groups matched Line: 126: incorrect codeowner user: mbittan Line: 126: incorrect codeowner user: simonguinot Line: 126: no users/groups matched Line: 127: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 127: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 127: no users/groups matched Line: 128: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 128: incorrect codeowner user: MeganHansen Line: 128: no users/groups matched Line: 129: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 129: no users/groups matched Line: 130: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 130: no users/groups matched Line: 131: incorrect codeowner user: pefech Line: 131: no users/groups matched Line: 132: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 132: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 132: no users/groups matched Line: 133: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 133: incorrect codeowner user: MeganHansen Line: 133: no users/groups matched Line: 134: incorrect codeowner user: fvincenzo Line: 134: no users/groups matched Line: 135: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 135: no users/groups matched Line: 136: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 136: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 136: no users/groups matched Line: 137: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 137: incorrect codeowner user: lemrey Line: 137: no users/groups matched Line: 138: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 138: incorrect codeowner user: ABOSTM Line: 138: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 138: no users/groups matched Line: 139: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 139: no users/groups matched Line: 140: incorrect codeowner user: ssekar15 Line: 140: no users/groups matched Line: 141: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 141: no users/groups matched Line: 142: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 142: no users/groups matched Line: 143: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 143: no users/groups matched Line: 144: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 144: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 144: no users/groups matched Line: 145: incorrect codeowner user: fkokosinski Line: 145: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 145: no users/groups matched Line: 146: incorrect codeowner user: gpaquet85 Line: 146: no users/groups matched Line: 147: incorrect codeowner user: gpaquet85 Line: 147: no users/groups matched Line: 148: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 148: no users/groups matched Line: 149: incorrect codeowner user: NorthernDean Line: 149: no users/groups matched Line: 150: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 150: no users/groups matched Line: 151: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 151: no users/groups matched Line: 152: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 152: no users/groups matched Line: 153: incorrect codeowner user: fallrisk Line: 153: no users/groups matched Line: 154: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 154: no users/groups matched Line: 155: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 155: no users/groups matched Line: 156: incorrect codeowner user: yashi Line: 156: no users/groups matched Line: 157: incorrect codeowner user: fvincenzo Line: 157: no users/groups matched Line: 158: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 158: no users/groups matched Line: 159: incorrect codeowner user: manuargue Line: 159: no users/groups matched Line: 160: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 160: no users/groups matched Line: 161: incorrect codeowner user: Navin-Sankar Line: 161: no users/groups matched Line: 162: incorrect codeowner user: karlp Line: 162: no users/groups matched Line: 163: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 163: incorrect codeowner user: ABOSTM Line: 163: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 163: no users/groups matched Line: 164: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 164: no users/groups matched Line: 165: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 165: incorrect codeowner user: ABOSTM Line: 165: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 165: no users/groups matched Line: 166: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 166: incorrect codeowner user: pmarzin Line: 166: no users/groups matched Line: 167: incorrect codeowner user: Navin-Sankar Line: 167: incorrect codeowner user: brec-u-blox Line: 167: no users/groups matched Line: 168: incorrect codeowner user: koffes Line: 168: incorrect codeowner user: alexsven Line: 168: incorrect codeowner user: erikrobstad Line: 168: incorrect codeowner user: rick1082 Line: 168: incorrect codeowner user: gWacey Line: 168: no users/groups matched Line: 169: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 169: no users/groups matched Line: 170: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 170: no users/groups matched Line: 171: incorrect codeowner user: frantony Line: 171: no users/groups matched Line: 172: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 172: no users/groups matched Line: 173: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 173: no users/groups matched Line: 174: incorrect codeowner user: sidcha Line: 174: no users/groups matched Line: 175: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 175: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 175: no users/groups matched Line: 176: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 176: incorrect codeowner user: wopu-ot Line: 176: no users/groups matched Line: 177: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 177: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 177: no users/groups matched Line: 178: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 178: no users/groups matched Line: 179: incorrect codeowner user: cwshu Line: 179: incorrect codeowner user: kevinwang821020 Line: 179: incorrect codeowner user: jimmyzhe Line: 179: no users/groups matched Line: 180: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 180: no users/groups matched Line: 181: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 181: no users/groups matched Line: 182: incorrect codeowner user: sweeaun Line: 182: no users/groups matched Line: 183: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 183: no users/groups matched Line: 184: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 184: no users/groups matched Line: 185: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 185: no users/groups matched Line: 186: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 186: no users/groups matched Line: 187: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 187: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 187: incorrect codeowner user: aasthagr Line: 187: no users/groups matched Line: 188: incorrect codeowner user: enjiamai Line: 188: no users/groups matched Line: 189: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 189: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 189: no users/groups matched Line: 190: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 190: no users/groups matched Line: 191: incorrect codeowner user: iuliana-prodan Line: 191: incorrect codeowner user: dbaluta Line: 191: no users/groups matched Line: 192: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 192: no users/groups matched Line: 193: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 193: no users/groups matched Line: 194: incorrect codeowner user: abhishek-brcm Line: 194: no users/groups matched Line: 195: incorrect codeowner user: MrVan Line: 195: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 195: no users/groups matched Line: 196: incorrect codeowner user: MrVan Line: 196: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 196: no users/groups matched Line: 197: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 197: no users/groups matched Line: 198: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 198: no users/groups matched Line: 199: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 199: no users/groups matched Line: 200: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 200: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 200: no users/groups matched Line: 201: incorrect codeowner user: povergoing Line: 201: no users/groups matched Line: 202: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 202: no users/groups matched Line: 203: incorrect codeowner user: siclim Line: 203: incorrect codeowner user: ngboonkhai Line: 203: no users/groups matched Line: 204: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 204: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 204: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 204: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 204: no users/groups matched Line: 206: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 206: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 206: no users/groups matched Line: 207: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 207: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 207: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 207: no users/groups matched Line: 208: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 208: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 208: no users/groups matched Line: 209: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 209: no users/groups matched Line: 210: incorrect codeowner user: himanshujha199640 Line: 210: incorrect codeowner user: JuliaLawall Line: 210: no users/groups matched Line: 211: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 211: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 211: no users/groups matched Line: 212: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 212: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 212: no users/groups matched Line: 213: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 213: no users/groups matched Line: 214: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 214: no users/groups matched Line: 215: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 215: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 215: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 215: no users/groups matched Line: 216: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 216: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 216: no users/groups matched Line: 217: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 217: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 217: no users/groups matched Line: 218: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 218: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 218: no users/groups matched Line: 219: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 219: incorrect codeowner user: d3zd3z Line: 219: no users/groups matched Line: 220: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 220: no users/groups matched Line: 221: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 221: no users/groups matched Line: 222: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 222: no users/groups matched Line: 223: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 223: no users/groups matched Line: 224: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 224: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 224: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 224: no users/groups matched Line: 225: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 225: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 225: no users/groups matched Line: 226: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 226: incorrect codeowner user: ABOSTM Line: 226: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 226: no users/groups matched Line: 227: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 227: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 227: no users/groups matched Line: 228: incorrect codeowner user: mbittan Line: 228: incorrect codeowner user: simonguinot Line: 228: no users/groups matched Line: 229: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 229: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 229: no users/groups matched Line: 230: incorrect codeowner user: cwshu Line: 230: incorrect codeowner user: kevinwang821020 Line: 230: incorrect codeowner user: jimmyzhe Line: 230: no users/groups matched Line: 231: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 231: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 231: no users/groups matched Line: 232: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 232: no users/groups matched Line: 233: incorrect codeowner user: manuargue Line: 233: no users/groups matched Line: 234: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 234: no users/groups matched Line: 235: incorrect codeowner user: XenuIsWatching Line: 235: no users/groups matched Line: 236: incorrect codeowner user: cybertale Line: 236: no users/groups matched Line: 237: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 237: no users/groups matched Line: 238: incorrect codeowner user: yperess Line: 238: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 238: incorrect codeowner user: jackrosenthal Line: 238: no users/groups matched Line: 239: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 239: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 239: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 239: no users/groups matched Line: 240: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 240: no users/groups matched Line: 241: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 241: no users/groups matched Line: 242: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 242: incorrect codeowner user: yperess Line: 242: no users/groups matched Line: 243: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 243: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 243: no users/groups matched Line: 244: incorrect codeowner user: karstenkoenig Line: 244: no users/groups matched Line: 245: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 245: incorrect codeowner user: pmarzin Line: 245: no users/groups matched Line: 246: incorrect codeowner user: siclim Line: 246: no users/groups matched Line: 247: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 247: no users/groups matched Line: 248: incorrect codeowner user: extremegtx Line: 248: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 248: no users/groups matched Line: 249: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 249: no users/groups matched Line: 250: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 250: no users/groups matched Line: 251: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 251: no users/groups matched Line: 252: incorrect codeowner user: luozhongyao Line: 252: no users/groups matched Line: 253: incorrect codeowner user: MrVan Line: 253: no users/groups matched Line: 254: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 254: no users/groups matched Line: 255: incorrect codeowner user: kentjhall Line: 255: no users/groups matched Line: 256: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 256: no users/groups matched Line: 257: incorrect codeowner user: maciekfabia Line: 257: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 257: no users/groups matched Line: 258: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 258: no users/groups matched Line: 259: incorrect codeowner user: extremegtx Line: 259: no users/groups matched Line: 260: incorrect codeowner user: martinjaeger Line: 260: no users/groups matched Line: 261: incorrect codeowner user: juimonen Line: 261: incorrect codeowner user: marcinszkudlinski Line: 261: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 261: no users/groups matched Line: 262: incorrect codeowner user: juimonen Line: 262: incorrect codeowner user: marcinszkudlinski Line: 262: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 262: no users/groups matched Line: 263: incorrect codeowner user: juimonen Line: 263: incorrect codeowner user: marcinszkudlinski Line: 263: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 263: no users/groups matched Line: 264: incorrect codeowner user: marcinszkudlinski Line: 264: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 264: no users/groups matched Line: 265: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 265: no users/groups matched Line: 266: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 266: no users/groups matched Line: 267: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 267: no users/groups matched Line: 268: incorrect codeowner user: Sizurka Line: 268: no users/groups matched Line: 269: incorrect codeowner user: cybertale Line: 269: incorrect codeowner user: lowlander Line: 269: no users/groups matched Line: 270: incorrect codeowner user: raveenp Line: 270: no users/groups matched Line: 271: incorrect codeowner user: raveenp Line: 271: no users/groups matched Line: 272: incorrect codeowner user: teburd Line: 272: incorrect codeowner user: abonislawski Line: 272: no users/groups matched Line: 273: incorrect codeowner user: talih0 Line: 273: no users/groups matched Line: 274: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 274: no users/groups matched Line: 275: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 275: no users/groups matched Line: 276: incorrect codeowner user: KwonTae-young Line: 276: no users/groups matched Line: 277: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 277: no users/groups matched Line: 278: incorrect codeowner user: JordanYates Line: 278: no users/groups matched Line: 279: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 279: no users/groups matched Line: 280: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 280: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 280: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 280: no users/groups matched Line: 281: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 281: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 281: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 281: no users/groups matched Line: 282: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 282: no users/groups matched Line: 283: incorrect codeowner user: npitre Line: 283: no users/groups matched Line: 284: incorrect codeowner user: Nukersson Line: 284: incorrect codeowner user: lochej Line: 284: no users/groups matched Line: 285: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 285: no users/groups matched Line: 286: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 286: no users/groups matched Line: 287: incorrect codeowner user: sgrrzhf Line: 287: no users/groups matched Line: 288: incorrect codeowner user: GeorgeCGV Line: 288: no users/groups matched Line: 289: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 289: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 289: incorrect codeowner user: arvinf Line: 289: no users/groups matched Line: 290: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 290: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 290: incorrect codeowner user: arvinf Line: 290: no users/groups matched Line: 291: incorrect codeowner user: GeorgeCGV Line: 291: no users/groups matched Line: 292: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 292: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 292: no users/groups matched Line: 293: incorrect codeowner user: lmajewski Line: 293: no users/groups matched Line: 294: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 294: no users/groups matched Line: 295: incorrect codeowner user: ngboonkhai Line: 295: no users/groups matched Line: 296: incorrect codeowner user: pepe2k Line: 296: no users/groups matched Line: 297: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 297: no users/groups matched Line: 298: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 298: no users/groups matched Line: 299: incorrect codeowner user: tgorochowik Line: 299: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 299: no users/groups matched Line: 300: incorrect codeowner user: mnkp Line: 300: no users/groups matched Line: 301: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 301: no users/groups matched Line: 302: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 302: no users/groups matched Line: 303: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 303: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 303: no users/groups matched Line: 304: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 304: no users/groups matched Line: 305: incorrect codeowner user: fkokosinski Line: 305: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 305: no users/groups matched Line: 306: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 306: no users/groups matched Line: 307: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 307: no users/groups matched Line: 308: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 308: no users/groups matched Line: 309: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 309: no users/groups matched Line: 310: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 310: no users/groups matched Line: 311: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 311: no users/groups matched Line: 312: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 312: no users/groups matched Line: 313: incorrect codeowner user: GTLin08 Line: 313: no users/groups matched Line: 314: incorrect codeowner user: GTLin08 Line: 314: no users/groups matched Line: 315: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 315: no users/groups matched Line: 316: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 316: no users/groups matched Line: 317: incorrect codeowner user: GTLin08 Line: 317: no users/groups matched Line: 318: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 318: no users/groups matched Line: 319: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 319: no users/groups matched Line: 320: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 320: no users/groups matched Line: 321: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 321: no users/groups matched Line: 322: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 322: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 322: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 322: no users/groups matched Line: 323: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 323: no users/groups matched Line: 324: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 324: no users/groups matched Line: 325: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 325: no users/groups matched Line: 326: incorrect codeowner user: XenuIsWatching Line: 326: no users/groups matched Line: 327: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 327: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 327: no users/groups matched Line: 328: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 328: no users/groups matched Line: 329: incorrect codeowner user: jciupis Line: 329: no users/groups matched Line: 330: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 330: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 330: no users/groups matched Line: 331: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 331: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 331: incorrect codeowner user: vaishnavachath Line: 331: no users/groups matched Line: 332: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 332: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 332: no users/groups matched Line: 333: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 333: no users/groups matched Line: 334: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 334: no users/groups matched Line: 335: incorrect codeowner user: soburi Line: 335: no users/groups matched Line: 336: incorrect codeowner user: karl-zh Line: 336: no users/groups matched Line: 337: incorrect codeowner user: masz-nordic Line: 337: no users/groups matched Line: 338: incorrect codeowner user: masz-nordic Line: 338: no users/groups matched Line: 339: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 339: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 339: no users/groups matched Line: 340: incorrect codeowner user: masz-nordic Line: 340: no users/groups matched Line: 341: incorrect codeowner user: masz-nordic Line: 341: no users/groups matched Line: 342: incorrect codeowner user: arnopo Line: 342: no users/groups matched Line: 343: incorrect codeowner user: cameled Line: 343: no users/groups matched Line: 344: incorrect codeowner user: uLipe Line: 344: no users/groups matched Line: 345: incorrect codeowner user: VenkatKotakonda Line: 345: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 345: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 345: no users/groups matched Line: 346: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 346: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 346: no users/groups matched Line: 347: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 347: no users/groups matched Line: 348: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 348: no users/groups matched Line: 349: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 349: no users/groups matched Line: 350: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 350: no users/groups matched Line: 351: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 351: no users/groups matched Line: 352: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 352: no users/groups matched Line: 353: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 353: no users/groups matched Line: 354: incorrect codeowner user: hubertmis Line: 354: no users/groups matched Line: 355: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 355: no users/groups matched Line: 356: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 356: no users/groups matched Line: 357: incorrect codeowner user: lgehreke Line: 357: no users/groups matched Line: 358: incorrect codeowner user: lgehreke Line: 358: no users/groups matched Line: 359: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 359: no users/groups matched Line: 360: incorrect codeowner user: lgehreke Line: 360: no users/groups matched Line: 361: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 361: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 361: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 361: no users/groups matched Line: 362: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 362: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 362: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 362: no users/groups matched Line: 363: incorrect codeowner user: gmarull Line: 363: no users/groups matched Line: 364: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 364: no users/groups matched Line: 365: incorrect codeowner user: ite Line: 365: no users/groups matched Line: 366: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 366: no users/groups matched Line: 367: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 367: no users/groups matched Line: 368: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 368: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 368: no users/groups matched Line: 369: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 369: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 369: no users/groups matched Line: 370: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 370: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 370: no users/groups matched Line: 371: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 371: no users/groups matched Line: 372: incorrect codeowner user: nixward Line: 372: no users/groups matched Line: 373: incorrect codeowner user: burumaj Line: 373: no users/groups matched Line: 374: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 374: no users/groups matched Line: 375: incorrect codeowner user: nzmichaelh Line: 375: no users/groups matched Line: 376: incorrect codeowner user: JordanYates Line: 376: no users/groups matched Line: 377: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 377: no users/groups matched Line: 378: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 378: no users/groups matched Line: 379: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 379: no users/groups matched Line: 380: incorrect codeowner user: sun681 Line: 380: no users/groups matched Line: 381: incorrect codeowner user: RuibinChang Line: 381: no users/groups matched Line: 382: incorrect codeowner user: LucasTambor Line: 382: no users/groups matched Line: 383: incorrect codeowner user: pmarzin Line: 383: no users/groups matched Line: 384: incorrect codeowner user: gmarull Line: 384: no users/groups matched Line: 385: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 385: no users/groups matched Line: 386: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 386: no users/groups matched Line: 387: incorrect codeowner user: andrei-edward-popa Line: 387: no users/groups matched Line: 388: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 388: no users/groups matched Line: 389: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 389: no users/groups matched Line: 390: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 390: no users/groups matched Line: 391: incorrect codeowner user: DineshDK03 Line: 391: no users/groups matched Line: 392: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 392: no users/groups matched Line: 393: incorrect codeowner user: bbilas Line: 393: no users/groups matched Line: 394: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 394: no users/groups matched Line: 395: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 395: no users/groups matched Line: 396: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 396: no users/groups matched Line: 397: incorrect codeowner user: sven-hm Line: 397: no users/groups matched Line: 398: incorrect codeowner user: valeriosetti Line: 398: no users/groups matched Line: 399: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 399: no users/groups matched Line: 400: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 400: no users/groups matched Line: 401: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 401: incorrect codeowner user: gohshunjing Line: 401: no users/groups matched Line: 402: incorrect codeowner user: gohshunjing Line: 402: no users/groups matched Line: 403: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 403: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 403: incorrect codeowner user: aasthagr Line: 403: no users/groups matched Line: 404: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 404: no users/groups matched Line: 405: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 405: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 405: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 405: no users/groups matched Line: 406: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 406: no users/groups matched Line: 407: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 407: no users/groups matched Line: 408: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 408: incorrect codeowner user: pkral78 Line: 408: no users/groups matched Line: 409: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 409: incorrect codeowner user: pkral78 Line: 409: no users/groups matched Line: 410: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 410: no users/groups matched Line: 411: incorrect codeowner user: wjliang Line: 411: no users/groups matched Line: 412: incorrect codeowner user: wjliang Line: 412: no users/groups matched Line: 413: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 413: no users/groups matched Line: 414: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 414: no users/groups matched Line: 415: incorrect codeowner user: ssekar15 Line: 415: no users/groups matched Line: 416: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 416: no users/groups matched Line: 417: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 417: no users/groups matched Line: 418: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 418: no users/groups matched Line: 419: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 419: no users/groups matched Line: 420: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 420: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 420: no users/groups matched Line: 421: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 421: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 421: no users/groups matched Line: 422: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 422: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 422: no users/groups matched Line: 423: incorrect codeowner user: GTLin08 Line: 423: no users/groups matched Line: 424: incorrect codeowner user: GTLin08 Line: 424: no users/groups matched Line: 425: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 425: no users/groups matched Line: 426: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 426: no users/groups matched Line: 427: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 427: no users/groups matched Line: 428: incorrect codeowner user: JunYangNXP Line: 428: no users/groups matched Line: 429: incorrect codeowner user: anthonybrandon Line: 429: no users/groups matched Line: 430: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 430: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 430: no users/groups matched Line: 431: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 431: no users/groups matched Line: 432: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 432: no users/groups matched Line: 433: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 433: no users/groups matched Line: 434: incorrect codeowner user: karstenkoenig Line: 434: no users/groups matched Line: 435: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 435: no users/groups matched Line: 436: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 436: no users/groups matched Line: 437: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 437: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 437: no users/groups matched Line: 438: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 438: no users/groups matched Line: 439: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 439: no users/groups matched Line: 440: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 440: no users/groups matched Line: 441: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 441: no users/groups matched Line: 442: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 442: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 442: no users/groups matched Line: 443: incorrect codeowner user: ite Line: 443: no users/groups matched Line: 444: incorrect codeowner user: wjliang Line: 444: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 444: no users/groups matched Line: 445: incorrect codeowner user: vanti Line: 445: no users/groups matched Line: 446: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 446: no users/groups matched Line: 447: incorrect codeowner user: FRASTM Line: 447: no users/groups matched Line: 448: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 448: no users/groups matched Line: 449: incorrect codeowner user: frantony Line: 449: no users/groups matched Line: 450: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 450: no users/groups matched Line: 451: incorrect codeowner user: uLipe Line: 451: no users/groups matched Line: 452: incorrect codeowner user: bendiscz Line: 452: no users/groups matched Line: 453: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 453: no users/groups matched Line: 454: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 454: no users/groups matched Line: 455: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar Line: 455: no users/groups matched Line: 456: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 456: no users/groups matched Line: 457: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 457: no users/groups matched Line: 458: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 458: no users/groups matched Line: 459: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 459: incorrect codeowner user: loicpoulain Line: 459: no users/groups matched Line: 460: incorrect codeowner user: sambhurst Line: 460: no users/groups matched Line: 461: incorrect codeowner user: loicpoulain Line: 461: no users/groups matched Line: 462: incorrect codeowner user: andy-liu-telink Line: 462: no users/groups matched Line: 463: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 463: no users/groups matched Line: 464: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 464: no users/groups matched Line: 465: incorrect codeowner user: Sizurka Line: 465: no users/groups matched Line: 466: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 466: no users/groups matched Line: 467: incorrect codeowner user: kurddt Line: 467: no users/groups matched Line: 468: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 468: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 468: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 468: no users/groups matched Line: 469: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 469: no users/groups matched Line: 470: incorrect codeowner user: oanerer Line: 470: no users/groups matched Line: 471: incorrect codeowner user: katsuster Line: 471: no users/groups matched Line: 472: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 472: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 472: no users/groups matched Line: 473: incorrect codeowner user: pavlohamov Line: 473: no users/groups matched Line: 474: incorrect codeowner user: RuibinChang Line: 474: no users/groups matched Line: 475: incorrect codeowner user: RuibinChang Line: 475: no users/groups matched Line: 476: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 476: no users/groups matched Line: 477: incorrect codeowner user: thedjnK Line: 477: no users/groups matched Line: 478: incorrect codeowner user: softwarecki Line: 478: no users/groups matched Line: 479: incorrect codeowner user: sreeramIfx Line: 479: no users/groups matched Line: 480: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 480: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 480: no users/groups matched Line: 481: incorrect codeowner user: mniestroj Line: 481: no users/groups matched Line: 482: incorrect codeowner user: loicpoulain Line: 482: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 482: no users/groups matched Line: 483: incorrect codeowner user: kludentwo Line: 483: no users/groups matched Line: 484: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 484: no users/groups matched Line: 485: incorrect codeowner user: lorc Line: 485: incorrect codeowner user: firscity Line: 485: no users/groups matched Line: 486: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 486: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 486: incorrect codeowner user: iriszzw Line: 486: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 486: no users/groups matched Line: 487: incorrect codeowner user: NorthernDean Line: 487: no users/groups matched Line: 488: incorrect codeowner user: aspeeddylan Line: 488: no users/groups matched Line: 489: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 489: no users/groups matched Line: 490: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 490: no users/groups matched Line: 491: incorrect codeowner user: benpicco Line: 491: no users/groups matched Line: 492: incorrect codeowner user: benpicco Line: 492: no users/groups matched Line: 493: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 493: no users/groups matched Line: 494: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 494: no users/groups matched Line: 495: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 495: no users/groups matched Line: 496: incorrect codeowner user: sbranden Line: 496: no users/groups matched Line: 497: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 497: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 497: no users/groups matched Line: 498: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 498: no users/groups matched Line: 499: incorrect codeowner user: parthitce Line: 499: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 499: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 499: no users/groups matched Line: 500: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 500: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 500: no users/groups matched Line: 501: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 501: no users/groups matched Line: 502: incorrect codeowner user: povergoing Line: 502: no users/groups matched Line: 503: incorrect codeowner user: siclim Line: 503: no users/groups matched Line: 504: incorrect codeowner user: JiafeiPan Line: 504: no users/groups matched Line: 505: incorrect codeowner user: fkokosinski Line: 505: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 505: no users/groups matched Line: 506: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 506: no users/groups matched Line: 507: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 507: no users/groups matched Line: 508: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 508: no users/groups matched Line: 509: incorrect codeowner user: bwitherspoon Line: 509: no users/groups matched Line: 510: incorrect codeowner user: vanti Line: 510: no users/groups matched Line: 511: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 511: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 511: no users/groups matched Line: 512: incorrect codeowner user: ssekar15 Line: 512: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 512: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 512: no users/groups matched Line: 513: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 513: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 513: no users/groups matched Line: 514: incorrect codeowner user: manuargue Line: 514: no users/groups matched Line: 515: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 515: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 515: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 515: no users/groups matched Line: 516: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 516: no users/groups matched Line: 517: incorrect codeowner user: rdmeneze Line: 517: no users/groups matched Line: 518: incorrect codeowner user: oanerer Line: 518: no users/groups matched Line: 519: incorrect codeowner user: mnkp Line: 519: no users/groups matched Line: 520: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 520: incorrect codeowner user: fkokosinski Line: 520: incorrect codeowner user: pczarnecki Line: 520: no users/groups matched Line: 521: incorrect codeowner user: mnkp Line: 521: no users/groups matched Line: 522: incorrect codeowner user: rdmeneze Line: 522: no users/groups matched Line: 523: incorrect codeowner user: l-alfred Line: 523: no users/groups matched Line: 524: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 524: no users/groups matched Line: 525: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 525: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 525: no users/groups matched Line: 526: incorrect codeowner user: ite Line: 526: no users/groups matched Line: 527: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 527: no users/groups matched Line: 528: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 528: no users/groups matched Line: 529: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 529: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 529: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 529: no users/groups matched Line: 530: incorrect codeowner user: rajnesh-kanwal Line: 530: no users/groups matched Line: 531: incorrect codeowner user: cwshu Line: 531: incorrect codeowner user: kevinwang821020 Line: 531: incorrect codeowner user: jimmyzhe Line: 531: no users/groups matched Line: 532: incorrect codeowner user: sweeaun Line: 532: no users/groups matched Line: 533: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 533: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 533: no users/groups matched Line: 534: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 534: no users/groups matched Line: 535: incorrect codeowner user: bbolen Line: 535: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 535: no users/groups matched Line: 536: incorrect codeowner user: bbolen Line: 536: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 536: no users/groups matched Line: 537: incorrect codeowner user: aaillet Line: 537: incorrect codeowner user: pmarzin Line: 537: no users/groups matched Line: 538: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 538: no users/groups matched Line: 539: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 539: no users/groups matched Line: 540: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 540: no users/groups matched Line: 541: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 541: no users/groups matched Line: 542: incorrect codeowner user: iuliana-prodan Line: 542: incorrect codeowner user: dbaluta Line: 542: no users/groups matched Line: 543: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 543: no users/groups matched Line: 544: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 544: no users/groups matched Line: 545: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 545: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 545: no users/groups matched Line: 546: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 546: no users/groups matched Line: 547: incorrect codeowner user: cybertale Line: 547: no users/groups matched Line: 548: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 548: no users/groups matched Line: 549: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 549: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 549: no users/groups matched Line: 550: incorrect codeowner user: mniestroj Line: 550: no users/groups matched Line: 551: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 551: no users/groups matched Line: 552: incorrect codeowner user: MulinChao Line: 552: incorrect codeowner user: ChiHuaL Line: 552: no users/groups matched Line: 553: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 553: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 553: no users/groups matched Line: 554: incorrect codeowner user: ifyall Line: 554: incorrect codeowner user: npal-cy Line: 554: no users/groups matched Line: 555: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 555: no users/groups matched Line: 556: incorrect codeowner user: mmahadevan108 Line: 556: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 556: no users/groups matched Line: 557: incorrect codeowner user: manuargue Line: 557: no users/groups matched Line: 558: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 558: no users/groups matched Line: 559: incorrect codeowner user: yonsch Line: 559: no users/groups matched Line: 560: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 560: no users/groups matched Line: 561: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 561: no users/groups matched Line: 562: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 562: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 562: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 562: no users/groups matched Line: 563: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 563: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 563: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 563: no users/groups matched Line: 564: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 564: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 564: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 564: no users/groups matched Line: 565: incorrect codeowner user: cwshu Line: 565: incorrect codeowner user: kevinwang821020 Line: 565: incorrect codeowner user: jimmyzhe Line: 565: no users/groups matched Line: 566: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 566: no users/groups matched Line: 567: incorrect codeowner user: sgrrzhf Line: 567: no users/groups matched Line: 568: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 568: no users/groups matched Line: 569: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 569: no users/groups matched Line: 570: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 570: no users/groups matched Line: 571: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 571: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 571: no users/groups matched Line: 572: incorrect codeowner user: BoschSensortec Line: 572: no users/groups matched Line: 573: incorrect codeowner user: bbilas Line: 573: no users/groups matched Line: 574: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 574: no users/groups matched Line: 575: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 575: no users/groups matched Line: 576: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 576: no users/groups matched Line: 577: incorrect codeowner user: sweeaun Line: 577: no users/groups matched Line: 578: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 578: no users/groups matched Line: 579: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 579: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 579: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 579: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 579: no users/groups matched Line: 580: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 580: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 580: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 580: no users/groups matched Line: 581: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 581: no users/groups matched Line: 582: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 582: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 582: no users/groups matched Line: 583: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 583: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 583: no users/groups matched Line: 584: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 584: no users/groups matched Line: 585: incorrect codeowner user: martinjaeger Line: 585: no users/groups matched Line: 586: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 586: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 586: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 586: no users/groups matched Line: 587: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 587: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 587: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 587: no users/groups matched Line: 588: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 588: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 588: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 588: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 588: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 588: no users/groups matched Line: 589: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 589: no users/groups matched Line: 590: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 590: no users/groups matched Line: 591: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 591: no users/groups matched Line: 592: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 592: no users/groups matched Line: 593: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 593: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 593: no users/groups matched Line: 594: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 594: no users/groups matched Line: 595: incorrect codeowner user: rerickson1 Line: 595: no users/groups matched Line: 596: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 596: no users/groups matched Line: 597: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 597: no users/groups matched Line: 598: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 598: no users/groups matched Line: 599: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 599: no users/groups matched Line: 600: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 600: no users/groups matched Line: 601: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 601: no users/groups matched Line: 602: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 602: no users/groups matched Line: 603: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 603: no users/groups matched Line: 604: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 604: no users/groups matched Line: 605: incorrect codeowner user: albertofloyd Line: 605: incorrect codeowner user: franciscomunoz Line: 605: incorrect codeowner user: sjvasanth1 Line: 605: no users/groups matched Line: 606: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 606: no users/groups matched Line: 607: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 607: no users/groups matched Line: 608: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 608: no users/groups matched Line: 609: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 609: no users/groups matched Line: 610: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 610: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 610: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 610: no users/groups matched Line: 611: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 611: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 611: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 611: no users/groups matched Line: 612: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 612: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 612: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 612: no users/groups matched Line: 613: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 613: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 613: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 613: no users/groups matched Line: 614: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 614: no users/groups matched Line: 615: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 615: no users/groups matched Line: 616: incorrect codeowner user: povergoing Line: 616: no users/groups matched Line: 617: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 617: no users/groups matched Line: 618: incorrect codeowner user: frantony Line: 618: no users/groups matched Line: 619: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 619: no users/groups matched Line: 620: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 620: no users/groups matched Line: 621: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 621: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 621: no users/groups matched Line: 622: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 622: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 622: no users/groups matched Line: 623: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 623: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 623: no users/groups matched Line: 624: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 624: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 624: no users/groups matched Line: 625: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 625: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 625: no users/groups matched Line: 626: incorrect codeowner user: julius-barendt Line: 626: no users/groups matched Line: 627: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 627: no users/groups matched Line: 628: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 628: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 628: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 628: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 628: no users/groups matched Line: 629: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 629: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 629: incorrect codeowner user: Thalley Line: 629: no users/groups matched Line: 630: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 630: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 630: no users/groups matched Line: 631: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 631: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 631: no users/groups matched Line: 632: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 632: no users/groups matched Line: 633: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 633: no users/groups matched Line: 634: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 634: no users/groups matched Line: 635: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 635: no users/groups matched Line: 636: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 636: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 636: no users/groups matched Line: 637: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 637: no users/groups matched Line: 638: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 638: no users/groups matched Line: 639: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 639: no users/groups matched Line: 640: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 640: no users/groups matched Line: 641: incorrect codeowner user: ibirnbaum Line: 641: no users/groups matched Line: 642: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 642: no users/groups matched Line: 643: incorrect codeowner user: sylvioalves Line: 643: no users/groups matched Line: 644: incorrect codeowner user: RuibinChang Line: 644: no users/groups matched Line: 645: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 645: no users/groups matched Line: 646: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 646: no users/groups matched Line: 647: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 647: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 647: no users/groups matched Line: 648: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 648: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 648: no users/groups matched Line: 649: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 649: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 649: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 649: no users/groups matched Line: 650: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 650: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 650: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 650: no users/groups matched Line: 651: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 651: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 651: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 651: no users/groups matched Line: 652: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 652: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 652: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 652: no users/groups matched Line: 653: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 653: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 653: no users/groups matched Line: 654: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 654: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 654: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 654: no users/groups matched Line: 655: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 655: no users/groups matched Line: 656: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 656: no users/groups matched Line: 657: incorrect codeowner user: sidcha Line: 657: no users/groups matched Line: 658: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 658: no users/groups matched Line: 659: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 659: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 659: no users/groups matched Line: 660: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 660: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 660: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 660: no users/groups matched Line: 661: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 661: no users/groups matched Line: 662: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 662: no users/groups matched Line: 663: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 663: no users/groups matched Line: 664: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 664: incorrect codeowner user: BeckmaR Line: 664: no users/groups matched Line: 665: incorrect codeowner user: npitre Line: 665: no users/groups matched Line: 666: incorrect codeowner user: cfreidt Line: 666: no users/groups matched Line: 667: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 667: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 667: no users/groups matched Line: 668: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 668: no users/groups matched Line: 669: incorrect codeowner user: teburd Line: 669: no users/groups matched Line: 670: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 670: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 670: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 670: no users/groups matched Line: 671: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 671: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 671: no users/groups matched Line: 672: incorrect codeowner user: ycsin Line: 672: no users/groups matched Line: 673: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 673: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 673: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 673: no users/groups matched Line: 674: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 674: no users/groups matched Line: 675: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 675: no users/groups matched Line: 676: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 676: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 676: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 676: no users/groups matched Line: 677: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 677: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 677: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 677: no users/groups matched Line: 678: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 678: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 678: no users/groups matched Line: 679: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 679: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 679: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 679: no users/groups matched Line: 680: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 680: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 680: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 680: no users/groups matched Line: 681: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 681: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 681: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 681: no users/groups matched Line: 682: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 682: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 682: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 682: no users/groups matched Line: 683: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 683: no users/groups matched Line: 684: incorrect codeowner user: sambhurst Line: 684: no users/groups matched Line: 685: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 685: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 685: no users/groups matched Line: 686: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 686: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 686: no users/groups matched Line: 687: incorrect codeowner user: arnopo Line: 687: no users/groups matched Line: 688: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 688: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 688: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 688: no users/groups matched Line: 689: incorrect codeowner user: npitre Line: 689: no users/groups matched Line: 690: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 690: no users/groups matched Line: 691: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 691: no users/groups matched Line: 692: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 692: no users/groups matched Line: 693: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 693: no users/groups matched Line: 694: incorrect codeowner user: abrodkin Line: 694: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 694: incorrect codeowner user: evgeniy-paltsev Line: 694: no users/groups matched Line: 695: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 695: no users/groups matched Line: 696: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 696: no users/groups matched Line: 697: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 697: no users/groups matched Line: 698: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 698: incorrect codeowner user: d3zd3z Line: 698: no users/groups matched Line: 699: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 699: no users/groups matched Line: 700: incorrect codeowner user: jciupis Line: 700: no users/groups matched Line: 701: incorrect codeowner user: microbuilder Line: 701: no users/groups matched Line: 702: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 702: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 702: no users/groups matched Line: 703: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 703: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 703: no users/groups matched Line: 704: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 704: no users/groups matched Line: 705: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 705: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 705: no users/groups matched Line: 706: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 706: no users/groups matched Line: 707: incorrect codeowner user: jhe Line: 707: no users/groups matched Line: 708: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 708: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 708: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 708: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 708: no users/groups matched Line: 709: incorrect codeowner user: Navin-Sankar Line: 709: no users/groups matched Line: 710: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 710: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 710: no users/groups matched Line: 711: incorrect codeowner user: mateusz-holenko Line: 711: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 711: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 711: no users/groups matched Line: 712: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 712: no users/groups matched Line: 713: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 713: no users/groups matched Line: 714: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 714: no users/groups matched Line: 715: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 715: no users/groups matched Line: 716: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 716: no users/groups matched Line: 717: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 717: no users/groups matched Line: 718: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 718: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 718: no users/groups matched Line: 719: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 719: no users/groups matched Line: 720: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 720: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 720: no users/groups matched Line: 721: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 721: no users/groups matched Line: 722: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 722: no users/groups matched Line: 723: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 723: incorrect codeowner user: BeckmaR Line: 723: no users/groups matched Line: 724: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 724: no users/groups matched Line: 725: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 725: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 725: no users/groups matched Line: 726: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 726: no users/groups matched Line: 727: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 727: no users/groups matched Line: 728: incorrect codeowner user: emob-nordic Line: 728: no users/groups matched Line: 729: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 729: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 729: no users/groups matched Line: 730: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 730: no users/groups matched Line: 731: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 731: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 731: no users/groups matched Line: 732: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 732: no users/groups matched Line: 733: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 733: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 733: no users/groups matched Line: 734: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 734: incorrect codeowner user: otavio Line: 734: no users/groups matched Line: 735: incorrect codeowner user: sidcha Line: 735: no users/groups matched Line: 736: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 736: no users/groups matched Line: 737: incorrect codeowner user: sambhurst Line: 737: no users/groups matched Line: 738: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 738: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 738: no users/groups matched Line: 739: incorrect codeowner user: microbuilder Line: 739: no users/groups matched Line: 740: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 740: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 740: no users/groups matched Line: 741: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 741: no users/groups matched Line: 742: incorrect codeowner user: himanshujha199640 Line: 742: incorrect codeowner user: JuliaLawall Line: 742: no users/groups matched Line: 743: incorrect codeowner user: himanshujha199640 Line: 743: incorrect codeowner user: JuliaLawall Line: 743: no users/groups matched Line: 744: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 744: no users/groups matched Line: 745: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 745: no users/groups matched Line: 746: incorrect codeowner user: ulfalizer Line: 746: no users/groups matched Line: 747: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 747: no users/groups matched Line: 748: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 748: no users/groups matched Line: 749: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 749: no users/groups matched Line: 750: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 750: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 750: no users/groups matched Line: 751: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 751: no users/groups matched Line: 752: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 752: no users/groups matched Line: 753: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 753: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 753: no users/groups matched Line: 754: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 754: no users/groups matched Line: 755: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 755: no users/groups matched Line: 756: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 756: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 756: no users/groups matched Line: 757: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 757: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 757: no users/groups matched Line: 758: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 758: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 758: no users/groups matched Line: 759: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 759: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 759: no users/groups matched Line: 760: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 760: no users/groups matched Line: 761: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 761: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 761: no users/groups matched Line: 762: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 762: no users/groups matched Line: 763: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 763: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 763: no users/groups matched Line: 764: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 764: no users/groups matched Line: 765: incorrect codeowner user: madhurimaparuchuri Line: 765: no users/groups matched Line: 766: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 766: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 766: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 766: no users/groups matched Line: 767: incorrect codeowner user: aasthagr Line: 767: no users/groups matched Line: 768: incorrect codeowner user: rmstoi Line: 768: no users/groups matched Line: 769: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 769: no users/groups matched Line: 770: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 770: no users/groups matched Line: 771: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 771: no users/groups matched Line: 772: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 772: no users/groups matched Line: 773: incorrect codeowner user: gmarull Line: 773: no users/groups matched Line: 774: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 774: no users/groups matched Line: 775: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 775: no users/groups matched Line: 776: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 776: no users/groups matched Line: 777: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 777: no users/groups matched Line: 778: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 778: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 778: no users/groups matched Line: 779: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 779: incorrect codeowner user: nandojve Line: 779: no users/groups matched Line: 780: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar-nordic Line: 780: no users/groups matched Line: 781: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 781: no users/groups matched Line: 782: incorrect codeowner user: petejohanson Line: 782: no users/groups matched Line: 783: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 783: no users/groups matched Line: 784: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 784: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 784: no users/groups matched Line: 785: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 785: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 785: no users/groups matched Line: 786: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 786: no users/groups matched Line: 787: incorrect codeowner user: tejlmand Line: 787: no users/groups matched Line: 788: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 788: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 788: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 788: no users/groups matched Line: 789: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 789: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 789: incorrect codeowner user: Thalley Line: 789: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 789: no users/groups matched Line: 790: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 790: incorrect codeowner user: cvinayak Line: 790: incorrect codeowner user: thoh-ot Line: 790: incorrect codeowner user: kruithofa Line: 790: no users/groups matched Line: 791: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 791: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 791: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 791: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 791: no users/groups matched Line: 792: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 792: incorrect codeowner user: PavelVPV Line: 792: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 792: incorrect codeowner user: LingaoM Line: 792: no users/groups matched Line: 793: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 793: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 793: no users/groups matched Line: 794: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 794: no users/groups matched Line: 795: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 795: no users/groups matched Line: 796: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 796: no users/groups matched Line: 797: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 797: no users/groups matched Line: 798: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 798: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 798: no users/groups matched Line: 799: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 799: no users/groups matched Line: 800: incorrect codeowner user: yperess Line: 800: no users/groups matched Line: 801: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 801: no users/groups matched Line: 802: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 802: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 802: no users/groups matched Line: 803: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 803: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 803: no users/groups matched Line: 804: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 804: no users/groups matched Line: 805: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 805: no users/groups matched Line: 806: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 806: no users/groups matched Line: 807: incorrect codeowner user: Laczen Line: 807: no users/groups matched Line: 808: incorrect codeowner user: carlocaione Line: 808: no users/groups matched Line: 809: incorrect codeowner user: emob-nordic Line: 809: no users/groups matched Line: 810: incorrect 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Line: 819: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 819: no users/groups matched Line: 820: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 820: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 820: no users/groups matched Line: 821: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 821: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 821: no users/groups matched Line: 822: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 822: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 822: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 822: no users/groups matched Line: 823: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 823: no users/groups matched Line: 824: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 824: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 824: no users/groups matched Line: 825: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 825: no users/groups matched Line: 826: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 826: incorrect codeowner user: BeckmaR Line: 826: no users/groups matched Line: 827: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 827: no users/groups matched Line: 828: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 828: no users/groups matched Line: 829: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 829: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 829: no users/groups matched Line: 830: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 830: no users/groups matched Line: 831: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 831: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 831: no users/groups matched Line: 832: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 832: no users/groups matched Line: 833: incorrect codeowner user: npitre Line: 833: no users/groups matched Line: 834: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 834: no users/groups matched Line: 835: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 835: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 835: no users/groups matched Line: 836: incorrect codeowner user: dleach02 Line: 836: no users/groups matched Line: 837: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 837: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 837: no users/groups matched Line: 838: incorrect codeowner user: ycsin Line: 838: no users/groups matched Line: 839: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 839: no users/groups matched Line: 840: incorrect codeowner user: maheshraotm Line: 840: no users/groups matched Line: 841: incorrect codeowner user: martinjaeger Line: 841: no users/groups matched Line: 842: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 842: no users/groups matched Line: 843: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 843: no users/groups matched Line: 844: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 844: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 844: no users/groups matched Line: 845: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-no Line: 845: no users/groups matched Line: 846: incorrect codeowner user: sambhurst Line: 846: no users/groups matched Line: 847: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 847: no users/groups matched Line: 848: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 848: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 848: no users/groups matched Line: 849: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 849: no users/groups matched Line: 850: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 850: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 850: no users/groups matched Line: 851: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 851: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 851: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 851: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 851: no users/groups matched Line: 852: incorrect codeowner user: cvinayak Line: 852: incorrect codeowner user: thoh-ot Line: 852: incorrect codeowner user: kruithofa Line: 852: incorrect codeowner user: erbr-ot Line: 852: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 852: incorrect codeowner user: ppryga Line: 852: no users/groups matched Line: 853: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 853: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 853: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 853: incorrect codeowner user: wopu-ot Line: 853: no users/groups matched Line: 854: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 854: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 854: incorrect codeowner user: wopu-ot Line: 854: incorrect codeowner user: Thalley Line: 854: no users/groups matched Line: 855: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 855: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 855: incorrect codeowner user: wopu-ot Line: 855: incorrect codeowner user: PavelVPV Line: 855: no users/groups matched Line: 856: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 856: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 856: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 856: incorrect codeowner user: PavelVPV Line: 856: no users/groups matched Line: 857: incorrect codeowner user: alwa-nordic Line: 857: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 857: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 857: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 857: no users/groups matched Line: 858: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 858: no users/groups matched Line: 859: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 859: no users/groups matched Line: 860: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 860: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 860: incorrect codeowner user: d3zd3z Line: 860: no users/groups matched Line: 861: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 861: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 861: no users/groups matched Line: 862: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 862: no users/groups matched Line: 863: incorrect codeowner user: henrikbrixandersen Line: 863: incorrect codeowner user: sjg20 Line: 863: no users/groups matched Line: 864: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 864: no users/groups matched Line: 865: incorrect codeowner user: mnkp Line: 865: no users/groups matched Line: 866: incorrect codeowner user: alexanderwachter Line: 866: no users/groups matched Line: 867: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 867: no users/groups matched Line: 868: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 868: no users/groups matched Line: 869: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 869: no users/groups matched Line: 870: incorrect codeowner user: str4t0m Line: 870: no users/groups matched Line: 871: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 871: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 871: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 871: no users/groups matched Line: 872: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 872: no users/groups matched Line: 873: incorrect codeowner user: stephanosio Line: 873: no users/groups matched Line: 874: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 874: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 874: no users/groups matched Line: 875: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 875: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 875: no users/groups matched Line: 876: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 876: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 876: no users/groups matched Line: 877: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 877: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 877: no users/groups matched Line: 878: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 878: no users/groups matched Line: 879: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 879: incorrect codeowner user: BeckmaR Line: 879: no users/groups matched Line: 880: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 880: incorrect codeowner user: BeckmaR Line: 880: no users/groups matched Line: 881: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 881: no users/groups matched Line: 882: incorrect codeowner user: npitre Line: 882: no users/groups matched Line: 883: incorrect codeowner user: cfriedt Line: 883: no users/groups matched Line: 884: incorrect codeowner user: rlubos Line: 884: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 884: no users/groups matched Line: 885: incorrect codeowner user: dcpleung Line: 885: no users/groups matched Line: 886: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 886: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 886: no users/groups matched Line: 887: incorrect codeowner user: de-nordic Line: 887: incorrect codeowner user: nordicjm Line: 887: no users/groups matched Line: 888: incorrect codeowner user: danieldegrasse Line: 888: no users/groups matched Line: 889: incorrect codeowner user: teburd Line: 889: no users/groups matched Line: 890: incorrect codeowner user: jakub-uC Line: 890: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 890: no users/groups matched Line: 892: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 892: no users/groups matched Line: 893: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 893: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 893: no users/groups matched Line: 894: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 894: incorrect codeowner user: daor-oti Line: 894: no users/groups matched
Georgij Cernysiov 943bc1cebc drivers: mdio: add adin2111
Adds MDIO driver. Works via exposed
ADIN2111 functions.

It is possible to access Clause 45 and 22 registers.

Due to MDIO API limitation Clause 45 access
is done using driver specific MDIO functions.

Provides API and functions for PHY driver.

Signed-off-by: Georgij Cernysiov <geo.cgv@gmail.com>
2023-05-26 09:50:09 -04:00

895 lines
51 KiB

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# All cmake related files
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/drivers/*/*npcx* @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/drivers/*/*andes* @cwshu @kevinwang821020 @jimmyzhe
/drivers/*/*ifx_cat1* @ifyall @npal-cy
/drivers/*/*neorv32* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/*/*_s32* @manuargue
/drivers/adc/ @anangl
/drivers/adc/adc_ads1x1x.c @XenuIsWatching
/drivers/adc/adc_stm32.c @cybertale
/drivers/audio/*nrfx* @anangl
/drivers/bbram/* @yperess @sjg20 @jackrosenthal
/drivers/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz
/drivers/bluetooth/hci/hci_esp32.c @sylvioalves
/drivers/cache/ @carlocaione
/drivers/syscon/ @carlocaione @yperess
/drivers/can/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/can/*mcp2515* @karstenkoenig
/drivers/can/*rcar* @aaillet @pmarzin
/drivers/clock_control/*agilex* @siclim
/drivers/clock_control/*nrf* @nordic-krch
/drivers/clock_control/*esp32* @extremegtx @sylvioalves
/drivers/clock_control/*cpg_mssr* @aaillet
/drivers/counter/ @nordic-krch
/drivers/console/ipm_console.c @finikorg
/drivers/console/semihost_console.c @luozhongyao
/drivers/console/jailhouse_debug_console.c @MrVan
/drivers/counter/counter_cmos.c @dcpleung
/drivers/counter/counter_ll_stm32_timer.c @kentjhall
/drivers/counter/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/crypto/*nrf_ecb* @maciekfabia @anangl
/drivers/display/*rm68200* @mmahadevan108
/drivers/display/display_ili9342c.* @extremegtx
/drivers/dac/ @martinjaeger
/drivers/dai/ @juimonen @marcinszkudlinski @abonislawski
/drivers/dai/intel/ @juimonen @marcinszkudlinski @abonislawski
/drivers/dai/intel/ssp/ @juimonen @marcinszkudlinski @abonislawski
/drivers/dai/intel/dmic/ @marcinszkudlinski @abonislawski
/drivers/dai/intel/alh/ @abonislawski
/drivers/dma/*dw* @tbursztyka
/drivers/dma/*dw_common* @abonislawski
/drivers/dma/*sam0* @Sizurka
/drivers/dma/dma_stm32* @cybertale @lowlander
/drivers/dma/*pl330* @raveenp
/drivers/dma/*iproc_pax* @raveenp
/drivers/dma/*intel_adsp* @teburd @abonislawski
/drivers/dma/*xmc4xxx* @talih0
/drivers/edac/ @finikorg
/drivers/eeprom/ @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/eeprom/eeprom_stm32.c @KwonTae-young
/drivers/entropy/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/entropy/*bt_hci* @JordanYates
/drivers/entropy/*rv32m1* @dleach02
/drivers/entropy/*litex* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/drivers/espi/ @albertofloyd @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/ethernet/ @tbursztyka
/drivers/ethernet/*dwmac* @npitre
/drivers/ethernet/*stm32* @Nukersson @lochej
/drivers/ethernet/*w5500* @parthitce
/drivers/ethernet/*xlnx_gem* @ibirnbaum
/drivers/ethernet/*smsc91x* @sgrrzhf
/drivers/ethernet/*adin2111* @GeorgeCGV
/drivers/ethernet/phy/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @arvinf
/drivers/mdio/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @arvinf
/drivers/mdio/*adin2111* @GeorgeCGV
/drivers/flash/ @nashif @de-nordic
/drivers/flash/*stm32_qspi* @lmajewski
/drivers/flash/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/flash/*cadence* @ngboonkhai
/drivers/flash/*cc13xx_cc26xx* @pepe2k
/drivers/flash/*nrf* @de-nordic
/drivers/flash/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/fpga/ @tgorochowik @kgugala
/drivers/gpio/ @mnkp
/drivers/gpio/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/gpio/*lmp90xxx* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/gpio/*nct38xx* @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/drivers/gpio/*stm32* @erwango
/drivers/gpio/*eos_s3* @fkokosinski @kgugala
/drivers/gpio/*rcar* @aaillet
/drivers/gpio/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/gpio/*rpi_pico* @yonsch
/drivers/gpio/*xlnx_ps* @ibirnbaum
/drivers/hwinfo/ @alexanderwachter
/drivers/i2c/i2c_common.c @sjg20
/drivers/i2c/i2c_emul.c @sjg20
/drivers/i2c/i2c_ite_enhance.c @GTLin08
/drivers/i2c/i2c_ite_it8xxx2.c @GTLin08
/drivers/i2c/i2c_shell.c @nashif
/drivers/i2c/Kconfig.i2c_emul @sjg20
/drivers/i2c/Kconfig.it8xxx2 @GTLin08
/drivers/i2c/target/*eeprom* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/i2c/Kconfig.test @mbolivar-nordic
/drivers/i2c/i2c_test.c @mbolivar-nordic
/drivers/i2c/*rcar* @aaillet
/drivers/i2s/*litex* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/drivers/i2s/i2s_ll_stm32* @avisconti
/drivers/i2s/*nrfx* @anangl
/drivers/i3c/ @dcpleung
/drivers/i3c/i3c_cdns.c @XenuIsWatching
/drivers/ieee802154/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/drivers/ieee802154/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_nrf5* @jciupis
/drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_rf2xx* @tbursztyka @nandojve
/drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_cc13xx* @bwitherspoon @cfriedt @vaishnavachath
/drivers/interrupt_controller/ @dcpleung @nashif
/drivers/interrupt_controller/intc_gic.c @stephanosio
/drivers/interrupt_controller/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/interrupt_controller/intc_nuclei_eclic.c @soburi
/drivers/ipm/ipm_mhu* @karl-zh
/drivers/ipm/Kconfig.nrfx @masz-nordic
/drivers/ipm/Kconfig.nrfx_ipc_channel @masz-nordic
/drivers/ipm/ipm_cavs* @dcpleung @andyross
/drivers/ipm/ipm_nrfx_ipc.c @masz-nordic
/drivers/ipm/ipm_nrfx_ipc.h @masz-nordic
/drivers/ipm/ipm_stm32_ipcc.c @arnopo
/drivers/ipm/ipm_stm32_hsem.c @cameled
/drivers/ipm/ipm_esp32.c @uLipe
/drivers/kscan/ @VenkatKotakonda @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/kscan/*xec* @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/kscan/*ft5336* @MaureenHelm
/drivers/kscan/*ht16k33* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/led/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/drivers/led_strip/ @mbolivar-nordic
/drivers/lora/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/drivers/mbox/ @carlocaione
/drivers/misc/ @tejlmand
/drivers/misc/ft8xx/ @hubertmis
/drivers/mm/ @dcpleung
/drivers/modem/hl7800.c @rerickson1
/drivers/modem/simcom-sim7080.c @lgehreke
/drivers/modem/simcom-sim7080.h @lgehreke
/drivers/modem/Kconfig.hl7800 @rerickson1
/drivers/modem/Kconfig.simcom-sim7080 @lgehreke
/drivers/pcie/ @dcpleung @nashif @jhedberg
/drivers/peci/ @albertofloyd @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/pinctrl/ @gmarull
/drivers/pinctrl/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/pinctrl/*it8xxx2* @ite
/drivers/pm_cpu_ops/ @carlocaione
/drivers/power_domain/ @ceolin
/drivers/ps2/ @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/ps2/*xec* @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/drivers/ps2/*npcx* @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/drivers/pwm/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/pwm/*pca9685* @nixward
/drivers/pwm/*rpi_pico* @burumaj
/drivers/pwm/*rv32m1* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/pwm/*sam0* @nzmichaelh
/drivers/pwm/*test* @JordanYates
/drivers/pwm/*xlnx* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/pwm/pwm_capture.c @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/pwm/pwm_shell.c @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/pwm/*gecko* @sun681
/drivers/pwm/*it8xxx2* @RuibinChang
/drivers/pwm/*esp32* @LucasTambor
/drivers/pwm/*rcar* @pmarzin
/drivers/regulator/* @gmarull
/drivers/regulator/regulator_pca9420.c @danieldegrasse
/drivers/regulator/regulator_shell.c @danieldegrasse
/drivers/reset/ @andrei-edward-popa
/drivers/sensor/ @MaureenHelm
/drivers/sensor/ams_iAQcore/ @alexanderwachter
/drivers/sensor/ens210/ @alexanderwachter
/drivers/sensor/grow_r502a/ @DineshDK03
/drivers/sensor/hts*/ @avisconti
/drivers/sensor/ina23*/ @bbilas
/drivers/sensor/lis*/ @avisconti
/drivers/sensor/lps*/ @avisconti
/drivers/sensor/lsm*/ @avisconti
/drivers/sensor/mpr/ @sven-hm
/drivers/sensor/qdec_stm32/ @valeriosetti
/drivers/sensor/st*/ @avisconti
/drivers/serial/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/serial/uart_altera_jtag.c @nashif @gohshunjing
/drivers/serial/uart_altera.c @gohshunjing
/drivers/serial/*ns16550* @dcpleung @nashif @aasthagr
/drivers/serial/*nrfx* @anangl
/drivers/serial/uart_liteuart.c @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.mcux_iuart @Mani-Sadhasivam
/drivers/serial/uart_mcux_iuart.c @Mani-Sadhasivam
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.rtt @carlescufi @pkral78
/drivers/serial/uart_rtt.c @carlescufi @pkral78
/drivers/serial/*rpi_pico* @yonsch
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.xlnx @wjliang
/drivers/serial/uart_xlnx_ps.c @wjliang
/drivers/serial/uart_xlnx_uartlite.c @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/serial/*xmc4xxx* @parthitce
/drivers/serial/*numicro* @ssekar15
/drivers/serial/*apbuart* @julius-barendt
/drivers/serial/*rcar* @aaillet
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.test @str4t0m
/drivers/serial/serial_test.c @str4t0m
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.xen @lorc @firscity
/drivers/serial/uart_hvc_xen.c @lorc @firscity
/drivers/serial/uart_hvc_xen_consoleio.c @lorc @firscity
/drivers/serial/Kconfig.it8xxx2 @GTLin08
/drivers/serial/uart_ite_it8xxx2.c @GTLin08
/drivers/smbus/ @finikorg
/drivers/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/drivers/disk/ @jfischer-no
/drivers/disk/sdmmc_sdhc.h @JunYangNXP
/drivers/disk/sdmmc_stm32.c @anthonybrandon
/drivers/net/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/drivers/ptp_clock/ @tbursztyka
/drivers/spi/ @tbursztyka
/drivers/spi/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/spi/spi_rv32m1_lpspi* @karstenkoenig
/drivers/spi/*esp32* @sylvioalves
/drivers/sdhc/ @danieldegrasse
/drivers/timer/*apic* @dcpleung @nashif
/drivers/timer/apic_tsc.c @andyross
/drivers/timer/*arm_arch* @carlocaione
/drivers/timer/*cortex_m_systick* @anangl
/drivers/timer/*altera_avalon* @nashif
/drivers/timer/*riscv_machine* @kgugala @pgielda
/drivers/timer/*ite_it8xxx2* @ite
/drivers/timer/*xlnx_psttc* @wjliang @stephanosio
/drivers/timer/*cc13x2_cc26x2_rtc* @vanti
/drivers/timer/*cavs* @dcpleung
/drivers/timer/*stm32_lptim* @FRASTM
/drivers/timer/*leon_gptimer* @julius-barendt
/drivers/timer/*mips_cp0* @frantony
/drivers/timer/*rcar_cmt* @aaillet
/drivers/timer/*esp32c3_sys* @uLipe
/drivers/timer/*sam0_rtc* @bendiscz
/drivers/timer/*arcv2* @ruuddw
/drivers/timer/*xtensa* @dcpleung
/drivers/timer/*rv32m1_lptmr* @mbolivar
/drivers/timer/*nrf_rtc* @anangl
/drivers/timer/*hpet* @dcpleung
/drivers/usb/ @jfischer-no
/drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_stm32.c @ydamigos @loicpoulain
/drivers/usb_c/ @sambhurst
/drivers/video/ @loicpoulain
/drivers/i2c/*b91* @andy-liu-telink
/drivers/i2c/i2c_ll_stm32* @ydamigos
/drivers/i2c/i2c_rv32m1_lpi2c* @henrikbrixandersen
/drivers/i2c/*sam0* @Sizurka
/drivers/i2c/i2c_dw* @dcpleung
/drivers/i2c/*tca954x* @kurddt
/drivers/*/*xec* @franciscomunoz @albertofloyd @sjvasanth1
/drivers/w1/ @str4t0m
/drivers/watchdog/*gecko* @oanerer
/drivers/watchdog/*sifive* @katsuster
/drivers/watchdog/wdt_handlers.c @dcpleung @nashif
/drivers/watchdog/*cc32xx* @pavlohamov
/drivers/watchdog/wdt_ite_it8xxx2.c @RuibinChang
/drivers/watchdog/Kconfig.it8xxx2 @RuibinChang
/drivers/watchdog/wdt_counter.c @nordic-krch
/drivers/watchdog/*rpi_pico* @thedjnK
/drivers/watchdog/*dw* @softwarecki
/drivers/watchdog/*ifx* @sreeramIfx
/drivers/wifi/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/drivers/wifi/esp_at/ @mniestroj
/drivers/wifi/eswifi/ @loicpoulain @nandojve
/drivers/wifi/winc1500/ @kludentwo
/drivers/virtualization/ @tbursztyka
/drivers/xen/ @lorc @firscity
/dts/arc/ @abrodkin @ruuddw @iriszzw @evgeniy-paltsev
/dts/arm/acsip/ @NorthernDean
/dts/arm/aspeed/ @aspeeddylan
/dts/arm/atmel/sam4e* @nandojve
/dts/arm/atmel/sam4l* @nandojve
/dts/arm/atmel/samr21.dtsi @benpicco
/dts/arm/atmel/sam*5*.dtsi @benpicco
/dts/arm/atmel/same70* @nandojve
/dts/arm/atmel/samv71* @nandojve
/dts/arm/atmel/ @galak
/dts/arm/broadcom/ @sbranden
/dts/arm/cypress/ @ifyall @npal-cy
/dts/arm/gigadevice/ @nandojve
/dts/arm/infineon/xmc4* @parthitce @ifyall @npal-cy
/dts/arm/infineon/psoc6/ @ifyall @npal-cy
/dts/arm64/ @carlocaione
/dts/arm64/armv8-r.dtsi @povergoing
/dts/arm64/intel/*intel_socfpga* @siclim
/dts/arm64/nxp/ @JiafeiPan
/dts/arm/quicklogic/ @fkokosinski @kgugala
/dts/arm/seeed/ @str4t0m
/dts/arm/st/ @erwango
/dts/arm/ti/cc13?2* @bwitherspoon
/dts/arm/ti/cc26?2* @bwitherspoon
/dts/arm/ti/cc3235* @vanti
/dts/arm/nordic/ @anangl @carlescufi
/dts/arm/nuvoton/ @ssekar15 @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/dts/arm/nxp/ @mmahadevan108 @dleach02
/dts/arm/nxp/nxp_s32* @manuargue
/dts/arm/microchip/ @franciscomunoz @albertofloyd @sjvasanth1
/dts/arm/rpi_pico/ @yonsch
/dts/arm/silabs/efm32_pg_1b.dtsi @rdmeneze
/dts/arm/silabs/efm32gg11b* @oanerer
/dts/arm/silabs/efr32bg13p* @mnkp
/dts/arm/silabs/efr32bg22* @kgugala @fkokosinski @pczarnecki
/dts/arm/silabs/efr32xg13p* @mnkp
/dts/arm/silabs/efm32pg1b* @rdmeneze
/dts/arm/silabs/efr32mg21* @l-alfred
/dts/arm/silabs/efr32fg13* @yonsch
/dts/riscv/ @kgugala @pgielda
/dts/riscv/ite/ @ite
/dts/riscv/microchip/microchip-miv.dtsi @galak
/dts/riscv/openisa/rv32m1* @dleach02
/dts/riscv/riscv32-litex-vexriscv.dtsi @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/dts/riscv/starfive/ @rajnesh-kanwal
/dts/riscv/andes/andes_v5* @cwshu @kevinwang821020 @jimmyzhe
/dts/riscv/niosv/niosv-m.dtsi @sweeaun
/dts/arm/armv*m.dtsi @galak @ioannisg
/dts/arm/armv7-a.dtsi @ibirnbaum
/dts/arm/armv7-r.dtsi @bbolen @stephanosio
/dts/arm/xilinx/ @bbolen @stephanosio
/dts/arm/renesas/ @aaillet @pmarzin
/dts/x86/ @jhedberg
/dts/xtensa/xtensa.dtsi @ydamigos
/dts/xtensa/intel/ @dcpleung
/dts/xtensa/espressif/ @sylvioalves
/dts/xtensa/nxp/ @iuliana-prodan @dbaluta
/dts/sparc/ @julius-barendt
/dts/bindings/ @galak
/dts/bindings/can/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/dts/bindings/i2c/zephyr*i2c-emul*.yaml @sjg20
/dts/bindings/adc/st*stm32-adc.yaml @cybertale
/dts/bindings/modem/*hl7800.yaml @rerickson1
/dts/bindings/serial/ns16550.yaml @dcpleung @nashif
/dts/bindings/wifi/*esp-at.yaml @mniestroj
/dts/bindings/*/*gd32* @nandojve
/dts/bindings/*/*npcx* @MulinChao @ChiHuaL
/dts/bindings/*/*psoc6* @ifyall @npal-cy
/dts/bindings/*/*infineon*cat1* @ifyall @npal-cy
/dts/bindings/*/nordic* @anangl
/dts/bindings/*/nxp* @mmahadevan108 @dleach02
/dts/bindings/*/nxp*s32* @manuargue
/dts/bindings/*/openisa* @dleach02
/dts/bindings/*/raspberrypi*pico* @yonsch
/dts/bindings/*/st* @erwango
/dts/bindings/sensor/ams* @alexanderwachter
/dts/bindings/*/sifive* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/dts/bindings/*/litex* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/dts/bindings/*/vexriscv* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/dts/bindings/*/andes* @cwshu @kevinwang821020 @jimmyzhe
/dts/bindings/*/neorv32* @henrikbrixandersen
/dts/bindings/*/*lan91c111* @sgrrzhf
/dts/bindings/i3c/ @dcpleung
/dts/bindings/pm_cpu_ops/* @carlocaione
/dts/bindings/ethernet/*gem.yaml @ibirnbaum
/dts/posix/ @aescolar @daor-oti
/dts/bindings/sensor/*bme680* @BoschSensortec
/dts/bindings/sensor/*ina23* @bbilas
/dts/bindings/sensor/st* @avisconti
/dts/bindings/smbus/ @finikorg
/dts/bindings/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/dts/bindings/cpu/intel,niosv.yaml @sweeaun
/dts/common/ @galak
/include/ @nashif @carlescufi @galak @MaureenHelm
/include/zephyr/drivers/*/*litex* @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/include/zephyr/drivers/adc.h @anangl
/include/zephyr/drivers/can.h @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/drivers/can/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/drivers/counter.h @nordic-krch
/include/zephyr/drivers/dac.h @martinjaeger
/include/zephyr/drivers/espi.h @albertofloyd @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/include/zephyr/drivers/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz
/include/zephyr/drivers/flash.h @nashif @carlescufi @galak @MaureenHelm @de-nordic
/include/zephyr/drivers/i2c_emul.h @sjg20
/include/zephyr/drivers/i3c.h @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/drivers/i3c/ @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/drivers/led/ht16k33.h @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/drivers/interrupt_controller/ @dcpleung @nashif
/include/zephyr/drivers/interrupt_controller/gic.h @stephanosio
/include/zephyr/drivers/modem/hl7800.h @rerickson1
/include/zephyr/drivers/pcie/ @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/drivers/hwinfo.h @alexanderwachter
/include/zephyr/drivers/led.h @Mani-Sadhasivam
/include/zephyr/drivers/led_strip.h @mbolivar-nordic
/include/zephyr/drivers/sensor.h @MaureenHelm
/include/zephyr/drivers/smbus.h @finikorg
/include/zephyr/drivers/spi.h @tbursztyka
/include/zephyr/drivers/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/include/zephyr/drivers/lora.h @Mani-Sadhasivam
/include/zephyr/drivers/peci.h @albertofloyd @franciscomunoz @sjvasanth1
/include/zephyr/drivers/pm_cpu_ops.h @carlocaione
/include/zephyr/drivers/pm_cpu_ops/ @carlocaione
/include/zephyr/drivers/w1.h @str4t0m
/include/zephyr/app_memory/ @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/arch/arc/ @abrodkin @ruuddw @evgeniy-paltsev
/include/zephyr/arch/arc/arch.h @abrodkin @ruuddw @evgeniy-paltsev
/include/zephyr/arch/arc/v2/irq.h @abrodkin @ruuddw @evgeniy-paltsev
/include/zephyr/arch/arm/aarch32/ @MaureenHelm @galak @ioannisg
/include/zephyr/arch/arm/aarch32/cortex_a_r/ @stephanosio
/include/zephyr/arch/arm64/ @carlocaione
/include/zephyr/arch/arm64/cortex_r/ @povergoing
/include/zephyr/arch/arm/aarch32/irq.h @carlocaione
/include/zephyr/arch/mips/ @frantony
/include/zephyr/arch/nios2/ @nashif
/include/zephyr/arch/nios2/arch.h @nashif
/include/zephyr/arch/posix/ @aescolar @daor-oti
/include/zephyr/arch/riscv/ @kgugala @pgielda
/include/zephyr/arch/x86/ @jhedberg @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/arch/common/ @andyross @nashif
/include/zephyr/arch/xtensa/ @andyross @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/arch/sparc/ @julius-barendt
/include/zephyr/sys/atomic.h @andyross
/include/zephyr/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz @sjanc
/include/zephyr/bluetooth/audio/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @Thalley
/include/zephyr/cache.h @carlocaione @andyross
/include/zephyr/canbus/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/tracing/ @nashif
/include/zephyr/debug/ @nashif
/include/zephyr/debug/coredump.h @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/debug/gdbstub.h @ceolin
/include/zephyr/device.h @tbursztyka @nashif
/include/zephyr/devicetree.h @galak
/include/zephyr/devicetree/can.h @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/clock/kinetis_mcg.h @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/clock/kinetis_scg.h @henrikbrixandersen
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/ethernet/xlnx_gem.h @ibirnbaum
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/pcie/ @dcpleung
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/pinctrl/esp* @sylvioalves
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/pwm/*it8xxx2* @RuibinChang
/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/usb/usb.h @galak
/include/zephyr/drivers/emul.h @sjg20
/include/zephyr/fs/ @nashif @de-nordic
/include/zephyr/init.h @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/irq.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/irq_offload.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/kernel.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/kernel_version.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/linker/app_smem*.ld @dcpleung @nashif
/include/zephyr/linker/ @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/logging/ @nordic-krch
/include/zephyr/lorawan/lorawan.h @Mani-Sadhasivam
/include/zephyr/mgmt/osdp.h @sidcha
/include/zephyr/mgmt/mcumgr/ @nordicjm
/include/zephyr/net/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/include/zephyr/net/buf.h @jhedberg @tbursztyka @rlubos
/include/zephyr/net/coap*.h @rlubos
/include/zephyr/net/lwm2m*.h @rlubos
/include/zephyr/net/mqtt.h @rlubos
/include/zephyr/net/mqtt_sn.h @rlubos @BeckmaR
/include/zephyr/net/net_pkt_filter.h @npitre
/include/zephyr/posix/ @cfreidt
/include/zephyr/pm/pm.h @nashif @ceolin
/include/zephyr/drivers/ptp_clock.h @tbursztyka
/include/zephyr/rtio/ @teburd
/include/zephyr/shared_irq.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/shell/ @jakub-uC @nordic-krch
/include/zephyr/shell/shell_mqtt.h @ycsin
/include/zephyr/sw_isr_table.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/sd/ @danieldegrasse
/include/zephyr/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/include/zephyr/sys_clock.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/sys/sys_io.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/sys/kobject.h @dcpleung @nashif
/include/zephyr/toolchain.h @dcpleung @andyross @nashif
/include/zephyr/toolchain/ @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/include/zephyr/zephyr.h @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/kernel/ @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/lib/cpp/ @stephanosio
/lib/smf/ @sambhurst
/lib/util/ @carlescufi @jakub-uC
/lib/util/fnmatch/ @carlescufi @jakub-uC
/lib/open-amp/ @arnopo
/lib/os/ @dcpleung @nashif @andyross
/lib/os/cbprintf_packaged.c @npitre
/lib/posix/ @cfriedt
/lib/posix/getopt/ @jakub-uC
/subsys/portability/ @nashif
/lib/libc/ @nashif
/lib/libc/arcmwdt/ @abrodkin @ruuddw @evgeniy-paltsev
/misc/ @tejlmand
/modules/ @nashif
/modules/canopennode/ @henrikbrixandersen
/modules/mbedtls/ @ceolin @d3zd3z
/modules/hal_gigadevice/ @nandojve
/modules/hal_nordic/nrf_802154/ @jciupis
/modules/trusted-firmware-m/ @microbuilder
/kernel/device.c @andyross @nashif
/kernel/idle.c @andyross @nashif
/samples/ @nashif
/samples/application_development/sysbuild/ @tejlmand @nordicjm
/samples/basic/minimal/ @carlescufi
/samples/basic/servo_motor/boards/*microbit* @jhe
/samples/bluetooth/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @alwa-nordic @sjanc
/samples/compression/ @Navin-Sankar
/samples/drivers/can/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/samples/drivers/clock_control_litex/ @mateusz-holenko @kgugala @pgielda
/samples/drivers/eeprom/ @henrikbrixandersen
/samples/drivers/ht16k33/ @henrikbrixandersen
/samples/drivers/lora/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/samples/drivers/smbus/ @finikorg
/samples/subsys/lorawan/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/samples/modules/canopennode/ @henrikbrixandersen
/samples/net/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/samples/net/cloud/tagoio_http_post/ @nandojve
/samples/net/dns_resolve/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/samples/net/lwm2m_client/ @rlubos
/samples/net/mqtt_publisher/ @rlubos
/samples/net/mqtt_sn_publisher/ @rlubos @BeckmaR
/samples/net/sockets/coap_*/ @rlubos
/samples/net/sockets/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/samples/sensor/ @MaureenHelm
/samples/shields/ @avisconti
/samples/subsys/ipc/ipc_service/icmsg @emob-nordic
/samples/subsys/logging/ @nordic-krch @jakub-uC
/samples/subsys/logging/syst/ @dcpleung
/samples/subsys/shell/ @jakub-uC @nordic-krch
/samples/subsys/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/samples/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/ @de-nordic @nordicjm
/samples/subsys/mgmt/updatehub/ @nandojve @otavio
/samples/subsys/mgmt/osdp/ @sidcha
/samples/subsys/usb/ @jfischer-no
/samples/subsys/usb_c/ @sambhurst
/samples/subsys/pm/ @nashif @ceolin
/samples/tfm_integration/ @microbuilder
/samples/userspace/ @dcpleung @nashif
/scripts/release/bug_bash.py @cfriedt
/scripts/coccicheck @himanshujha199640 @JuliaLawall
/scripts/coccinelle/ @himanshujha199640 @JuliaLawall
/scripts/coredump/ @dcpleung
/scripts/footprint/ @nashif
/scripts/kconfig/ @ulfalizer
/scripts/logging/dictionary/ @dcpleung
/scripts/pylib/twister/expr_parser.py @nashif
/scripts/schemas/twister/ @nashif
/scripts/build/gen_app_partitions.py @dcpleung @nashif
scripts/build/gen_image_info.py @tejlmand
/scripts/get_maintainer.py @nashif
/scripts/dts/ @mbolivar-nordic @galak
/scripts/release/ @nashif
/scripts/ci/ @nashif
/scripts/ci/check_compliance.py @nashif @carlescufi
/arch/x86/gen_gdt.py @dcpleung @nashif
/arch/x86/gen_idt.py @dcpleung @nashif
/scripts/build/gen_kobject_list.py @dcpleung @nashif
/scripts/build/gen_kobject_placeholders.py @dcpleung
/scripts/build/gen_syscalls.py @dcpleung @nashif
/scripts/list_boards.py @mbolivar-nordic
/scripts/build/process_gperf.py @dcpleung @nashif
/scripts/build/gen_relocate_app.py @dcpleung
/scripts/generate_usb_vif/ @madhurimaparuchuri
/scripts/requirements*.txt @mbolivar-nordic @galak @nashif
/scripts/tests/twister/ @aasthagr
/scripts/tests/build/test_subfolder_list.py @rmstoi
/scripts/tracing/ @nashif
/scripts/pylib/twister/ @nashif
/scripts/twister @nashif
/scripts/series-push-hook.sh @erwango
/scripts/utils/pinctrl_nrf_migrate.py @gmarull
/scripts/utils/migrate_mcumgr_kconfigs.py @de-nordic
/scripts/west_commands/ @mbolivar-nordic
/scripts/west_commands/blobs.py @carlescufi
/scripts/west_commands/fetchers/ @carlescufi
/scripts/west_commands/runners/gd32isp.py @mbolivar-nordic @nandojve
/scripts/west_commands/tests/test_gd32isp.py @mbolivar-nordic @nandojve
/scripts/west-commands.yml @mbolivar-nordic
/scripts/zephyr_module.py @tejlmand
/scripts/build/uf2conv.py @petejohanson
/scripts/build/user_wordsize.py @cfriedt
/scripts/valgrind.supp @aescolar @daor-oti
/share/sysbuild/ @tejlmand @nordicjm
/share/zephyr-package/ @tejlmand
/share/zephyrunittest-package/ @tejlmand
/subsys/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz
/subsys/bluetooth/audio/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @Thalley @sjanc
/subsys/bluetooth/controller/ @carlescufi @cvinayak @thoh-ot @kruithofa
/subsys/bluetooth/host/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz @sjanc
/subsys/bluetooth/mesh/ @jhedberg @PavelVPV @Vudentz @LingaoM
/subsys/canbus/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/subsys/debug/ @nashif
/subsys/debug/coredump/ @dcpleung
/subsys/debug/gdbstub/ @ceolin
/subsys/debug/gdbstub.c @ceolin
/subsys/dfu/ @de-nordic @nordicjm
/subsys/disk/ @jfischer-no
/subsys/dsp/ @yperess
/subsys/tracing/ @nashif
/subsys/debug/asan_hacks.c @aescolar @daor-oti
/subsys/demand_paging/ @dcpleung @nashif
/subsys/emul/ @sjg20
/subsys/fb/ @jfischer-no
/subsys/fs/ @nashif
/subsys/fs/nvs/ @Laczen
/subsys/ipc/ @carlocaione
/subsys/ipc/ipc_service/*/*icmsg* @emob-nordic
/subsys/logging/ @nordic-krch
/subsys/logging/backends/log_backend_net.c @nordic-krch @rlubos
/subsys/lorawan/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
/subsys/mgmt/ec_host_cmd/ @jettr
/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/ @carlescufi @de-nordic @nordicjm
/subsys/mgmt/hawkbit/ @Navin-Sankar
/subsys/mgmt/updatehub/ @nandojve @otavio
/subsys/mgmt/osdp/ @sidcha
/subsys/modbus/ @jfischer-no
/subsys/net/buf.c @jhedberg @tbursztyka @rlubos
/subsys/net/ip/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/subsys/net/lib/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/subsys/net/lib/dns/ @rlubos @tbursztyka @cfriedt
/subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/ @rlubos
/subsys/net/lib/config/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/subsys/net/lib/mqtt/ @rlubos
/subsys/net/lib/mqtt_sn/ @rlubos @BeckmaR
/subsys/net/lib/coap/ @rlubos
/subsys/net/lib/sockets/socketpair.c @cfriedt
/subsys/net/lib/sockets/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/subsys/net/lib/tls_credentials/ @rlubos
/subsys/net/l2/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/subsys/net/l2/canbus/ @alexanderwachter
/subsys/net/pkt_filter/ @npitre
/subsys/net/*/openthread/ @rlubos
/subsys/pm/ @nashif @ceolin
/subsys/random/ @dleach02
/subsys/shell/ @jakub-uC @nordic-krch
/subsys/shell/backends/shell_mqtt.c @ycsin
/subsys/sd/ @danieldegrasse
/subsys/sip_svc/ @maheshraotm
/subsys/task_wdt/ @martinjaeger
/subsys/testsuite/ @nashif
/subsys/testsuite/ztest/*/ztress* @nordic-krch
/subsys/timing/ @nashif @dcpleung
/subsys/usb/ @jfischer-no
/subsys/usb/usb_c/ @sambhurst
/tests/ @nashif
/tests/arch/arm/ @ioannisg @stephanosio
/tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/ @stephanosio
/tests/boards/native_posix/ @aescolar @daor-oti
/tests/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz @sjanc
/tests/bluetooth/controller/ @cvinayak @thoh-ot @kruithofa @erbr-ot @sjanc @ppryga
/tests/bsim/bluetooth/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz @wopu-ot
/tests/bsim/bluetooth/audio/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @wopu-ot @Thalley
/tests/bsim/bluetooth/mesh/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @wopu-ot @PavelVPV
/tests/bluetooth/mesh_shell/ @jhedberg @Vudentz @sjanc @PavelVPV
/tests/bluetooth/tester/ @alwa-nordic @jhedberg @Vudentz @sjanc
/tests/posix/ @cfriedt
/tests/crypto/ @ceolin
/tests/crypto/mbedtls/ @nashif @ceolin @d3zd3z
/tests/drivers/can/ @alexanderwachter @henrikbrixandersen
/tests/drivers/counter/ @nordic-krch
/tests/drivers/eeprom/ @henrikbrixandersen @sjg20
/tests/drivers/flash_simulator/ @de-nordic
/tests/drivers/gpio/ @mnkp
/tests/drivers/hwinfo/ @alexanderwachter
/tests/drivers/smbus/ @finikorg
/tests/drivers/spi/ @tbursztyka
/tests/drivers/uart/uart_async_api/ @anangl
/tests/drivers/w1/ @str4t0m
/tests/kernel/ @dcpleung @andyross @nashif
/tests/lib/ @nashif
/tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/ @stephanosio
/tests/net/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/tests/net/buf/ @jhedberg @tbursztyka
/tests/net/lib/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/tests/net/lib/http_header_fields/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/tests/net/lib/mqtt_packet/ @rlubos
/tests/net/lib/mqtt_sn_packet/ @rlubos @BeckmaR
/tests/net/lib/mqtt_sn_client/ @rlubos @BeckmaR
/tests/net/lib/coap/ @rlubos
/tests/net/npf/ @npitre
/tests/net/socket/socketpair/ @cfriedt
/tests/net/socket/ @rlubos @tbursztyka
/tests/subsys/debug/coredump/ @dcpleung
/tests/subsys/fs/ @nashif @de-nordic
/tests/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/ @de-nordic @nordicjm
/tests/subsys/sd/ @danieldegrasse
/tests/subsys/rtio/ @teburd
/tests/subsys/shell/ @jakub-uC @nordic-krch
# Get all docs reviewed
*.rst @nashif
/doc/kernel/ @andyross @nashif
*posix*.rst @aescolar @daor-oti