Line: 9: incorrect codeowner user: inakypg Line: 9: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 9: no users/groups matched Line: 10: incorrect codeowner user: vonhust Line: 10: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 10: no users/groups matched Line: 11: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 11: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 11: no users/groups matched Line: 12: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 12: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 12: no users/groups matched Line: 13: incorrect codeowner user: fvincenzo Line: 13: no users/groups matched Line: 14: incorrect codeowner user: fallrisk Line: 14: no users/groups matched Line: 15: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 15: no users/groups matched Line: 16: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 16: no users/groups matched Line: 17: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 17: no users/groups matched Line: 18: incorrect codeowner user: rsalveti Line: 18: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 18: no users/groups matched Line: 19: incorrect codeowner user: GAnthony Line: 19: no users/groups matched Line: 20: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 20: no users/groups matched Line: 21: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 21: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 21: no users/groups matched Line: 22: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 22: no users/groups matched Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: nategraff-sifive Line: 23: no users/groups matched Line: 24: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 24: no users/groups matched Line: 25: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 25: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 25: incorrect codeowner user: nategraff-sifive Line: 25: no users/groups matched Line: 26: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 26: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 26: no users/groups matched Line: 27: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 27: no users/groups matched Line: 28: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 28: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 28: no users/groups matched Line: 29: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 29: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 29: no users/groups matched Line: 30: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 30: no users/groups matched Line: 31: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 31: no users/groups matched Line: 32: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 32: no users/groups matched Line: 33: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 33: incorrect codeowner user: rgundi Line: 33: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 33: no users/groups matched Line: 34: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 34: incorrect codeowner user: rgundi Line: 34: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 34: no users/groups matched Line: 35: incorrect codeowner user: vonhust Line: 35: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 35: no users/groups matched Line: 36: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 36: no users/groups matched Line: 37: incorrect codeowner user: vonhust Line: 37: no users/groups matched Line: 38: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 38: no users/groups matched Line: 39: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 39: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 39: no users/groups matched Line: 40: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 40: no users/groups matched Line: 41: incorrect codeowner user: rsalveti Line: 41: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 41: no users/groups matched Line: 42: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 42: no users/groups matched Line: 43: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 43: no users/groups matched Line: 44: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 44: no users/groups matched Line: 45: incorrect codeowner user: GAnthony Line: 45: no users/groups matched Line: 46: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 46: no users/groups matched Line: 47: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 47: no users/groups matched Line: 48: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 48: no users/groups matched Line: 49: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 49: incorrect codeowner user: MeganHansen Line: 49: no users/groups matched Line: 50: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 50: no users/groups matched Line: 51: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 51: incorrect codeowner user: MeganHansen Line: 51: no users/groups matched Line: 52: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 52: no users/groups matched Line: 53: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 53: incorrect codeowner user: MeganHansen Line: 53: no users/groups matched Line: 54: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 54: no users/groups matched Line: 55: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 55: incorrect codeowner user: MeganHansen Line: 55: no users/groups matched Line: 56: incorrect codeowner user: fvincenzo Line: 56: no users/groups matched Line: 57: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 57: no users/groups matched Line: 58: incorrect codeowner user: rsalveti Line: 58: no users/groups matched Line: 59: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 59: no users/groups matched Line: 60: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 60: no users/groups matched Line: 61: incorrect codeowner user: tkln Line: 61: no users/groups matched Line: 62: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 62: no users/groups matched Line: 63: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 63: no users/groups matched Line: 64: incorrect codeowner user: lemrey Line: 64: no users/groups matched Line: 65: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 65: no users/groups matched Line: 66: incorrect codeowner user: rsalveti Line: 66: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 66: no users/groups matched Line: 67: incorrect codeowner user: fallrisk Line: 67: no users/groups matched Line: 68: incorrect codeowner user: fvincenzo Line: 68: no users/groups matched Line: 69: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 69: no users/groups matched Line: 70: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 70: no users/groups matched Line: 71: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 71: no users/groups matched Line: 72: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 72: no users/groups matched Line: 73: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 73: no users/groups matched Line: 74: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 74: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 74: incorrect codeowner user: nategraff-sifive Line: 74: no users/groups matched Line: 75: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 75: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 75: no users/groups matched Line: 76: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 76: no users/groups matched Line: 77: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 77: no users/groups matched Line: 78: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 78: no users/groups matched Line: 79: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 79: no users/groups matched Line: 80: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 80: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 80: no users/groups matched Line: 82: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 82: incorrect codeowner user: SebastianBoe Line: 82: no users/groups matched Line: 83: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 83: incorrect codeowner user: SebastianBoe Line: 83: no users/groups matched Line: 84: incorrect codeowner user: dbkinder Line: 84: no users/groups matched Line: 85: incorrect codeowner user: himanshujha199640 Line: 85: incorrect codeowner user: JuliaLawall Line: 85: no users/groups matched Line: 86: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 86: no users/groups matched Line: 87: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 87: no users/groups matched Line: 88: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 88: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 88: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 88: no users/groups matched Line: 89: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 89: no users/groups matched Line: 90: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 90: no users/groups matched Line: 91: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 91: no users/groups matched Line: 92: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 92: no users/groups matched Line: 93: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 93: no users/groups matched Line: 94: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 94: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 94: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 94: no users/groups matched Line: 95: incorrect codeowner user: rsalveti Line: 95: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 95: no users/groups matched Line: 96: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 96: no users/groups matched Line: 97: incorrect codeowner user: vanwinkeljan Line: 97: no users/groups matched Line: 98: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 98: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 98: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 98: no users/groups matched Line: 99: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 99: no users/groups matched Line: 100: incorrect codeowner user: superna9999 Line: 100: no users/groups matched Line: 101: incorrect codeowner user: rsalveti Line: 101: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 101: no users/groups matched Line: 102: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 102: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 102: incorrect codeowner user: nategraff-sifive Line: 102: no users/groups matched Line: 103: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 103: no users/groups matched Line: 104: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 104: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 104: no users/groups matched Line: 105: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 105: no users/groups matched Line: 106: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 106: no users/groups matched Line: 107: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar Line: 107: no users/groups matched Line: 108: incorrect codeowner user: rsalveti Line: 108: incorrect codeowner user: idlethread Line: 108: no users/groups matched Line: 109: incorrect codeowner user: bogdan-davidoaia Line: 109: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 109: no users/groups matched Line: 110: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 110: no users/groups matched Line: 111: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 111: no users/groups matched Line: 112: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 112: no users/groups matched Line: 113: incorrect codeowner user: avisconti Line: 113: no users/groups matched Line: 114: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 114: no users/groups matched Line: 115: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 115: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 115: incorrect codeowner user: nategraff-sifive Line: 115: no users/groups matched Line: 116: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 116: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 116: no users/groups matched Line: 117: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 117: no users/groups matched Line: 118: incorrect codeowner user: superna9999 Line: 118: no users/groups matched Line: 119: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 119: no users/groups matched Line: 120: incorrect codeowner user: nategraff-sifive Line: 120: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 120: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 120: no users/groups matched Line: 121: incorrect codeowner user: nategraff-sifive Line: 121: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 121: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 121: no users/groups matched Line: 122: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-phytec-iot Line: 122: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 122: no users/groups matched Line: 123: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 123: incorrect codeowner user: loicpoulain Line: 123: no users/groups matched Line: 124: incorrect codeowner user: ldts Line: 124: incorrect codeowner user: ydamigos Line: 124: no users/groups matched Line: 125: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 125: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 125: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 125: no users/groups matched Line: 126: incorrect codeowner user: loicpoulain Line: 126: no users/groups matched Line: 127: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 127: no users/groups matched Line: 128: incorrect codeowner user: ioannisg Line: 128: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 128: no users/groups matched Line: 129: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 129: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 129: no users/groups matched Line: 130: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 130: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 130: no users/groups matched Line: 131: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 131: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 131: no users/groups matched Line: 132: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 132: no users/groups matched Line: 133: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 133: no users/groups matched Line: 134: incorrect codeowner user: erwango Line: 134: no users/groups matched Line: 135: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 135: no users/groups matched Line: 136: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 136: no users/groups matched Line: 137: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 137: no users/groups matched Line: 138: incorrect codeowner user: vonhust Line: 138: incorrect codeowner user: ruuddw Line: 138: no users/groups matched Line: 139: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 139: no users/groups matched Line: 140: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 140: no users/groups matched Line: 141: incorrect codeowner user: MaureenHelm Line: 141: incorrect codeowner user: galak Line: 141: no users/groups matched Line: 142: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 142: no users/groups matched Line: 143: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 143: no users/groups matched Line: 144: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 144: no users/groups matched Line: 145: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 145: no users/groups matched Line: 146: incorrect codeowner user: nategraff-sifive Line: 146: incorrect codeowner user: kgugala Line: 146: incorrect codeowner user: pgielda Line: 146: no users/groups matched Line: 147: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 147: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 147: no users/groups matched Line: 148: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 148: no users/groups matched Line: 149: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 149: no users/groups matched Line: 150: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 150: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 150: no users/groups matched Line: 151: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 151: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 151: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 151: no users/groups matched Line: 152: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 152: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 152: no users/groups matched Line: 153: incorrect codeowner user: anangl Line: 153: no users/groups matched Line: 154: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 154: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 154: no users/groups matched Line: 155: incorrect codeowner user: vanwinkeljan Line: 155: no users/groups matched Line: 156: incorrect codeowner user: vanwinkeljan Line: 156: no users/groups matched Line: 157: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 157: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 157: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 157: no users/groups matched Line: 158: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 158: no users/groups matched Line: 159: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 159: no users/groups matched Line: 160: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 160: no users/groups matched Line: 161: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 161: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 161: no users/groups matched Line: 162: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 162: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 162: no users/groups matched Line: 163: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 163: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 163: no users/groups matched Line: 164: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 164: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 164: no users/groups matched Line: 165: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 165: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 165: no users/groups matched Line: 166: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 166: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 166: no users/groups matched Line: 167: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 167: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 167: no users/groups matched Line: 168: incorrect codeowner user: Mani-Sadhasivam Line: 168: no users/groups matched Line: 169: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar Line: 169: no users/groups matched Line: 170: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 170: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 170: no users/groups matched Line: 171: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 171: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 171: no users/groups matched Line: 172: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 172: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 172: no users/groups matched Line: 173: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 173: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 173: no users/groups matched Line: 174: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 174: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 174: no users/groups matched Line: 175: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 175: no users/groups matched Line: 176: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 176: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 176: no users/groups matched Line: 177: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 177: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 177: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 177: no users/groups matched Line: 178: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 178: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 178: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 178: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 178: no users/groups matched Line: 179: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 179: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 179: no users/groups matched Line: 180: incorrect codeowner user: bogdan-davidoaia Line: 180: no users/groups matched Line: 181: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 181: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 181: no users/groups matched Line: 182: incorrect codeowner user: jarz-nordic Line: 182: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 182: no users/groups matched Line: 183: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 183: no users/groups matched Line: 184: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 184: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 184: no users/groups matched Line: 185: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 185: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 185: no users/groups matched Line: 186: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 186: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 186: no users/groups matched Line: 187: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 187: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 187: no users/groups matched Line: 188: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 188: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 188: no users/groups matched Line: 189: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 189: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 189: no users/groups matched Line: 190: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 190: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 190: no users/groups matched Line: 191: incorrect codeowner user: vanwinkeljan Line: 191: no users/groups matched Line: 192: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 192: incorrect codeowner user: nniranjhana Line: 192: no users/groups matched Line: 193: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 193: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 193: no users/groups matched Line: 194: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 194: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 194: no users/groups matched Line: 195: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 195: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 195: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 195: no users/groups matched Line: 196: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 196: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 196: no users/groups matched Line: 197: incorrect codeowner user: vanwinkeljan Line: 197: no users/groups matched Line: 198: incorrect codeowner user: vanwinkeljan Line: 198: no users/groups matched Line: 199: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 199: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 199: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 199: no users/groups matched Line: 200: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 200: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 200: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 200: no users/groups matched Line: 201: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 201: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 201: no users/groups matched Line: 202: incorrect codeowner user: mike-scott Line: 202: no users/groups matched Line: 203: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 203: no users/groups matched Line: 204: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 204: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 204: no users/groups matched Line: 205: incorrect codeowner user: rveerama1 Line: 205: no users/groups matched Line: 206: incorrect codeowner user: rveerama1 Line: 206: no users/groups matched Line: 207: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 207: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 207: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 207: no users/groups matched Line: 208: incorrect codeowner user: bogdan-davidoaia Line: 208: no users/groups matched Line: 209: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-phytec-iot Line: 209: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 209: no users/groups matched Line: 210: incorrect codeowner user: himanshujha199640 Line: 210: incorrect codeowner user: JuliaLawall Line: 210: no users/groups matched Line: 211: incorrect codeowner user: himanshujha199640 Line: 211: incorrect codeowner user: JuliaLawall Line: 211: no users/groups matched Line: 212: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 212: no users/groups matched Line: 213: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 213: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 213: no users/groups matched Line: 214: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 214: no users/groups matched Line: 215: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 215: no users/groups matched Line: 216: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 216: no users/groups matched Line: 217: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 217: no users/groups matched Line: 218: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 218: no users/groups matched Line: 219: incorrect codeowner user: agross-linaro Line: 219: no users/groups matched Line: 220: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 220: no users/groups matched Line: 221: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 221: no users/groups matched Line: 222: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 222: no users/groups matched Line: 223: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 223: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 223: no users/groups matched Line: 224: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 224: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 224: no users/groups matched Line: 225: incorrect codeowner user: mbolivar Line: 225: no users/groups matched Line: 226: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 226: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 226: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 226: no users/groups matched Line: 227: incorrect codeowner user: carlescufi Line: 227: incorrect codeowner user: cvinayak Line: 227: no users/groups matched Line: 228: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 228: no users/groups matched Line: 229: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 229: no users/groups matched Line: 230: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 230: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 230: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 230: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 230: no users/groups matched Line: 231: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 231: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 231: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 231: no users/groups matched Line: 232: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 232: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 232: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 232: no users/groups matched Line: 233: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 233: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 233: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 233: no users/groups matched Line: 234: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 234: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 234: no users/groups matched Line: 235: incorrect codeowner user: mike-scott Line: 235: no users/groups matched Line: 236: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 236: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 236: no users/groups matched Line: 237: incorrect codeowner user: rveerama1 Line: 237: no users/groups matched Line: 238: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 238: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 238: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 238: no users/groups matched Line: 239: incorrect codeowner user: jarz-nordic Line: 239: incorrect codeowner user: nordic-krch Line: 239: no users/groups matched Line: 240: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 240: no users/groups matched Line: 241: incorrect codeowner user: jfischer-phytec-iot Line: 241: incorrect codeowner user: finikorg Line: 241: no users/groups matched Line: 242: incorrect codeowner user: aescolar Line: 242: no users/groups matched Line: 243: incorrect codeowner user: sjanc Line: 243: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 243: incorrect codeowner user: Vudentz Line: 243: no users/groups matched Line: 244: incorrect codeowner user: nniranjhana Line: 244: no users/groups matched Line: 245: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 245: no users/groups matched Line: 246: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 246: incorrect codeowner user: ceolin Line: 246: no users/groups matched Line: 247: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 247: no users/groups matched Line: 248: incorrect codeowner user: andrewboie Line: 248: incorrect codeowner user: andyross Line: 248: incorrect codeowner user: spoorthik Line: 248: incorrect codeowner user: nniranjhana Line: 248: no users/groups matched Line: 249: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 249: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 249: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 249: no users/groups matched Line: 250: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 250: incorrect codeowner user: jhedberg Line: 250: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 250: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 250: no users/groups matched Line: 251: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 251: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 251: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 251: no users/groups matched Line: 252: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 252: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 252: no users/groups matched Line: 253: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 253: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 253: no users/groups matched Line: 254: incorrect codeowner user: rveerama1 Line: 254: no users/groups matched Line: 255: incorrect codeowner user: jukkar Line: 255: incorrect codeowner user: tbursztyka Line: 255: incorrect codeowner user: pfalcon Line: 255: no users/groups matched Line: 256: incorrect codeowner user: nashif Line: 256: incorrect codeowner user: ramakrishnapallala Line: 256: no users/groups matched Line: 259: incorrect codeowner user: dbkinder Line: 259: no users/groups matched
Ioannis Glaropoulos 94f8f4c09d CODEOWNERS: Code-owner for nRF9160 Board
Assigning code-owner for Nordic Semiconductor nRF9160_pca10090
development board, featuring nRF9160 and ARMv8-M core with
ARM TrustZone-M.

Signed-off-by: Ioannis Glaropoulos <Ioannis.Glaropoulos@nordicsemi.no>
2019-01-25 22:16:49 +01:00

260 lines
15 KiB

# CODEOWNERS for autoreview assigning in github
# Order is important; the last matching pattern takes the most
# precedence.
# Do not use wildcard on all source yet
# * @galak @nashif
.known-issues/ @inakypg @nashif
arch/arc/ @vonhust @ruuddw
arch/arm/ @MaureenHelm @galak
soc/arm/ @MaureenHelm @galak
soc/arm/arm/mps2/ @fvincenzo
soc/arm/atmel_sam/sam4s @fallrisk
soc/arm/nxp*/ @MaureenHelm
soc/arm/nordic_nrf/ @ioannisg
soc/arm/st_stm32/ @erwango
soc/arm/st_stm32/stm32f4/ @rsalveti @idlethread
soc/arm/ti_simplelink/cc32xx @GAnthony
soc/arm/ti_simplelink/msp432p4xx @Mani-Sadhasivam
arch/nios2/ @andrewboie @ramakrishnapallala
arch/posix/ @aescolar
arch/riscv32/ @kgugala @pgielda @nategraff-sifive
soc/posix/ @aescolar
soc/riscv32/ @kgugala @pgielda @nategraff-sifive
arch/x86/ @andrewboie @ramakrishnapallala
arch/x86/core/ @andrewboie
arch/x86/core/crt0.S @ramakrishnapallala @nashif
soc/x86/ @andrewboie @ramakrishnapallala
soc/x86/intel_quark/quark_d2000/ @nashif
soc/x86/intel_quark/quark_se/ @nashif
soc/x86/intel_quark/quark_x1000/ @nashif
arch/xtensa/ @andrewboie @rgundi @andyross
soc/xtensa/ @andrewboie @rgundi @andyross
boards/arc/ @vonhust @ruuddw
boards/arc/arduino_101_sss/ @nashif
boards/arc/em_starterkit/ @vonhust
boards/arc/quark_se_c1000_ss_devboard/ @nashif
boards/arm/ @MaureenHelm @galak
boards/arm/96b_argonkey/ @avisconti
boards/arm/96b_carbon/ @rsalveti @idlethread
boards/arm/96b_nitrogen/ @idlethread
boards/arm/96b_neonkey/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
boards/arm/96b_stm32_sensor_mez/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
boards/arm/cc3220sf_launchxl/ @GAnthony
boards/arm/curie_ble/ @jhedberg
boards/arm/disco_l475_iot1/ @erwango
boards/arm/frdm*/ @MaureenHelm
boards/arm/frdm*/doc/ @MaureenHelm @MeganHansen
boards/arm/hexiwear*/ @MaureenHelm
boards/arm/hexiwear*/doc/ @MaureenHelm @MeganHansen
boards/arm/lpcxpresso*/ @MaureenHelm
boards/arm/lpcxpresso*/doc/ @MaureenHelm @MeganHansen
boards/arm/mimxrt*/ @MaureenHelm
boards/arm/mimxrt*/doc/ @MaureenHelm @MeganHansen
boards/arm/mps2_an385/ @fvincenzo
boards/arm/msp_exp432p401r_launchxl/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
boards/arm/nrf51_blenano/ @rsalveti
boards/arm/nrf51_pca10028/ @carlescufi
boards/arm/nrf52_pca10040/ @carlescufi
boards/arm/nrf52_pca20020/ @tkln
boards/arm/nrf52810_pca10040/ @carlescufi
boards/arm/nrf52840_pca10056/ @carlescufi
boards/arm/nrf52840_pca10059/ @lemrey
boards/arm/nrf9160_pca10090/ @ioannisg
boards/arm/nucleo_f401re/ @rsalveti @idlethread
boards/arm/sam4s_xplained/ @fallrisk
boards/arm/v2m_beetle/ @fvincenzo
boards/arm/olimexino_stm32/ @ydamigos
boards/arm/stm32f3_disco/ @ydamigos
boards/nios2/ @ramakrishnapallala
boards/nios2/altera_max10/ @ramakrishnapallala
boards/posix/ @aescolar
boards/riscv32/ @kgugala @pgielda @nategraff-sifive
boards/x86/ @andrewboie @nashif
boards/x86/arduino_101/ @nashif
boards/x86/galileo/ @nashif
boards/x86/quark_d2000_crb/ @nashif
boards/x86/quark_se_c1000_devboard/ @nashif
boards/xtensa/ @andrewboie @ramakrishnapallala
# All cmake related files
cmake/ @nashif @SebastianBoe
/CMakeLists.txt @nashif @SebastianBoe
doc/ @dbkinder
doc/application/coccinelle.rst @himanshujha199640 @JuliaLawall
doc/CMakeLists.txt @carlescufi
doc/scripts/ @carlescufi
doc/subsystems/bluetooth/ @sjanc @jhedberg @Vudentz
drivers/*/*mcux* @MaureenHelm
drivers/*/*qmsi* @nashif
drivers/*/*stm32* @erwango
drivers/*/*native_posix* @aescolar
drivers/adc/ @anangl
drivers/bluetooth/ @sjanc @jhedberg @Vudentz
drivers/clock_control/*stm32f4* @rsalveti @idlethread
drivers/counter/ @anangl
drivers/display/ @vanwinkeljan
drivers/ethernet/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
drivers/flash/ @nashif
drivers/flash/*stm32* @superna9999
drivers/gpio/*stm32* @rsalveti @idlethread
drivers/gpio/gpio_pulpino.c @kgugala @pgielda @nategraff-sifive
drivers/i2s/i2s_ll_stm32* @avisconti
drivers/ieee802154/ @jukkar @tbursztyka
drivers/interrupt_controller/ @andrewboie
drivers/led/ @Mani-Sadhasivam
drivers/led_strip/ @mbolivar
drivers/pinmux/stm32/ @rsalveti @idlethread
drivers/sensor/ @bogdan-davidoaia @MaureenHelm
drivers/sensor/hts*/ @avisconti
drivers/sensor/lis*/ @avisconti
drivers/sensor/lps*/ @avisconti
drivers/sensor/lsm*/ @avisconti
drivers/serial/uart_altera_jtag_hal.c @ramakrishnapallala
drivers/serial/uart_riscv_qemu.c @kgugala @pgielda @nategraff-sifive
drivers/net/slip.c @jukkar @tbursztyka
drivers/spi/ @tbursztyka
drivers/spi/spi_ll_stm32.* @superna9999
drivers/timer/altera_avalon_timer_hal.c @ramakrishnapallala
drivers/timer/pulpino_timer.c @nategraff-sifive @kgugala @pgielda
drivers/timer/riscv_machine_timer.c @nategraff-sifive @kgugala @pgielda
drivers/usb/ @jfischer-phytec-iot @finikorg
drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_stm32.c @ydamigos @loicpoulain
drivers/i2c/i2c_ll_stm32* @ldts @ydamigos
drivers/wifi/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
drivers/wifi/eswifi @loicpoulain
dts/arm/st/ @erwango
dts/arm/nordic/ @ioannisg @carlescufi
ext/fs/ @nashif @ramakrishnapallala
ext/hal/cmsis/ @MaureenHelm @galak
ext/hal/nordic/ @carlescufi @anangl
ext/hal/nxp/ @MaureenHelm
ext/hal/qmsi/ @nashif
ext/hal/st/stm32cube/ @erwango
ext/lib/crypto/mbedtls/ @nashif
ext/lib/crypto/tinycrypt/ @ceolin
include/adc.h @anangl
include/arch/arc/ @vonhust @ruuddw
include/arch/arc/arch.h @andrewboie
include/arch/arc/v2/irq.h @andrewboie
include/arch/arm/ @MaureenHelm @galak
include/arch/arm/cortex_m/irq.h @andrewboie
include/arch/nios2/ @andrewboie
include/arch/nios2/arch.h @andrewboie
include/arch/posix/ @aescolar
include/arch/riscv32 @nategraff-sifive @kgugala @pgielda
include/arch/x86/ @andrewboie @ramakrishnapallala
include/arch/x86/arch.h @andrewboie
include/arch/xtensa/ @andrewboie
include/atomic.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/bluetooth/ @sjanc @jhedberg @Vudentz
include/cache.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/counter.h @anangl
include/device.h @ramakrishnapallala @nashif
include/display.h @vanwinkeljan
include/display/ @vanwinkeljan
include/drivers/bluetooth/ @sjanc @jhedberg @Vudentz
include/drivers/ioapic.h @andrewboie
include/drivers/loapic.h @andrewboie
include/drivers/mvic.h @andrewboie
include/fs.h @nashif @ramakrishnapallala
include/fs/ @nashif @ramakrishnapallala
include/init.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/irq.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/irq_offload.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/kernel.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/kernel_version.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/led.h @Mani-Sadhasivam
include/led_strip.h @mbolivar
include/linker/linker-defs.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/linker/linker-tool-gcc.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/linker/linker-tool.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/linker/section_tags.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/linker/sections.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/logging/ @nordic-krch
include/misc/ @andrewboie @andyross
include/net/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
include/net/buf.h @jukkar @jhedberg @tbursztyka @pfalcon
include/power.h @ramakrishnapallala @nashif
include/sensor.h @bogdan-davidoaia
include/shared_irq.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/shell/ @jarz-nordic @nordic-krch
include/spi.h @tbursztyka
include/sw_isr_table.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/sys_clock.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/sys_io.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/toolchain.h @andrewboie @andyross
include/toolchain/ @andrewboie @andyross
include/zephyr.h @andrewboie @andyross
kernel/ @andrewboie @andyross
lib/gui/ @vanwinkeljan
lib/posix/ @ramakrishnapallala @nniranjhana
kernel/device.c @ramakrishnapallala @nashif
kernel/idle.c @ramakrishnapallala @nashif
samples/bluetooth/ @sjanc @jhedberg @Vudentz
samples/boards/quark_se_c1000/power*/ @ramakrishnapallala @nashif
samples/display/ @vanwinkeljan
samples/gui/ @vanwinkeljan
samples/net/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
samples/net/dns_resolve/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
samples/net/http_server/ @jukkar @tbursztyka
samples/net/lwm2m_client/ @mike-scott
samples/net/mbedtls_sslclient/ @jukkar
samples/net/mqtt_publisher/ @jukkar @tbursztyka
samples/net/coap_client/ @rveerama1
samples/net/coap_server/ @rveerama1
samples/net/sockets/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
samples/sensor/ @bogdan-davidoaia
samples/subsys/usb @jfischer-phytec-iot @finikorg
scripts/coccicheck @himanshujha199640 @JuliaLawall
scripts/coccinelle/ @himanshujha199640 @JuliaLawall
scripts/elf_helper.py @andrewboie
scripts/expr_parser.py @andrewboie @nashif
scripts/gen_app_partitions.py @andrewboie
scripts/gen_gdt.py @andrewboie
scripts/gen_idt.py @andrewboie
scripts/gen_kobject_list.py @andrewboie
scripts/gen_mmu_x86.py @andrewboie
scripts/gen_priv_stacks.py @agross-linaro
scripts/gen_syscall_header.py @andrewboie
scripts/gen_syscalls.py @andrewboie
scripts/process_gperf.py @andrewboie
scripts/sanity_chk/ @andrewboie @nashif
scripts/sanitycheck @andrewboie @nashif
scripts/support/runner/ @mbolivar
subsys/bluetooth/ @sjanc @jhedberg @Vudentz
subsys/bluetooth/controller/ @carlescufi @cvinayak
subsys/fs/ @nashif
subsys/logging/ @nordic-krch
subsys/net/buf.c @jukkar @jhedberg @tbursztyka @pfalcon
subsys/net/ip/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
subsys/net/lib/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
subsys/net/lib/dns/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
subsys/net/lib/http/ @jukkar @tbursztyka
subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/ @mike-scott
subsys/net/lib/mqtt/ @jukkar @tbursztyka
subsys/net/lib/coap/ @rveerama1
subsys/net/lib/sockets/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
subsys/shell/ @jarz-nordic @nordic-krch
subsys/*/*native_posix*/ @aescolar
subsys/usb/ @jfischer-phytec-iot @finikorg
tests/boards/native_posix/ @aescolar
tests/bluetooth/ @sjanc @jhedberg @Vudentz
tests/posix/ @nniranjhana
tests/crypto/ @ceolin
tests/crypto/mbedtls/ @nashif @ceolin
tests/drivers/spi/ @tbursztyka
tests/kernel/ @andrewboie @andyross @spoorthik @nniranjhana
tests/net/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
tests/net/buf/ @jukkar @jhedberg @tbursztyka @pfalcon
tests/net/lib/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
tests/net/lib/http_header_fields/ @jukkar @tbursztyka
tests/net/lib/mqtt_packet/ @jukkar @tbursztyka
tests/net/lib/coap/ @rveerama1
tests/net/socket/ @jukkar @tbursztyka @pfalcon
tests/subsys/fs/ @nashif @ramakrishnapallala
# Get all docs reviewed
*.rst @dbkinder