Lukasz Mrugala 3fb11e260a scripts: tests: Blackbox test expansion - addon
Adds tests related to the addon flags:
*     --enable-ubsan
*     --enable-lsan
*     --enable-asan
*     --enable-valgrind
*     --allow-installed-plugin
*     --pytest-args
* -x, --extra-args
* extra test args for the binary

Signed-off-by: Lukasz Mrugala <lukaszx.mrugala@intel.com>
2024-03-26 18:08:31 -05:00

340 lines
14 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Blackbox tests for twister's command line functions concerning addons to normal functions
import importlib
import mock
import os
import pkg_resources
import pytest
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from conftest import ZEPHYR_BASE, TEST_DATA, sample_filename_mock, testsuite_filename_mock
from twisterlib.testplan import TestPlan
class TestAddon:
def setup_class(cls):
apath = os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, 'scripts', 'twister')
cls.loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('__main__', apath)
cls.spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(cls.loader.name, cls.loader)
cls.twister_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(cls.spec)
def teardown_class(cls):
'ubsan_flags, expected_exit_value',
# No sanitiser, no problem
([], '0'),
# Sanitiser catches a mistake, error is raised
(['--enable-ubsan'], '1')
ids=['no sanitiser', 'ubsan']
@mock.patch.object(TestPlan, 'TESTSUITE_FILENAME', testsuite_filename_mock)
def test_enable_ubsan(self, out_path, ubsan_flags, expected_exit_value):
test_platforms = ['native_sim']
test_path = os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'tests', 'san', 'ubsan')
args = ['-i', '--outdir', out_path, '-T', test_path] + \
ubsan_flags + \
[] + \
[val for pair in zip(
['-p'] * len(test_platforms), test_platforms
) for val in pair]
with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', [sys.argv[0]] + args), \
pytest.raises(SystemExit) as sys_exit:
assert str(sys_exit.value) == expected_exit_value
'lsan_flags, expected_exit_value',
# No sanitiser, no problem
([], '0'),
# Sanitiser catches a mistake, error is raised
(['--enable-asan', '--enable-lsan'], '1')
ids=['no sanitiser', 'lsan']
@mock.patch.object(TestPlan, 'TESTSUITE_FILENAME', testsuite_filename_mock)
def test_enable_lsan(self, out_path, lsan_flags, expected_exit_value):
test_platforms = ['native_sim']
test_path = os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'tests', 'san', 'lsan')
args = ['-i', '--outdir', out_path, '-T', test_path] + \
lsan_flags + \
[] + \
[val for pair in zip(
['-p'] * len(test_platforms), test_platforms
) for val in pair]
with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', [sys.argv[0]] + args), \
pytest.raises(SystemExit) as sys_exit:
assert str(sys_exit.value) == expected_exit_value
'asan_flags, expected_exit_value, expect_asan',
# No sanitiser, no problem
# Note that on some runs it may fail,
# as the process is killed instead of ending normally.
# This is not 100% repeatable, so this test is removed for now.
# ([], '0', False),
# Sanitiser catches a mistake, error is raised
(['--enable-asan'], '1', True)
#'no sanitiser',
@mock.patch.object(TestPlan, 'TESTSUITE_FILENAME', testsuite_filename_mock)
def test_enable_asan(self, capfd, out_path, asan_flags, expected_exit_value, expect_asan):
test_platforms = ['native_sim']
test_path = os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'tests', 'san', 'asan')
args = ['-i', '--outdir', out_path, '-T', test_path] + \
asan_flags + \
[] + \
[val for pair in zip(
['-p'] * len(test_platforms), test_platforms
) for val in pair]
with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', [sys.argv[0]] + args), \
pytest.raises(SystemExit) as sys_exit:
assert str(sys_exit.value) == expected_exit_value
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
asan_template = r'^==\d+==ERROR:\s+AddressSanitizer:'
assert expect_asan == bool(re.search(asan_template, err, re.MULTILINE))
@mock.patch.object(TestPlan, 'TESTSUITE_FILENAME', testsuite_filename_mock)
def test_extra_test_args(self, capfd, out_path):
test_platforms = ['native_sim']
test_path = os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'tests', 'params', 'dummy')
args = ['-i', '--outdir', out_path, '-T', test_path] + \
[] + \
['-vvv'] + \
[val for pair in zip(
['-p'] * len(test_platforms), test_platforms
) for val in pair] + \
['--', '-list']
with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', [sys.argv[0]] + args), \
pytest.raises(SystemExit) as sys_exit:
# Use of -list makes tests not run.
# Thus, the tests 'failed'.
assert str(sys_exit.value) == '1'
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
expected_test_names = [
assert all([testname in err for testname in expected_test_names])
@mock.patch.object(TestPlan, 'TESTSUITE_FILENAME', testsuite_filename_mock)
def test_extra_args(self, caplog, out_path):
test_platforms = ['qemu_x86', 'frdm_k64f']
path = os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'tests', 'dummy', 'agnostic', 'group2')
args = ['--outdir', out_path, '-T', path] + \
['--extra-args', 'USE_CCACHE=0', '--extra-args', 'DUMMY=1'] + \
[] + \
[val for pair in zip(
['-p'] * len(test_platforms), test_platforms
) for val in pair]
with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', [sys.argv[0]] + args), \
pytest.raises(SystemExit) as sys_exit:
assert str(sys_exit.value) == '0'
with open(os.path.join(out_path, 'twister.log')) as f:
twister_log = f.read()
pattern_cache = r'Calling cmake: [^\n]+ -DUSE_CCACHE=0 [^\n]+\n'
pattern_dummy = r'Calling cmake: [^\n]+ -DDUMMY=1 [^\n]+\n'
assert ' -DUSE_CCACHE=0 ' in twister_log
res = re.search(pattern_cache, twister_log)
assert res
assert ' -DDUMMY=1 ' in twister_log
res = re.search(pattern_dummy, twister_log)
assert res
# This test is not side-effect free.
# It installs and uninstalls pytest-twister-harness using pip
# It uses pip to check whether that plugin is previously installed
# and reinstalls it if detected at the start of its run.
# However, it does NOT restore the original plugin, ONLY reinstalls it.
'allow_flags, do_install, expected_exit_value, expected_logs',
([], True, '1', ['By default Twister should work without pytest-twister-harness'
' plugin being installed, so please, uninstall it by'
' `pip uninstall pytest-twister-harness` and'
' `git clean -dxf scripts/pylib/pytest-twister-harness`.']),
(['--allow-installed-plugin'], True, '0', ['You work with installed version'
' of pytest-twister-harness plugin.']),
([], False, '0', []),
(['--allow-installed-plugin'], False, '0', []),
ids=['installed, but not allowed', 'installed, allowed',
'not installed, not allowed', 'not installed, but allowed']
@mock.patch.object(TestPlan, 'SAMPLE_FILENAME', sample_filename_mock)
def test_allow_installed_plugin(self, caplog, out_path, allow_flags, do_install,
expected_exit_value, expected_logs):
environment_twister_module = importlib.import_module('twisterlib.environment')
harness_twister_module = importlib.import_module('twisterlib.harness')
runner_twister_module = importlib.import_module('twisterlib.runner')
pth_path = os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, 'scripts', 'pylib', 'pytest-twister-harness')
check_installed_command = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'list']
install_command = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--no-input', pth_path]
uninstall_command = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'uninstall', '--yes',
def big_uninstall():
pth_path = os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, 'scripts', 'pylib', 'pytest-twister-harness')
subprocess.run(uninstall_command, check=True,)
# For our registration to work, we have to delete the installation cache
additional_cache_paths = [
# Plugin cache
os.path.join(pth_path, 'src', 'pytest_twister_harness.egg-info'),
# Additional caches
os.path.join(pth_path, 'src', 'pytest_twister_harness', '__pycache__'),
os.path.join(pth_path, 'src', 'pytest_twister_harness', 'device', '__pycache__'),
os.path.join(pth_path, 'src', 'pytest_twister_harness', 'helpers', '__pycache__'),
os.path.join(pth_path, 'src', 'pytest_twister_harness', 'build'),
for additional_cache_path in additional_cache_paths:
if os.path.exists(additional_cache_path):
if os.path.isfile(additional_cache_path):
# To refresh the PYTEST_PLUGIN_INSTALLED global variable
def refresh_plugin_installed_variable():
check_installed_result = subprocess.run(check_installed_command, check=True,
capture_output=True, text=True)
previously_installed = 'pytest-twister-harness' in check_installed_result.stdout
# To ensure consistent test start
if do_install:
subprocess.run(install_command, check=True)
# Refresh before the test, no matter the testcase
test_platforms = ['native_sim']
test_path = os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'samples', 'pytest', 'shell')
args = ['-i', '--outdir', out_path, '-T', test_path] + \
allow_flags + \
[] + \
[val for pair in zip(
['-p'] * len(test_platforms), test_platforms
) for val in pair]
with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', [sys.argv[0]] + args), \
pytest.raises(SystemExit) as sys_exit:
# To ensure consistent test exit, prevent dehermetisation
if do_install:
# To restore previously-installed plugin as well as we can
if previously_installed:
subprocess.run(install_command, check=True)
if previously_installed or do_install:
assert str(sys_exit.value) == expected_exit_value
assert all([log in caplog.text for log in expected_logs])
@mock.patch.object(TestPlan, 'TESTSUITE_FILENAME', testsuite_filename_mock)
def test_pytest_args(self, out_path):
test_platforms = ['native_sim']
test_path = os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'tests', 'pytest')
args = ['-i', '--outdir', out_path, '-T', test_path] + \
['--pytest-args=--custom-pytest-arg', '--pytest-args=foo',
'--pytest-args=--cmdopt', '--pytest-args=.'] + \
[] + \
[val for pair in zip(
['-p'] * len(test_platforms), test_platforms
) for val in pair]
with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', [sys.argv[0]] + args), \
pytest.raises(SystemExit) as sys_exit:
# YAML was modified so that the test will fail without command line override.
assert str(sys_exit.value) == '0'
'valgrind_flags, expected_exit_value',
# No sanitiser, leak is ignored
([], '0'),
# Sanitiser catches a mistake, error is raised
(['--enable-valgrind'], '1')
ids=['no valgrind', 'valgrind']
@mock.patch.object(TestPlan, 'TESTSUITE_FILENAME', testsuite_filename_mock)
def test_enable_valgrind(self, capfd, out_path, valgrind_flags, expected_exit_value):
test_platforms = ['native_sim']
test_path = os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'tests', 'san', 'val')
args = ['-i', '--outdir', out_path, '-T', test_path] + \
valgrind_flags + \
[] + \
[val for pair in zip(
['-p'] * len(test_platforms), test_platforms
) for val in pair]
with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', [sys.argv[0]] + args), \
pytest.raises(SystemExit) as sys_exit:
assert str(sys_exit.value) == expected_exit_value