Piotr Zięcik 7d56fc35fd dts: Add information about CPU frequency to the cpu nodes
This commit adds 'clock-frequency' property to the cpu nodes.
The clock frequency specified in the added property is used
during platform configuration. Examples:

- The SWO logger uses clock frequency to configure SWO output.
- Plenty of platforms need CPU clock specified for their HAL.
- Most of devices with USB needs information about CPU clock
  in order to configure USB clock source.

Signed-off-by: Piotr Zięcik <piotr.ziecik@nordicsemi.no>
2019-07-17 21:53:36 +02:00

35 lines
492 B

* Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "skeleton.dtsi"
/ {
cpus {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
cpu0: cpu@0 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "sample_controller";
reg = <0>;
sram0: memory@60000000 {
device_type = "memory";
compatible = "mmio-sram";
reg = <0x60000000 0x4000000>;
soc {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "simple-bus";