Cleanup of script and change how we assign PR in general: Make sure that when multiple areas are changed, including platform or driver changes, we set assignee of the general areas and not the platform maintainers. For example, if I change 100 SoC files and touch the kernel file, the assignee is set to the kernel maintainer. First, we should as much possible try and split such changes and not have common area changes with platform changes at the same time. Second, it is important that such changes which affect everyone are reviewed and approved by the maintainer of the general areas rather than leave them to the platform maintainer. Signed-off-by: Anas Nashif <anas.nashif@intel.com>
363 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
363 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2022 Intel Corp.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import argparse
import sys
import os
import time
import datetime
from github import Github, GithubException
from github.GithubException import UnknownObjectException
from collections import defaultdict
from west.manifest import Manifest
from west.manifest import ManifestProject
TOP_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(TOP_DIR, "scripts"))
from get_maintainer import Maintainers
def log(s):
if args.verbose > 0:
print(s, file=sys.stdout)
def parse_args():
global args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, allow_abbrev=False)
parser.add_argument("-M", "--maintainer-file", required=False, default="MAINTAINERS.yml",
help="Maintainer file to be used.")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument("-P", "--pull_request", required=False, default=None, type=int,
help="Operate on one pull-request only.")
group.add_argument("-I", "--issue", required=False, default=None, type=int,
help="Operate on one issue only.")
group.add_argument("-s", "--since", required=False,
help="Process pull-requests since date.")
group.add_argument("-m", "--modules", action="store_true",
help="Process pull-requests from modules.")
parser.add_argument("-y", "--dry-run", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Dry run only.")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--org", default="zephyrproject-rtos",
help="Github organisation")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--repo", default="zephyr",
help="Github repository")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0,
help="Verbose Output")
args = parser.parse_args()
def process_pr(gh, maintainer_file, number):
gh_repo = gh.get_repo(f"{args.org}/{args.repo}")
pr = gh_repo.get_pull(number)
log(f"working on https://github.com/{args.org}/{args.repo}/pull/{pr.number} : {pr.title}")
labels = set()
area_counter = defaultdict(int)
found_maintainers = defaultdict(int)
num_files = 0
all_areas = set()
fn = list(pr.get_files())
# one liner PRs should be trivial
if pr.commits == 1 and (pr.additions <= 1 and pr.deletions <= 1):
labels = {'trivial'}
if len(fn) > 500:
log(f"Too many files changed ({len(fn)}), skipping....")
for changed_file in fn:
num_files += 1
log(f"file: {changed_file.filename}")
areas = maintainer_file.path2areas(changed_file.filename)
if not areas:
is_instance = False
sorted_areas = sorted(areas, key=lambda x: 'Platform' in x.name, reverse=True)
for area in sorted_areas:
c = 1 if not is_instance else 0
area_counter[area] += c
# FIXME: Here we count the same file multiple times if it exists in
# multiple areas with same maintainer
for area_maintainer in area.maintainers:
found_maintainers[area_maintainer] += c
if 'Platform' in area.name:
is_instance = True
area_counter = dict(sorted(area_counter.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))
log(f"Area matches: {area_counter}")
log(f"labels: {labels}")
# Create a list of collaborators ordered by the area match
collab = list()
for area in area_counter:
collab += maintainer_file.areas[area.name].maintainers
collab += maintainer_file.areas[area.name].collaborators
collab = list(dict.fromkeys(collab))
log(f"collab: {collab}")
_all_maintainers = dict(sorted(found_maintainers.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))
log(f"Submitted by: {pr.user.login}")
log(f"candidate maintainers: {_all_maintainers}")
maintainers = list(_all_maintainers.keys())
assignee = None
# we start with areas with most files changed and pick the maintainer from the first one.
# if the first area is an implementation, i.e. driver or platform, we
# continue searching for any other areas
for area, count in area_counter.items():
if count == 0:
if len(area.maintainers) > 0:
assignee = area.maintainers[0]
if 'Platform' not in area.name:
# if the submitter is the same as the maintainer, check if we have
# multiple maintainers
if len(maintainers) > 1 and pr.user.login == assignee:
log("Submitter is same as Assignee, trying to find another assignee...")
aff = list(area_counter.keys())[0]
for area in all_areas:
if area.name == aff:
if len(area.maintainers) > 1:
assignee = area.maintainers[1]
log(f"This area has only one maintainer, keeping assignee as {assignee}")
if assignee:
prop = (found_maintainers[assignee] / num_files) * 100
log(f"Picked assignee: {assignee} ({prop:.2f}% ownership)")
# Set labels
if labels:
if len(labels) < 10:
for l in labels:
log(f"adding label {l}...")
if not args.dry_run:
log(f"Too many labels to be applied")
if collab:
reviewers = []
existing_reviewers = set()
revs = pr.get_reviews()
for review in revs:
rl = pr.get_review_requests()
page = 0
for r in rl:
existing_reviewers |= set(r.get_page(page))
page += 1
for c in collab:
u = gh.get_user(c)
if pr.user != u and gh_repo.has_in_collaborators(u):
if u not in existing_reviewers:
except UnknownObjectException as e:
log(f"Can't get user '{c}', account does not exist anymore? ({e})")
if len(existing_reviewers) < 15:
reviewer_vacancy = 15 - len(existing_reviewers)
reviewers = reviewers[:reviewer_vacancy]
if reviewers:
log(f"adding reviewers {reviewers}...")
if not args.dry_run:
except GithubException:
log("cant add reviewer")
log("not adding reviewers because the existing reviewer count is greater than or "
"equal to 15")
ms = []
# assignees
if assignee and not pr.assignee:
u = gh.get_user(assignee)
except GithubException:
log(f"Error: Unknown user")
for mm in ms:
log(f"Adding assignee {mm}...")
if not args.dry_run:
log("not setting assignee")
def process_issue(gh, maintainer_file, number):
gh_repo = gh.get_repo(f"{args.org}/{args.repo}")
issue = gh_repo.get_issue(number)
log(f"Working on {issue.url}: {issue.title}")
if issue.assignees:
print(f"Already assigned {issue.assignees}, bailing out")
label_to_maintainer = defaultdict(set)
for _, area in maintainer_file.areas.items():
if not area.labels:
labels = set()
for label in area.labels:
labels = tuple(sorted(labels))
for maintainer in area.maintainers:
# Add extra entries for areas with multiple labels so they match with just
# one label if it's specific enough.
for areas, maintainers in dict(label_to_maintainer).items():
for area in areas:
if tuple([area]) not in label_to_maintainer:
label_to_maintainer[tuple([area])] = maintainers
issue_labels = set()
for label in issue.labels:
label_name = label.name.lower()
if tuple([label_name]) not in label_to_maintainer:
print(f"Ignoring label: {label}")
issue_labels = tuple(sorted(issue_labels))
print(f"Using labels: {issue_labels}")
if issue_labels not in label_to_maintainer:
print(f"no match for the label set, not assigning")
for maintainer in label_to_maintainer[issue_labels]:
log(f"Adding {maintainer} to {issue.html_url}")
if not args.dry_run:
def process_modules(gh, maintainers_file):
manifest = Manifest.from_file()
repos = {}
for project in manifest.get_projects([]):
if not manifest.is_active(project):
if isinstance(project, ManifestProject):
area = f"West project: {project.name}"
if area not in maintainers_file.areas:
log(f"No area for: {area}")
maintainers = maintainers_file.areas[area].maintainers
if not maintainers:
log(f"No maintainers for: {area}")
collaborators = maintainers_file.areas[area].collaborators
log(f"Found {area}, maintainers={maintainers}, collaborators={collaborators}")
repo_name = f"{args.org}/{project.name}"
repos[repo_name] = maintainers_file.areas[area]
query = f"is:open is:pr no:assignee"
for repo in repos:
query += f" repo:{repo}"
issues = gh.search_issues(query=query)
for issue in issues:
pull = issue.as_pull_request()
if pull.draft:
if pull.assignees:
log(f"ERROR: {pull.html_url} should have no assignees, found {pull.assignees}")
repo_name = f"{args.org}/{issue.repository.name}"
area = repos[repo_name]
for maintainer in area.maintainers:
log(f"Assigning {maintainer} to {pull.html_url}")
if not args.dry_run:
for collaborator in area.collaborators:
log(f"Adding {collaborator} to {pull.html_url}")
if not args.dry_run:
def main():
token = os.environ.get('GITHUB_TOKEN', None)
if not token:
sys.exit('Github token not set in environment, please set the '
'GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable and retry.')
gh = Github(token)
maintainer_file = Maintainers(args.maintainer_file)
if args.pull_request:
process_pr(gh, maintainer_file, args.pull_request)
elif args.issue:
process_issue(gh, maintainer_file, args.issue)
elif args.modules:
process_modules(gh, maintainer_file)
if args.since:
since = args.since
today = datetime.date.today()
since = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
common_prs = f'repo:{args.org}/{args.repo} is:open is:pr base:main -is:draft no:assignee created:>{since}'
pulls = gh.search_issues(query=f'{common_prs}')
for issue in pulls:
process_pr(gh, maintainer_file, issue.number)
if __name__ == "__main__":