Devices like the ATSAM series chips have retained registers which are used to store memory. The memory is accessed just like RAM, but since they are registers, their size and address is used directly. This commit adds a near complete copy of the generic retained ram driver and bindings file, adding the reg property to the bindings file, and updating the init macro in the driver to use the reg address and size. Signed-off-by: Bjarki Arge Andreasen <bjarki@arge-andreasen.me>
10 lines
473 B
10 lines
473 B
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
zephyr_library_sources_ifdef(CONFIG_USERSPACE retained_mem_handlers.c)
zephyr_library_sources_ifdef(CONFIG_RETAINED_MEM_NRF_GPREGRET retained_mem_nrf_gpregret.c)
zephyr_library_sources_ifdef(CONFIG_RETAINED_MEM_ZEPHYR_RAM retained_mem_zephyr_ram.c)
zephyr_library_sources_ifdef(CONFIG_RETAINED_MEM_ZEPHYR_REG retained_mem_zephyr_reg.c)